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Smiley (New Species #13)(28)

By:Laurann Dohner

“I’m sure you do. They are always saying something about you guys on television.”
“We’re glad to have you stay with us. We’d like our medical staff to take a look at you. You were given a version of the breeding drug and you told me you were Tasered.”
“I’m fine. I’d really rather avoid doctors right now. I just want to shower, eat and sleep.”“Perhaps later you’ll agree.” Justice didn’t seem happy with her refusal but he didn’t argue. “I’ll have one of our males escort you to guest housing.”
She was dismissed. “Will you tell me about my family when you take them to a hotel? I’d like to know when they are safe.”
“Of course.” Justice inclined his head. “I’m sure they are worried about you, as well. We’ll assure them that you are safe.”
“Thank you.”
“We’d appreciate it if you gave them the impression you are here to visit Smiley. The last thing we need is your family assuming we’re keeping you here against your will and asking your police to intervene.”
She nodded. “Of course. They won’t be happy about it but I don’t want them to worry.”
“They don’t like Species?” Justice’s eyes narrowed suspiciously.
“It’s not that. They’ll be happy if they think I’m dating someone but they will worry that I jumped into a new relationship too fast. I was engaged a few days ago. They liked Carl. He had all of us fooled.”
“I understand.”
“I can sell it though.” She was sure of that. “I’ll just tell them how horrible Carl treated me at the hotel and they won’t be fans of his anymore. I don’t want them to know about the rest of it because it would upset them too much. I’ll tell them Carl and his dad made up those lies if they heard anything about what Woods Church leaked.”
“Thank you. We’ll forward their calls once we have them secured in a safe location,” Justice promised. “We’d appreciate it if you didn’t make any outgoing calls. You should know they would be monitored. All calls are. It’s not personal.”
She had no clue why they’d do that but she had nothing to hide. “I do need to call Beth. We’ve been best friends since we were kids and I want to make sure she’s safe with Elvis.”
Justice’s eyebrows shot up.
“Not the real one. He’s dead. It’s a guy she dates on and off. He impersonates Elvis for charity events. We just joke around by calling him that. His real name is Mickey.”
Someone entered the office and Vanni turned. Her mouth hung open as she gawked at the massively built New Species. He had an immense chest and bulky, muscular arms but it was his eyes that she couldn’t look away from. They were brown with red glints in them.
“This is Jericho,” Justice said as he pinned the man with an intent look. “I’m not sure why he’s in my office but I’d like to know the answer to that since this was a closed meeting.” 
The guy didn’t look away from Vanni. His gaze lowered though, and he seemed to study every inch of her from head to foot. “I am Smiley’s friend. Is there a problem?”
“No. I was about to have her escorted to guest housing. Perhaps you would like that job?”
“I just wanted to make sure things were fine.” He crossed his arms over his chest and shifted his gaze to Justice. “It’s cool?”
“She’s not accusing Smiley of anything and is willing to help us solve this mess.” Justice sighed. “Tell Smiley he was right. I have phone calls to make. Can you arrange for transportation?”
Jericho’s tense stance relaxed. “This way, Miss Abris.”
“It’s just Vanni.”
She kept a few feet between them as she followed him out of the office, down the hallway and out the front door. The two guards were still stationed there. Jericho paused by one of them.
“Escort her to human housing and make sure she has everything she needs.” He turned to her. “I have something I need to do. Enjoy your stay here. This is Wager. He’ll treat you well.”
“Thank you.” Jericho was a friend of Smiley’s and she wanted to ask a ton of questions but resisted. He was a scary person with those unusual eyes. Her curiosity about Smiley’s welfare could wait.
She watched Jericho stride to a Jeep and drive away. Wager cleared his throat and she turned, staring up at him. He was blond, tall and had pretty catlike eyes.
“Welcome to Homeland, Miss Abris. I have a cart parked just over there and will drive you to human housing. Your cottage has been stocked.”
“It’s what we call the houses in the Species and Human housing areas.” He was cute when he smiled.
“Human housing? Aren’t you human too?” She regretted asking that but it was already out. “Sorry. I hope that wasn’t insulting.”
“It’s not. We encourage questions. We are human but we’re also more. I’m a feline Species.” He offered her his arm. “Let’s go, Miss Abris. May I call you Travanni?”
“Yes but it’s just Vanni. No one calls me Travanni unless I’m in trouble.” She was really out of her element. “I’m not in trouble, am I?”
“Not that I’m aware of.”
She put her hand on his forearm and he led her to a marked golf cart. She noticed more of them nearby as she took a seat. “Do you have a golf course?”
“No.” He released her, climbed in the driver’s seat and started the engine. “We have three types of vehicles at Homeland and Reservation. The SUVs we use when we leave NSO lands but the Jeeps and golf carts are for traveling inside the gates. We tend to use more golf carts here at Homeland than at Reservation. The terrain there is harsher in some areas.”
She relaxed in the seat. “Thank you for being nice to me.”
He turned his head and flashed a grin. “I feel as though I partially know you.” He pressed the gas and took off, turning the cart around in the street.
“I don’t understand.”
“I saw you on the television with Smiley.” He glanced away from the road to run his gaze down her body. “You appear smaller in person than on my television.”
She cringed. “You saw that?”
“Everyone has.”
She looked away to stare at the buildings they passed but it only made her aware that they drew attention from New Species. Two men standing in front of a building openly studied her and then another one stopped his Jeep to get a better look at her. She started to regret calling the NSO. It was tempting to ask if Wager would take her to the exit but she had nowhere to go and with no money she couldn’t reach her parents. They’d just ask her a lot of questions that she didn’t want to answer.For better or for worse, she was stuck at Homeland.
* * * * *
Smiley prowled the wall, alert for any movement on the other side. Vanni was safe at Homeland. Fury had made valid points but it didn’t sit well with him that he wouldn’t be there when she was questioned in detail about the Woods Church. She might be frightened.
The low groan that escaped his lips assured him it was probably for the best he wasn’t present. Vanni affected him too strongly. He couldn’t be logical when instinct urged him to protect the female.
The sound of an approaching Jeep drew him from his thoughts and he turned. Jericho parked near the base of a tree next to the wall and he waited until the male climbed up and leapt the five feet to land gracefully on the walkway beside him.
“Is she well? Justice and Fury aren’t intimidating her, are they? Fury promised they would go out of their way to tone it down.”
Jericho frowned.
“What?” Smiley tore off his helmet and gripped his weapon tighter. “Did something happen? Did the doctors find something wrong with her?”
“She didn’t agree to go to Medical but she is fine. Wager is taking her to human housing right now. I assigned him the duty myself.”
“Wager?” Smiley felt his rage building. “He’ll flirt with her. That male is always talking about how he wants to find a human to give him babies.”
“He’s not an idiot. Everyone has seen that video and he’ll assume you’d fight him if he touches her.”
Smiley frowned, debating whether Wager would be foolish enough to offer to share sex with Vanni. It would be a mistake.
“I’m going to go see her now.” He reached for his radio. “I’m calling in for someone to take my place at this post.”
“Why do you think I came? I’ll cover the rest of the shift.”
Smiley shoved his weapon and helmet at Jericho. “Thank you. You’re a good friend.”
“Go home, shower and don’t wear your uniform when you see the female.”
“Why?” He glanced down. “Do I smell? Look bad?”
“You’re not sweaty but I believe she’s seen enough of our officers today. You should dress casually so you’re just a male to her. She appeared a little overwhelmed. Give her some time alone first.”
“She’s frightened?” His gut twisted. “She needs me.”
“You’re not listening.” Jericho sounded annoyed.
“She is here alone. I’m the first Species she ever met. She was held against her will and had a traumatic day between escaping them and coming to Homeland. I need to let her know she’s safe.”