Reading Online Novel

Someone Like Her(35)

 “Rest easy. I won’t let anything happen to her. I’ve gone through your report, and the Tango’s mug shot’s imprinted on my brain. She’s got classes until four today, then we’re going to her apartment to see what can be salvaged.”

 He should be with her when she returned home. “Not much I’m afraid. The bastard did a thorough job of destroying her things. Do me a favor and keep in touch. If something goes down, I’m coming back whether the boss approves or not.”

 “No problem. By the way, what’s with that cat of hers?”

 “Whatcha mean?”

 “He growls at me. Won’t let me near him. It’s weird because I like cats and usually they like me.”

 Jake developed a sudden fondness for the fat fur ball. “He’s my bud. You can’t have him.”

 “Got it. Hands off the girl and her cat.”

 “Damn straight.” He clicked off. Just as he entered his condo his phone buzzed, and he glanced at the ID.

 “Yo, boss.”

 “You home?”

 “Walking in my door as we speak.”

 “Good. I’m working from home. Don’t want to leave Dani. Be at my house in thirty.” As usual, he hung up without saying good-bye.

 Some time to get his act together before facing Kincaid would have been welcomed. Jake tossed his tote on the bed, shaved, changed clothes, and was out the door in twenty. He pulled into the Kincaids’ driveway two minutes early. Dani opened the door when he knocked.

 “Good God,” he said. “Are you having triplets?”

 “Actually, I think I’m having a cow. A full-grown one.” She pressed her swollen belly against his stomach and kissed his cheek. “How are you, Jake?”

 Now there was a loaded question. “I’ve been better, and I’ve been worse. If you could steal us some time, I’d love to have a private conversation.”

 “Consider it done.”

 Dani Kincaid was one of his best friends, a woman he could talk to and trust to keep their conversations private, even from her husband. She’d been married to Evan Prescott, the boss’s closest friend, when Jake first met her.

 After Prescott had been killed in Afghanistan on a mission, Kincaid had gone to their home in Asheville to protect Dani from a stalker and the two had fallen in love. She’d softened her husband’s hard edges, but the edges were still there, and Jake didn’t doubt he was about to be on the receiving end.

 He followed her through the kitchen out to the deck where Kincaid sat drinking coffee, his computer open in front of him. The day was cloudless, the Gulf barely making a whisper as the waves lapped the shore. Jake had always loved Kincaid’s house, and idly wondered if there were any like it for sale in the area. Not that he could afford a place this grand, but Maria . . . Damn, what the hell was wrong with his brain? Slamming the door on thoughts of her, he put on his game face, a wise thing to do before an encounter with the boss.

 “Coffee, Jake?” Dani asked.

 “Would love some, but sit down. I’ll get it.” She was so big and ready to pop out their son that just walking back into the kitchen might trigger labor. He knew his way around and after filling his cup, returned to the deck and took a seat opposite Kincaid.

 The boss leaned over and soundly kissed his wife. “Now, get lost, sweetheart. Buchanan and I have some serious talking to do.”

 Dani glanced at Jake and winked. “I don’t think so. You’re angry with him right now, so I’m sticking around to make sure you don’t kill him.”

 If anyone else refused Kincaid’s orders, there would’ve been hell to pay. All he did in response to his wife’s disobedience was chuckle. Jake would love to know her secret. Especially now. He made a million-dollar wager with himself that he could guess the first words out of Kincaid’s mouth.

 Cold black eyes focused on him. “Anything go on between you and my sister you’d rather me not know about?”

 Bingo. It was the moment of truth, so he lied. A bit. “Not a thing and not because I’m not interested.”

 “She’s not for you, Romeo.”

 Christ, he hated that name. He’d once been proud of it—the proof of his manliness—back when he was stupid enough to think his conquests said something about who he was.

 Dani placed her hand on her husband’s arm. “Logan, that’s not for you to say. Maria’s a grown woman. If she wants Jake, that’s for her to decide.”