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Smiley (New Species #13)(51)

By:Laurann Dohner

Vanni closed her eyes and moaned. She used one arm to pillow her head and reached down, wanting to touch him, finding bare skin at the side of his hip. His hand slid along her belly and he pressed his thumb against her clit, moving it in rhythm with his hips.
“Oh god.”
“That’s it, babe. Let me make you feel as good as you do me. I love being inside you, touching you, looking at you.”
She forced her eyes open to stare up at him. She could understand why he wanted to watch her during sex. Smiley looked fierce in the heat of the moment—mouth slightly open, fangs showing. His gaze was fixed on her and his cheeks were flushed. He bit his lower lip as he picked up the pace, fucking her faster. The friction from his large cock caused pleasure to course through her with every thrust into her body.
“You’re so damn beautiful.” His voice deepened. “I could come just looking at you.”
She gripped his hip where she could touch his skin, trying to avoid getting him with her nails. The tension in the arm holding her thighs eased a little and he shifted his chest, spreading her legs farther to give him better access to her pussy. She looked down, a little embarrassed at the way her breasts jiggled. Smiley rumbled and she glanced up, noting that he was staring at them too.
“Beautiful,” he murmured, fucking her even faster. “Come for me, my Vanni.”
She closed her eyes, concentrating on what he was doing to her body. Her vaginal muscles clenched in eagerness and then she was crying out his name. Ecstasy robbed her of words quickly though.
She was barely aware of him pulling his thumb away from her clit but she did open her eyes when he released her thighs so they were no longer pinned to his chest. He bent them upward, spread them wider and leaned over her. She thought he was going to kiss her but he latched on to one of her nipples instead. He groaned loudly and his cock pulsed inside her. She liked the way she could tell when he came. The warmth of his semen seeped into her as his hips stilled.Vanni wrapped an arm around his shoulder and played with his hair. Her other hand opened up on his back, exploring the wide expanse of it. He was hot, a little sweaty, but she didn’t care. His weight pinned her to the hard surface of the countertop but she liked it. They felt connected at that moment.
He released her nipple and licked the tip. She shivered a little under him, a bit sensitive. He ran his tongue over the curve of her breast to her chest and then to her neck.
“I love the way you taste.”
“I love the way you feel.”
“Do you want me to move?”
“No. I like you right here, like this.”
“Me too.” He nuzzled her neck, breathing softly against her skin. “But I’m being a bad mate. I bet that counter isn’t too comfortable.”
He said mate. Her heart melted a little. “I don’t care.” She wrapped her legs around his hips to keep him in place.
“Hold tight.”
She hesitated before releasing his hair and locking both arms around his neck. He wiggled his fingers next to her side and she giggled, arching away from them. He slid his hand between her back and the counter. His strength never ceased to amaze her when he lifted her. She gasped, locking her legs tighter around him.
“I could walk.”
He grinned and hooked his arm under her ass. He was still inside her. “You could but this is going to be more fun.” He took a small step and his dick moved inside her. It also rubbed her swollen clit against his lower belly.
Vanni gasped. “Sensitive.”
“I just hope I don’t trip over my pants. That would be bad.”
She recovered and laughed. “Just put me down.”
He shook his head, taking another step. “I’ll twist if I fall so you land on top of me. This is a skill I want to learn.”
“Walking with your pants around your ankles or having me fall on top of you if we go down?” She laughed again.
“Walking, for sure. Think of all the times I could come home from work and nail you in the kitchen then continue it down the hallway until we reach our bed. Tell me that doesn’t sound appealing.”
“It does.” She suddenly had images of waiting by the door for him in sexy lingerie—a concept that appealed to her.
He took another step, then another, until they reached the hallway. He suddenly pressed her ass against the cool wall and started to move inside her in shallow thrusts. Vanni closed her eyes and moaned, loving the sensation his cock created.
“See?” His voice deepened and his lips brushed hers. “Still sensitive?”
“I’ll survive.”
He chuckled and pulled her away from the wall when he took a step back. “We’ll wait until we reach the bed.” 
She tightened her hold on him and opened her eyes. “That was mean.”
“I plan to follow through. I just don’t want to really fall. I’m not risking you getting hurt, Vanni. My pants are hooked on my boots.”
She twisted enough to look down. She couldn’t see his feet for all the material covering them. He walked in small steps, his ankles hobbled. He stumbled a little but recovered. She giggled, amused.
“That’s me, babe.”
She lifted her chin and stared into his eyes, seeing the amused look in them. “I love that you have a sense of humor.”
They entered the bedroom and she gasped when he suddenly turned, hurling them both toward the bed. They hit with a bounce. The soft mattress cushioned their fall and he rolled, pinning her flat under him.
“That’s good. I like to laugh and I have the best time with you, my Vanni.”
She liked him calling her that. “I have the best time with you too, my Smiley.”
His grin faded and a serious expression wiped out all traces of humor. Vanni sobered too.
“Did I say something wrong?”
“You called me yours.”
“Don’t be. I am yours. You’re mine. We’re getting married. I already consider you my mate. Is that okay with you?” He reached up and caressed her cheek. “Don’t break my heart. It will if you deny what is between us.”
“I’d never do that,” she swore.
“I have so many feelings for you.” He played with her hair, wrapping locks of it around his fingers. “Tell me I’m important to you.”
“You are.” She took a deep breath, deciding to be totally honest. “I’m falling in love with you.”
He smiled, all the tension leaving his face. “I’m already in love with you. I have been since we bonded in the back of that SUV. You trusted me to care for you and put your faith in me. You’ll never know what that meant. I went insane when I woke up and learned you’d run away from the task force members. I couldn’t eat or sleep. I worried that you were out there afraid and alone. That someone would hurt you. I want to protect you and keep you safe. I want you in my arms, in my home and with me all the time. I hate being apart from you. You’re all I think about.”
“You’re all I think about too.”
“I’m going to make you happy, Vanni. Trust that. I’ll never hurt you or let you down. It is a good thing that I’m not human because I’ll never cheat on you. I know humans do that. Species don’t. I won’t. You’re all I’m ever going to want. I’ll never allow anyone to harm you. I’d kill them if they tried. You are my first priority. You are the most important thing in my life. That means I place you before all other Species, if you were worried about that. You won’t be an outsider here. As my mate, you are Species.”
“That’s so sweet.” She was a bit overwhelmed.
“It’s not sweet. It’s a fact.”
“Are you sure you want to marry me this fast? We could wait until—”
“Don’t,” Smiley rasped. “I am certain. Forget logic and whatever you were taught in the out world. Your rules of dating don’t apply here. We can be happy. We will be. There’s no need for us to date for months to know we’re right for each other. This is just you and me. See how well we fit together?” He adjusted his hips, his cock still hard inside her. “It’s not about the sex though. I don’t want you to think that’s all there is to our relationship. We’re so much more.”“I know that.”
“Do you?” He studied her closely, peering deeply into her eyes. “We can get through anything together if we just talk and are honest. You could ask me anything, tell me anything, and I’m going to keep loving you. I want to have faith that you will do that with me.”
“You’re such a good man, Smiley.”
“I’m yours, Vanni. Say you’re mine. Let’s just do this. I know it might frighten you to take a mate this fast but trust me to be here for you. Take a leap. I’ll catch you. Always.”
She believed him. “Okay.”
“You’ll be happy. I’ll make sure of it.”
“I need to get a job.”
“We don’t live in a money-based system. You can find something to do if you get bored but you can stay home if you wish. I just want you happy, Vanni.”
The idea of being a housewife was appealing. “And we can try to have babies. I’d really like that.”
“I’d love to have children with you.”
“So it’s all decided. We are going to elope. We’ll do something simple and fun.”