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Smiley (New Species #13)(52)

By:Laurann Dohner

“With your friend Beth and my friends. We need to find a minister.”
“Exactly. Stress free and it’s going to be about us.”
“It’s always going to be about us.” He released her and lifted off, separating their bodies.
“Where are you going?”
“To remove these boots and pants.” He got to his feet but then collapsed onto the floor.
Vanni sat up and laughed, watching him tear off his boots. He just tossed them toward the closet and shoved his pants all the way off once his feet were bare. He rose to his knees and braced his hands on the end of the bed.
“I have some calls to make. Don’t move. Stay in that bed.”
“You’re going to arrange it right now?”
“Yes.” Smiley rushed out of the room. “I’m not going to give you time to second-guess us again. We are going to seal our bond in your world and mine.”
Vanni chuckled, the sight of his muscular bare ass the last thing she saw before he disappeared down the hall. Human guys usually dragged their feet about making serious commitments but Smiley didn’t have that problem. He’d said sex wasn’t the only thing they had and she believed him. He was still sporting a hard-on but was making calls instead of staying in bed with her.
Chapter Twenty

Smiley returned to the bedroom ten minutes later and grinned at the sight of Vanni sitting on the bed waiting for him. “It’s arranged. We can do it as soon as tomorrow evening.” 
Her eyes widened and he froze in his tracks, hoping she wouldn’t change her mind. Humans were so different and unpredictable. “Is that okay?”
“That is fast. I have to contact Beth. I really want her there.”
“Contact her first thing in the morning. We can have her picked up and flown to Reservation. There’s something we need to do first once we reach Reservation though.” He took a seat on the side of the bed and reached out, taking her hand. “I planned to tell you this when I got home but seeing how happy you looked when I came in the door distracted me. I don’t want to dampen your mood but there’s something we must discuss. It’s serious.”
“More so than getting married?”
“No, but it is important.”
She inched closer and gripped his hand tightly. “Okay. Just tell me.”
“Gregory Woods attempted to flee the country with his son and security team.”
She said nothing. He wished she’d express her feelings but the silence lengthened. She stared at him, appearing a little stunned. He tried to think of her concerns.
“He didn’t get away. You’re safe, Vanni. He won’t be able to hurt you or your family. He won’t have access to a phone and that means he can’t order anyone who works for him to do anything in retaliation. We had a task force member pose as his pilot for the private plane he hired. They boarded and were flown directly to where the NSO took them into custody. They are being held at Reservation. We’re going to go there tomorrow at noon. I would like to have words with a few of them. You may view them through a wall of glass, if you wish. I’d prefer you didn’t have any direct contact with them.” He might kill anyone who threatened Vanni again. “But it’s your choice. I know sometimes it helps to be able to confront your fears or in this case, the males who caused you such distress.”
“You said his son. Carl tried to leave with him?”
“Does that upset you?” It angered Smiley that she asked about her ex-fiancé. “He put you in a lot of danger, Vanni.”
“It’s not that. I’m just surprised he was willing to leave his practice and his house behind. I can’t see him giving up his lifestyle for his dad. He kept telling me they weren’t close. I guess that was a lie.”
“He had financial problems. He was about to lose everything he owned.”
“I didn’t know.” She frowned. “I guess that makes sense now why he was so pushy about going to the hotel with his father. He said it was to earn money for the wedding but maybe it was to get him out of debt.”
“Either way, he’s been arrested by the NSO. Does that upset you?”
She chewed on her bottom lip. “He just walked out and left me with Bruce and his father. He had to know what they were planning. He wasn’t even surprised about the drugging. He was angrier that I’d gone into the bar instead of returning to my room the way he’d told me to do. He’s not a nice person.”
It was a relief to Smiley. “That’s right. He’s not. There’s more.”
She shifted on the bed and he was pleasantly surprised when she curled into him, resting her face against his chest. He released her hand and pulled her closer. It felt right having her in his arms and that she seemed to understand his need to touch her as often as possible. He played with her hair.
“What else?”
The information had infuriated him when he’d been told what the investigation had revealed. “Did you agree to let Carl purchase a life insurance policy on you?”
“Sure. We discussed it when we got engaged. He wanted us both protected in case something happened to one of us. We were going to do it after the wedding.”“He bought a policy two months ago and insured you for a million dollars, Vanni.”
She tensed in his arms and her chin lifted. “He said it would be about a hundred grand on each of us. Just enough to cover the costs of a funeral and pay off what he said he still owed on his house so I wouldn’t be left in debt.”
“He only got a policy on you. There wasn’t one for him. I feel he may have planned to harm you once you were married.”
She paled and her fingers curled around his forearm. He brushed a kiss on her forehead. “You’re safe now. I just don’t want you to feel bad for him, Vanni. He’s not a decent human. He deserves to be locked up.”
“Beth always said he was a snake. I guess now I know why he didn’t care if his father ended up hurting or killing me. It would have saved him the trouble of getting rid of me himself. Why didn’t I see it?”
“Humans can be deceiving. You are the type to want to see good in people. That’s not a flaw. It’s a good trait.”
“I’m an idiot.”
“No.” He leaned in and stared into her eyes. “You’re sweet and I don’t want that to change about you. He fooled you. That’s his shame, not yours.”
“He’s really an ass.”
“Exactly. I don’t want you to forget that. He doesn’t deserve your sympathy or compassion. I’m going to ask him about it tomorrow. I’ll get the truth.”
She nodded. “Are you going to hit him?”
He was torn on how to answer. When he’d heard about that life insurance policy and Tim’s assumption that Carl planned to kill Vanni for profit it had made him see red—Carl’s blood, to be exact. She might not appreciate him beating on a male she’d once cared about though.
“It would be okay.” She caressed his arm. “I even want to hit him.”
He grinned. “You’re my female. I’m certain I’ll lose my temper and punch him a few times. You can watch, if you wish.”
She shook her head. “I’ll pass. Just don’t get arrested for assault and I’m fine with whatever you want to do to him. As you said, I won’t feel bad for him.”
She wasn’t into violence. He appreciated that about her. Vanni had a gentle, tender soul. It was one of the things he loved about her. She also seemed to accept him just as he was.
“They captured Bruce as well.” He tried to keep the anger out of his voice but that was a male he wanted to harm. “He will pay for the threats he made and for Tasering you.”
She shivered at just the mention of the male. “I’m glad he’s off the streets. I think he could potentially turn into a serial killer or something equally as bad, if he’s not already. I’ll sleep better at night knowing he can’t hurt anyone.” 
Her words brought a gruff rumble from deep within his chest. Vanni’s eyes widened but she didn’t pull away.
“That’s my pissed-off-I’m-going-to-hurt-him noise,” he explained. “It’s not directed at you.”
“I know. That sound is kind of sexy.”
That surprised him. “You think so?”
“Yes. I like how protective you are. You’re totally going to kick his ass, aren’t you?”
“I am.”
She released his arm and flattened her palm on his chest, exploring it. He tightened his abs and lowered his gaze, watching her. His dick hardened further when she gently pushed against him. He leaned back, giving her access. Her chin rose and a slight blush tinged her cheeks.
“Is it okay to touch you?”
“Anywhere, anytime,” he rasped. “I encourage it.” The phone rang and Smiley muffled a groan. “I have to get that.”
He regretted pulling away from her to reach across the bed. He just wanted to make love to his Vanni. His frustration sounded in his voice. “What?”
“Is this a bad time?” Jericho asked. “Were you sharing sex?”
“We were about to.”
“Don’t answer the phone when you’re naked, Smiley. Here’s a tip. You can always return calls later when you’re done bonding with your mate.”