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Shelter Me Home(40)

By:T. S. Joyce



When she'd finished her meal, she set the silverware down, perfectly  aligned with her plate, and waited with her hands clasped in her lap.

He made a show of slowly chewing the last few bites of food, and then put his napkin over his empty plate.

"He won." Those two words, so simple, so important, so vital to what  she'd sacrificed her happiness for. He. Won. Dodge was Aanon's to raise.

"Primary custody?"

"The boy testified in a meeting with a social worker and the judge. It  seems Erin had been doing a lot of unsavory things in front of him."

She swallowed hard as tears stung her eyes. Poor Dodge had to sit in  front of a room full of strangers and tell them about the things that  had frightened him. He was so young, so small. She wanted desperately to  hug him and make up for Erin's shortcomings.

"Was Aanon happy?" Her voice was choked with emotion.

"How would I know that, Farrah? Was he happy? I imagine so."

Her nails dug into the palms of her hands until they hurt, but she  smiled and nodded. "Thank you for the information," she said  robotically.

"That's not all the news I have." He downed his glass of Merlot and took  his time setting the empty just so near the candle between them. "Laura  is pregnant."

She stared, a mass of confusion churning in her middle, chilling her  vocal chords until it became impossible to speak. His wife was pregnant.  After so many years of trying, she would give him the child he'd always  pined for.

"It's a boy," he said, voice cracking as he leaned back in his chair.


"She didn't tell me until she was farther along because she was afraid of losing the baby. We've been trying for so long."

"I know."

He cocked his head, and an apologetic quirk took his thin lips. "This is the last time I'll be meeting with you for dinner."

She pursed her lips and nodded, the rhythm calming her. "And Oleanna?"

The corners of his lips drew down with some emotion she couldn't  understand, and he leaned forward. "I'm sorry for everything I've done  to you." His voice came out a rasp. "For months I've watched you wither,  and I know it's because of me. One hundred percent, I did that to you. I  was wrong for never telling you about my wife, and I've been wrong  every day since I manipulated you into coming back to the city. I just-I  just wanted to be a part of my daughter's life."

"Her name is Oleanna." That he wouldn't say it bothered her more than  anything else. "What does this mean? Just say it straight. You'll never  see or claim her as yours? You have a son now so she doesn't count? You  got a redo on fatherhood with a child you want more?" She didn't even  try to hide the disgust in her voice. "Why did you bring me back here  Miles? After I told you my happiness was in The Landing, you watched me  suffer the entire plane ride home. You watched my heart break, and you  never softened in your quest to bring me here."

"Don't act like you didn't benefit from it, Farrah. The man you love now  has his son back. You did a good thing. I did a good thing."

"You're right." Her voice shook as she inhaled a shaky breath. "I am  grateful for what you did, but I haven't asked for anything else from  you, not for me, not for our child. You offered to do that, and I obeyed  your terms."

Misery painted the caramel hues in his eyes. "I know."

"Are you letting me go?"

His throat worked as he swallowed and nodded slightly. "Oleanna is all yours."

She sniffed her disappointment at his casual tossing away of his own  daughter and asked, "Can you take me back to my apartment now?"

The ride stretched on and on as the soggy streets slushed by. Miles's  lips felt cold and clammy as he brushed them against her cheek. She  resisted the urge to squirm away. If that was what he needed to feel  like he'd done the right thing, fine. Her farewell was to say nothing  and leave without a single glance back.

She couldn't run in her condition but she risked taking the stairs two  at a time to find the safety of the apartment. When the door was closed  behind her, and her back pressed against the cold wood, she stared at  the single light, still on like she'd left it.

Miles's dismissal of his child was disappointing, but nothing she was  surprised by. He'd treated his wife, her, and every mistress he'd ever  kept the same way. He was who he was.

And now, she was free.

Throat so tense she could barely breathe, she dialed Briney's Bar,  something she'd wanted to do a hundred times. She didn't have Aanon's  cell memorized, but Briney's came easy.                       


Nobody answered, and she dialed again immediately.

"What?" Briney answered.

"It's me."

"Who's me?"


"Shhhit. Where are you? What number are you calling from? I don't have caller ID."

She recited the number. "Can you have him call me?"

Instead of answering, Briney yelled for Burtlebey. Moments later, the  sound of fabric swished across the line and Briney murmured, "Can you  watch the bar for an hour? I need to run to Falk's place. And if I find  out you gave away free drinks, I'm going to ban you from this place for a  week." More rustling, and then he said, "Farrah, you still there?"

"I'm here," she said through a tear-filled laugh.

"I'm going to get him. Wait by that phone, girl."

"I will," she promised.

The next half an hour was the longest in her life. Would he still be  angry with her for leaving? Perhaps he didn't want to talk and wouldn't  call. Maybe he'd moved on.

Minutes ticked by, and she stared at the phone sitting on the counter.  She crossed and uncrossed her arms and chewed her lip until it hurt. To  busy herself, she made hot chocolate, a treat that always got Oleanna  dancing.

The phone rang. Terrified she'd imagined it, she flipped it open and the words caller unknown fanned the screen.

Her voice shook when she answered. "Hello?"


God, it was so good to hear Aanon's voice again. "Yes, it's me."

A long, hitched sigh filled the line. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I just-I wanted to tell you congratulations."

"You heard?"

"Yeah, I've been keeping track of your court dates. Cheering you on from New York."

"I tried to find you," he blurted. "I've been trying for months, but I  hit a dead end. I thought maybe you didn't have a cell phone, or you  didn't want to be found, or … I don't know."

He'd looked for her. She sank against the cabinets until she was sitting  on the cold tile floor. When she could speak again, she said, "It  would've been too hard for me to talk to you."

"Is he treating you okay?"



Her laugh was bitter. "No. He let me go. He told me Oleanna is mine now."

"Oleanna," he whispered, like it was a prayer on his lips.

"She's due next month."

A tiny muffled voice in the background said, "I want to talk to her,"  and Aanon said, "In a minute, buddy. I need to talk to her for a few  minutes first."

"Is that Dodge?"

"Yeah. We're celebrating him moving in with me tonight. He said you took  him to get ice cream once, and he wanted the same kind he got when he  was with you. Problem is, he didn't remember the place you got it from  so we had to search the whole town until he found the right one."

She laughed and wiped tears from her eyes. "It was from the gas station."

"Yeah, we figured it out eventually. Farrah?"

"Yes, Aanon?"

"I know I don't have a right to ask this. You have some great life in  the city, and it's selfish of me to beg. But please come home." His  voice cracked. "It's not the same without you here. It's empty. I've  been working so I can pay Miles back every penny he put up for the  lawyer. Just please, come back to me."

"And me," Dodge said in the background.

"And I don't just want you in the cattleman's cabin. I swear I'll be  upfront about everything I want from now on. No one is ruling my life  anymore, Farrah. No one except for you. I can't stop thinking about you.  You've filled this place with good memories. You taught me how to care  about someone again, and every day that goes by without you here, I feel  like the good parts of me are going to disappear. I want you to live  with me in the big house." His voice lowered and grew thick. "I want to  be there when Oleanna is born. She's mine as much as Dodge is. Please,  Farrah-just come home."

She clasped her trembling fingers over her mouth to contain the sob that  threatened to fill the room. "Do you still love me?" she whispered.