When he finished, he stood and came out from behind the drum kit. He chucked his drumsticks into the crowd. A mid-twenties girl in the audience grabbed them and screamed, holding them to her body like she’d just been given a million dollars. I know the feeling. I smiled as she swooned and screamed out, “I have a piece of Beau Anderson, everyone! I love you, Beau!”
He ducked his head, and I saw a hint of that little smile. Bex, Johnny, and Tanner waved to the crowd and did a quick bow, handing their equipment back to the roadies so they could break down the set.
“Thank you, everyone. It was a great night. Be sure to check out Jaded Regret’s new tour when the dates are posted next week!” Bex shouted, eliciting another round of screaming.
The band’s security ushered them from the room, and I hurried to follow them, knowing the guys I’d hired would take care of the rest. I had to talk to Beau.
“Let’s keep in touch,” Natalie said. “Give me your number and I’ll text you mine.”
I smiled, taking out my phone and rattling off my number. Once she texted me back, I entered her information. “I’m sad you guys are leaving already.”
“I know. It’s been a hectic few days, though, and right now we only make short trips with Bex’s family. We will head out on tour in a few months, though. I believe one of our stops is Orlando. I’ll get you backstage passes, and you can hang with us.”
My stomach flip-flopped. I had to attend that concert, if for no other reason than to see Beau do what he did best again. “That’s amazing, Natalie. Thank you. What will Bex do with her kids during the tour?” I glanced across the deck and found Johnny holding a sleeping infant boy while Bex sat with a little girl, blowing bubbles into the night sky. Beau sat next to Bex, making the little girl laugh by trying to grab her bubbles. Tanner was flirting with Camryn. Shocking.
“We’ll have two buses this time when we go out, plus the truck our roadies drive with a trailer to haul our equipment. Last time, before Bex was a mom of two, we all crammed on one bus. It was quite cozy. This time, she and her family will have their own to try and keep things as normal as possible for the kids. Well, as normal as they can be with rock stars as parents. She has a full-time nanny who will travel with them, but Bex will only use her when necessary. She hates the thought of anyone else raising her kids. Their bus is being customized right now. It’s epic, too. A two bedroom that’s better than my house.”
My eyes slid back over to Bex. “They look good on her.”
Natalie followed my gaze. “They do. They’re the best things to have happened to all of us. Watch Beau. I never see him like that, only when he’s with her kids. They make him young again, carefree.”
We watched him for a moment in silence. The little girl giggled, throwing herself into his lap. He wrapped his big arms around her slight frame, rubbing his beard on her neck. She squealed and screamed, her laughter making me all warm and fuzzy inside.
“He’d be a great dad,” I said.
Natalie sighed. “He would, but he won’t.”
“What do you mean, he won’t? Won’t what?”
“Nothing. Forget it. He’s just not ready to be in that place in life yet.” She grabbed my arm. “Come on. Let’s hang with them.” She dragged me closer to the band.
We were on the rooftop deck again, this time, it was only the band, Natalie, Camryn, and me. Bella and Jeremy had gone home after the meet and greet. The door was guarded by Jaded Regret security, which seemed necessary after several groupies tried to come up. I couldn’t imagine living this life. It had to be so hard to have no privacy.
Beau’s eyes lifted and met mine as we approached. The little girl scrambled off his lap and launched herself at Natalie. “Auntie Nat!” She was a gorgeous little girl with dark brown curls and large green eyes. Natalie picked her up and hugged her tight.
“Were you a good little girl while Mommy and Daddy were playing at the concert?”
She nodded. “Miss Lara said I could have cake for being such a good girl. Jaden was good, too. He only cried a little. Auntie Nat, who’s that?”
Natalie turned to face me. “Lennox, this is Miss April. April, this is Lennox Gibbons.”
“Age three,” she said with the maturity of a much older child. “My mommy is Bexley Bryant-Gibbons, and my daddy is Johnny Gibbons. They are the stars of Jaded Regret, and they are kinda famous, but to me, they’re just Mom and Dad.”
Natalie and I both laughed. “Well, thank you, Miss Lennox. It’s very nice to meet you.”
Lennox turned and pointed. “See him? That’s my baby brother Jaden. I have to teach him everything. I help Miss Lara take care of him when Mommy and Daddy are working. Do you know Jaden is named after Jaded Regret, and I’m named after a famous musician?” Her little voice sounding so grown up made me stifle my laughter. I somehow thought she wouldn’t find it funny for me to laugh at her seriousness. Three years old going on forty.