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Shelter Me Home(46)

By:T. S. Joyce

"Best if I tell him," Jeremiah whispered in my ear.

"Tell me what?" Luke said from much too far away to be able to hear us over the street noise.


"It's a surprise," Jeremiah said shortly. "Load up."

The towering men headed for the front seat of the buggy and I glanced  around frantically. No help for it then. I scrambled into the back with  my skirts flying nearly to my hips. I was pretty good at first  impressions.

"What the hell?" Luke said, glaring at his brother. "You gonna help her or what?"

"Ain't my job," Jeremiah said with a grin. "Hup!" He slapped the backs  of the two black horses in front with a snap of the reins.

Luke looked back at me once more with a slight frown, then shook his head like his brother had lost his mind.

My husband didn't know he was caught yet.