Reading Online Novel

Smiley (New Species #13)(37)

The soft sound of clicking drew his attention and he stared at Vanni when she paused at the end of the tile hallway. The button-down shirt she wore hugged her breasts and ribs. He had thought she’d look good in it but hadn’t known she would keep a few buttons open at the top to reveal a hint of cleavage. His gaze lowered to the black form-fitting skirt that fell to mid thigh. Her rounded hips were accented and it made him want to touch them. She was short but the heels made her legs appear longer than they really were.
“Does this look bad?”
His gaze jerked up to her face. She wore no makeup and had just brushed her hair into a ponytail. He shook his head.
“The skirt is kind of short and the shirt is a little tight. I tried to button it all the way up but it gaped open over my bra.”
“You look perfect.” The compliment brought color to her cheeks and it angered him a little. It was as if males rarely told her she was appealing, when they should. He wouldn’t make that mistake. “You’re beautiful, Vanni.”
Her hands clasped over her lower belly and she straightened her shoulders. “Thank you. That’s sweet to say.”
He stalked closer. “Not sweet.” His attention strayed to the vee of the shirt and he licked his lips. “None of my thoughts are.”
She stared at him. “I don’t understand.” 
He gently gripped her hands, stilling their motion “You look sexy and I’d like nothing better than to remove those clothes from you. I would toss you over my shoulder to take you back to bed if an SUV wasn’t waiting outside. I’m going to do that later though. Expect it.”
That seemed to surprise her. “I’m not even wearing makeup. I mean, I look a lot better with it on.”
“No, you don’t. I prefer you just like this.”
Her gaze lowered to his mouth and he wanted to kiss her. He knew better. He’d end up following through and taking her to the bedroom. As tempting as it was, he didn’t need Justice, Fury or Jericho on his ass for ruining their plans to dispel the horrible rumors the church had started. He didn’t care what humans thought of him but they’d damaged Vanni’s reputation as well.
“We need to leave.”
She nodded and finally stopped staring at his mouth. “Okay.”
“It’s going to be fine. I won’t leave your side.”
“I trust you.”
A warm feeling settled in his belly. That was one hurdle down in the path to gaining her as a mate. “Good. I would pity the human who tried to harm you.”
Her eyes widened.
He just smiled. “You’re mine to protect and I won’t fail you.” He released her hands and stepped back, offering his arm the way he’d seen gentlemen do in films. “Allow me, beautiful. Let me escort you to the SUV.”
Vanni curled her fingers around his forearm. He wished he’d worn a short-sleeved shirt so he could enjoy her touch better. He liked skin-to-skin contact. He glanced down as they walked forward, getting a better view of her cleavage. His dick stirred at the thought of putting his mouth there later. It took effort to contain his desire enough to control his physical reactions. A raging hard-on would be noticeable.
He led her outside. Slash, Jericho, Wager and Flame were the four males he’d requested for the Species team. They were human-friendly and trustworthy. He shot a warning glare at Wager, who stared a little too intently at Vanni’s legs. Wager frowned but averted his gaze immediately. Smiley paused beside them.
“You’ve met Wager and I heard you were introduced to Jericho yesterday, Vanni. This is Slash and Flame. They are friends of mine and have been assigned to protection duty. They will travel in our SUV with us. A second vehicle will carry our human task force team members.”
“Hello.” Vanni smiled at the males. “It’s nice to meet you.”
He watched her face closely, hoping none of them would appeal to her. She didn’t keep her gaze on any of them for longer than a few seconds. He did notice that she glanced at Jericho again. The male had said his eyes frightened her. Smiley drew her a little closer against his side.
“It’s good to meet you.” Flame grinned. “We’ll have fun shopping. That’s the main point of this, besides showing the humans that Smiley isn’t a monster you hate.”
Smiley snarled, not liking the way Vanni’s smile faded at Flame’s remark.
Flame backed away. “I’m sorry. That was intended to be a joke.”
“She didn’t laugh.” Smiley tried to control his temper but it was hard to do, knowing Vanni had been offended. “You drive, Flame. Silently.”
“Okay.” The male fled around the SUV.
Jericho opened the passenger door. “Please get in, Vanni. You take the middle seat. Smiley and I will sit by the doors.”
Smiley helped her climb in and watched her fight the skirt to keep it from inching up her thighs. Jericho clamped a hand on his shoulder when he attempted to scoot in after her.“Get a grip,” the male whispered.
Smiley wasn’t sure what he meant.
“You’re acting irrational. You’re Smiley, not Grumpy Ass, ready to tear off the heads of males who look at your female. Everyone knows she’s yours.”
Smiley jerked out of his hold and climbed into the SUV. Jericho slammed the door and he winced. His friend had a point. He wasn’t behaving as he normally did. Vanni drove him a little insane. Wager had no business appreciating the sight of her legs and Flame shouldn’t speak to her at all.
She put on her seatbelt and he tried to relax. He didn’t want her to see his stress. She touched his hand. He met her gaze.
“Are you okay?” She sounded worried.
The door opened and Jericho took the seat on her other side. He didn’t like his friend that close and fought the desire to remove her belt and place her on his lap instead. It was unreasonable and stupid, yet the urge still goaded him.
Vanni stroked the back of his hand. “I’m not afraid. I feel safe. You can relax.”
He wished it were that simple. Jealousy was a new emotion and he didn’t like it one bit. He recognized it though. Vanni wasn’t his mate. Yet. That left room for other males to draw her attention. He had to resist glancing at her stomach. His son might be growing there but that wasn’t why he wanted her. It just meant he’d have a valid reason to beat on any male foolish enough to flirt with her.
“Listen to her,” Jericho ordered. “Chill out. We have two teams on this mission and this will be a short, surprise outing. We don’t expect any trouble but we’re prepared if anything happens. We even have the helicopter on standby in case we need an emergency airlift.”
No one had mentioned that last part to him. “For a medical emergency?” His gut twisted. Did they think someone would shoot at Vanni? He wouldn’t risk it. “I’m calling this off right now.”
The red in Jericho’s eyes flashed more prominently than usual, showing his anger. He knew immediately what Smiley was thinking.
“In case the roads are congested, Smiley. No one expects violence. This outing is needed to show the humans you didn’t harm one of their own. We might have to helicopter her and you out if the media has a chance to catch us if we’re stuck in traffic. You know those bastards would drive on the sides of the highway to reach us.”
“Oh.” He calmed a bit. “That’s a good plan.”
Jericho crossed his arms over his chest. “Just shoot me.”
Vanni gaped at his friend. “What?”
Jericho didn’t look at her but glared at Smiley. “He understands what I mean. I’d rather be shot than suffer foolishness.” 
Smiley faced forward and turned his hand, lacing his fingers with Vanni’s. He cringed a little inside but was grateful Vanni didn’t question him. She let it go. He knew what Jericho meant. The male would rather take a bullet than fall in love with a female.
He wasn’t exactly being a good example to his friends. He’d been moody and rash since meeting Vanni. Everyone seemed to appreciate his good humor so he needed to show her more of that. A few deep, calming breaths helped. He’d be on his best behavior while taking her shopping and show her how much fun he could be. Females appreciated a male who could make them laugh.
Chapter Fifteen

Vanni wasn’t a fan of Miles Eron. The sixty-something head of the NSO public relations team wasn’t the friendliest guy. “Look happy at all times,” he demanded, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “I’m not sure I like that outfit.” His gaze scanned Vanni. “Cindy? Get your ass over here.”
“Yes?” A woman with unruly curly hair—the mass was barely contained in a ponytail on top of her head—stepped forward.
“What the hell were you thinking? Her shirt barely fits. Give her yours.”
“I disagree. She looks fantastic. Craig did her shopping though, not me. I stand by his choice. It’s a good look for her.” The woman lifted her chin, openly regarding Miles with contempt.
“The shirt is too damn tight. You’ve got massive boobs but take yours off and give it to the girl.” Miles waved his hand. “Now.”
“Vanni looks perfect.” Smiley glowered at Miles. “Don’t ask your female to disrobe in the company of males.”