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Smiley (New Species #13)(14)

By:Laurann Dohner

“Because I was drugged.”
“You stated you were in control at the time. Which is it?”
Anger stirred. “Did you come here to argue with me?”
“No. I came to talk to you because I’m concerned.”
Smiley calmed and dropped onto the couch. He placed the water bottle down on the side table. “Sit if you plan to stay.”
Jericho chose to sit in the chair opposite him. “I don’t want your feelings hurt because this wasn’t directed toward you. You were the only Species in that bar and that’s why you were the target. Tell me you understand that.” 
“I do.”
Jericho regarded him with his red-hued brown eyes.
“I do,” Smiley repeated. “It could have happened to anyone.”
“The canines would have smelled the drug in the drink.”
He clenched his hands in his lap.
“That’s not your fault. Their sense of smell is just better. That’s genetics.”
“Why bring it up?”
“I’d be thinking that, partially blaming myself for making an easy target. I am trying to put myself in your shoes. We’re not the weakest Species here. I also think about that sometimes.”
“You have gorilla DNA. I’m probably from a chimpanzee.”
“They can be vicious creatures.”
Smiley snorted.
“They are. Do your research. They are very territorial and are good fighters.”
“I don’t have inadequacy issues, head shrink.”
“Good. I’m glad to hear that. We have our advantages over the canines and felines.”
“We are better climbers, although I envy the felines for their ability to leap.”
“Don’t make light of this,” Jericho grumbled.
Smiley sighed. “We’re all Species. We’re family. I never take the time to really ponder our differences.”
“You should right now. We tend to be more emotional, the way humans are. We grow attachments faster. I’ll be blunt.”
“I wish you would be.”
“The only females you and I share sex with are canine or feline. They have told me how I’m different and I’d bet they do the same with you. We need more than just sex. It’s about the touching and the sense of the bond we share with them during intimate moments. I’ve avoided humans for that very reason. You probably do the same.”
“I just haven’t met any I was attracted to who felt the same way about me or I would have attempted it.”
Jericho shifted in the chair and rested his arms along the arms. “Our females know when to push us away but humans don’t. I read the report, Smiley. You were caring for this female and she allowed it. I can only imagine how that affected you but it was probably pretty powerful. That, mixed with the breeding drug’s effects, could pose a problem.”
“You lost me.”
“You’re too concerned in the wrong way about finding this female. You’ve made it clear that it’s not about making sure she’s punished for what she did to you but rather your fear for her safety. I’m worried you believe there’s a bond there that doesn’t really exist. Do you understand? I don’t want you hurt more.”
Smiley wasn’t sure how to respond.
“This female walked into that bar with the intent to harm us.” Jericho kept his voice low and steady. “There were reporters everywhere to cover Justice’s speeches revealing our plans to expand Reservation to accommodate the wildlife we’ve welcomed from rescue operations. That is important to all of us because we know what it is like to be viewed as dangerous animals. It would have harmed our public image if you’d attacked her in front of all those witnesses. This isn’t about you. That attack was directed at the NSO.”
“I know I wasn’t the target.”
“A kind, decent human wouldn’t have done that. It’s obvious the Woods Church bought that drug from Drackwood. We know they were working on a version that wouldn’t kill humans. It’s the only way she could have gotten it. The test confirms it’s an altered version of the original. That means they’ve spent a lot of time and money plotting this attack. I don’t want you to feel inner turmoil over a female not worthy of it. She might not have been warned of the pain the drug caused but her intent to hurt Species is undeniable.”“Perhaps she didn’t understand the impact it would have.”
“Then why did she escape? They were taking her to seek medical assistance. I’m attempting to be logical for you.”
The way his chest tightened and ached was an unpleasant, unexpected feeling for Smiley. “You’re right.”
Jericho stood. “I’m going to get a drink and sleep on your couch. You shouldn’t be alone at a time like this, my friend. I’m sorry this happened.”
“I won’t throw myself out a window.”
Jericho spun, a horrified look plastered on his face.
“That was a joke.” Smiley forced a smile. “I am disappointed. I’ll get over it. You don’t have to stay in my apartment.”
“Would you prefer to stay with a female? I’m sure Rusty would allow you to sleep in her bed this once. She’s concerned about you too.”
“I’m not ready for that.”
“You should be. Forget the human and enjoy a little pampering from one of our females. It will make things seem better.”
Smiley stood. “I’m lonely. One night with one of our females isn’t going to cure that. It would just make it worse. I’m strong. I’ll get past this. I always do. It’s just been a difficult day.”
“I’m sleeping on the couch. You’ll have to pick me up and toss me out if you want me gone.”
There was no use arguing with the male. “I appreciate your friendship.”
“We’re family.” Jericho opened a cherry soda and sipped it. “You’d do the same for me. I wouldn’t want to be alone after something like this either. I’ll wake you if you have nightmares.”
“I’m exhausted. I’m going to turn in.”
“I’ll be here.” Jericho nodded toward the television. “Do you mind if I watch it?”
“Be my guest.”
Smiley walked into his room and closed the door. He paused there, remembering Vanni’s face. He needed to let it go. He needed to let her go. Jericho had made valid points. Then again, he hadn’t been there.
Vanni had blushed when she was stripped bare. There had been an innocence about her that he found endearing. That wasn’t a trait a malicious human would possess. None of it made sense.
He walked to the window and stared out into the darkness. Where are you, Vanni?
Chapter Six

“Vanni! Wake up, damn it. Get out here!”
Vanni shot upright in her bed when Beth started shouting from the living room. She threw off the covers and dashed to the open doorway. “What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” Her gaze frantically sought and found her friend. 
Beth was on her knees in the center of the room between the coffee table and the television. Her friend was pale as she pointed a remote control at the television. Vanni glanced at it, seeing a commercial.
“What’s wrong?”
“It’s coming up. I just saw the promo for it.”
“For what? Beth? What the hell?”
Her mouth opened, closed and opened again. “It’s on my morning gossip show.”
“What is?” Vanni stepped out of the bedroom, pushing her messy hair out of her face.
“It’s you and that New Species.”
“They showed a video clip of you two from last night.”
Vanni had to be hearing wrong. “What do you mean?”
“Nobody else has that ugly-ass skirt you came home in last night and believe me, it was you. They showed a clip of an upcoming story and it’s about the NSO. It showed a few seconds of you wrapped around a big dude and you were making out.”
“That’s not funny.”
“I’m not kidding. I’m being heart-attack serious. It’s coming up after the commercials.”
“You’re wrong. What did they say?”
“I heard NSO on the TV while I was making my oatmeal and looked up. They showed you with your legs wrapped around a big jock type, making out hot and heavy. There’s no mistaking that skirt.”
The commercial ended and the cable show began. Beth turned up the volume as the host couple faced the cameras. The man took the lead.
“I know you’ve heard a lot of stories about the NSO lately but here’s a new one for you. An anonymously submitted video arrived at our station and many others this morning.”
“Usually the stories we bring you regarding the NSO involve them being targeted for hate crimes. Not today.” The woman’s grin spread. “It seems some people are really friendly to New Species.”
Vanni’s knees collapsed under her and she hit the carpet when a grainy video started to play on the screen. It was her and Smiley. The angle was from above and the operator of the video camera zoomed in.
They stood next to each other with Smiley’s hand on her shoulder, the other holding her hip while she straightened. His words couldn’t be heard but Smiley said something. She nodded. His lips moved again. Her hand darted out and clutched a handful of his shirt. It tore open to reveal the bare skin of his upper chest and almost to his navel. She went for his hair too, grabbing a handful behind his neck and used her hold to jerk his face down.