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Smiley (New Species #13)(29)

By:Laurann Dohner

“You’re being irrational.” Jericho’s voice had deepened when he continued, “I’m your friend and you need to trust my judgment.”
Smiley didn’t enjoy hearing the advice.
“The last thing that female needs is to have you arrive with your emotions on a short leash. Shower, relax and then go see her when you aren’t in protective mode.”
“I didn’t frighten her before.”
“I listened in on everything that took place in Justice’s office. She sounded nervous about seeing you again.”
“You listened in?”
Jericho shrugged, cradling the rifle. “My hearing is good and I wanted to know if she was really as blameless as you believed. She doesn’t hide her emotions well when she speaks. She hides them even less effectively with her expressions. I see why you were convinced she didn’t drug you.”
“You spoke to her?”
“Not much. I could detect her emotions while she answered questions and then I saw her expression when I walked into Justice’s office. She wasn’t able to conceal her fear of me. She reads easily.”
“You frightened her?” Smiley tensed.
“It was my size and she seemed confused about my eyes. I get it a lot but humans attempt to hide their reactions after a second. She wasn’t able to. Follow my advice and be calm when you see her. Take it slow, Smiley. She isn’t one of our females. Don’t forget that. She reminded me of a spooked kitten. I didn’t spend time with her because I was aware of her fear of me. Wager puts humans at ease with his friendly personality so I passed her into his care. I tend to frighten humans when I do this.” Jericho grinned, showing teeth.
“You look menacing.”
“I know.”
Smiley took a deep breath. “I’ll go home and shower. Should I wear jeans and a tank top? Or slacks and a nice dress shirt?”
“Wear workout gear. She’ll appreciate your show of arm muscles. Humans seem to like those.”
He remembered her reaction in the bar when he’d removed his jacket and grinned. “You’re right.”
“Take it slow, Smiley. I know you want the female but she’s skittish.”
He stepped around Jericho and leapt, landing on a thick tree branch and swiftly climbed down. He looked up and pointed to the Jeep.
“Take it,” Jericho called out. “I left the keys in the ignition. Your replacement will have a vehicle so I won’t have to jog home.”
Smiley slipped into the driver’s seat and started the engine. His first instinct was to drive to human housing but he pushed back the urge. He’d follow Jericho’s advice. He admitted to being a little irrational where Vanni was concerned. He couldn’t wait to see her again but a shower and change of clothes seemed like a good idea.
Chapter Twelve

Vanni reflected on her conversation with Wager. He’d sworn she wasn’t a prisoner at Homeland. He’d given her a tour of the two-bedroom house, telling her it was stocked with food and there were clothes in the dresser, before leaving her to her own devices. A few minutes later he’d knocked on her door, delivering lunch. She’d consumed the sandwich and chips with gusto.
The phone on the counter had a dial tone when she tested it. She dialed Elvis’ number after getting it from information and was relieved when Beth answered on the first ring.
“It’s me.” Vanni was glad to hear her voice. “You’re safe. I was so worried.”
“Well, I’m still worried. Where are you?”
“At Homeland. I took your advice.”“Should I come there? Mickey could drive me.”
“No. I’m okay.” She glanced around the spacious home. “They are treating me really good and have put me up in a house. It’s nicer than a hotel.”
“They didn’t blame you for drugging that Smiley guy?”
“Is he there with you?”
“I haven’t seen him yet but I will tomorrow. I don’t have any clothes so he’s going to take me shopping.”
Beth’s voice lowered. “Are you okay? Seriously?”
“I’m fine. Seriously. They were really nice and picked me up in a helicopter.”
“Wow. You got to ride in one of those?”
“It wasn’t that much fun. Trust me. I felt a little motion sick. They fly faster than I thought they would. I did get to meet Fury North.”
“Seriously? Is he as cool as he seems? Was Ellie with him?”
“I didn’t get to meet her but he was really nice.”
“I should come to you,” Beth stated. “You’re alone. I’d be terrified in your shoes.”
“Everyone is being super nice. They even brought me lunch. I’m really okay. I just called to make sure you made it to Elvis’ okay and that Gregory’s guy didn’t get you.”
“The cops came and checked out the apartment. They blamed the paparazzi creeps, thinking one of them might have tried to break in to take pictures. They escorted me out to my car after I told them I didn’t want to stay there anymore. I did exactly what you said. I had Mickey meet me in a parking lot and he drove me here. I left my cell phone locked in my glove box instead of at home. I wanted to make sure my family didn’t freak out if they couldn’t contact me. I called them while I waited.”
“I didn’t think of that.”
“You had other things on your mind like how damn fucked-up Carl and his father are. Did those bastards hurt you?”
Vanni debated going into detail but dismissed it. Beth would flip out if she heard she’d been Tasered or if she repeated Bruce’s threats. “I’m fine. Really. I just plan on sleeping. I’m exhausted.”
“You sound it.”
“I only got a few hours sleep last night and the floor was uncomfortable.”
“They made you sleep on a floor? Those bastards.”
“There was a bed but it’s a long story. I wasn’t going to touch it.”
“Okay.” Beth hesitated. “I can come to you if you want me to. I don’t mind. I’d actually feel better.”
“Stay there. I’m really okay. I’m just going to sleep. There’s no point in you driving all this way to watch me snooze.” 
“Give me the phone number. The caller ID didn’t reveal one.”
Vanni studied the phone. It wasn’t marked. “I don’t know it.”
“I guess I could call Homeland and they could connect me to you, right?”
“I guess so.” Vanni wasn’t sure. “I need to get off here though because I don’t know if they have call waiting. Justice North promised to send someone to Mia’s and Count’s homes to make sure their families are safe. I didn’t want Gregory sending thugs after them. Someone is going to call me to let me know.”
“I really hate that rat bastard.”
“Me too. Have you heard from Mom and Dad?”
“They took off in their RV. Your dad was fit to be tied after I told him what was going on. They are on their way to the cabin but we knew that’s where they’d go. They are either home or up there. Period.”
“I figured.”
“They had me give them Mickey’s number and your mom keeps calling every time they stop for gas. They ditched their cell phones. I’ll tell them you’re at Homeland.”
“Please don’t. They might show up here.”
“That’s true.”
“Just tell them I’m safe. They can buy one of those inexpensive cell phones with the minute cards. Talk my dad through it and have him give you the number. Tell them I’ll call them tomorrow. I just don’t want to deal with them right now. You know how they can be.”
“Boy, do I. Your mom asked me if you go to bars often and pick up strangers.”
Vanni cringed. “Great. They think I’m a slut.”
“I told them it was your first time.” Beth chuckled. “And your last. I did assure her you don’t need rehab. She worried you might have a bit of a drinking problem they weren’t aware of.”
“Is that a joke?”
Beth laughed. “Nope. I also told them it was your first and last one-night stand too. Us crazy kids have to try some things at least once. That seemed to settle her down a bit.”
“You’re not helping, Beth.”
She was quiet for a few seconds. “It’s either laugh or cry. Mickey panics and starts shoving chocolate at me if he sees tears. I told him that’s the best way to deal with me if I have PMS and now he thinks it’s a cure-all when I’m upset. The guy is a total sweetheart but I don’t want to gain ten pounds this week.”
“He doesn’t mind you staying there?”
“Are you kidding? He’s called in at work to take time off so he can play personal bodyguard after I told him what was going on. He even brought out the baseball bat to knock some heads if anyone shows up here looking for me. Testosterone overload aplenty is going on. It’s kind of cute. I didn’t know he was so defensive of me.”
“I told you he was in love with you.”
“I’m not ready to settle down but he’s making me reconsider it.”
Vanni was happy Beth was okay. “Just be safe.”
“I am. I have ‘bat man’. You sound exhausted. Go sleep and call me when you wake up. I want to hear from you often.”