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Shadow (New Species #9)(47)

By:Laurann Dohner

Shadow wasn’t sure what a pension was but he did trust Tim. The male wasn’t likeable at all times but he had honor. He took pride in his work and his team. His daughter was also mated to a council member. He’d privately shown pictures to his Species team members of his grandson, Kismet. The love he felt for the child was always apparent. Tim would never betray his extended family—the Species.
“Trey!” Tim covered his other ear to hear better. “We have a situation. Glance around and signal all the men on your team to remove their headsets right now just in case the pilot forgot to make this a private conversation.” He paused. “They all down?” He paused again. “Good. Just listen to me. Shadow’s emergency tracker was activated and that’s how those bastards who attacked Reservation found the Gift. You understand what that means. It wasn’t me or you so we know who is left. Arrest them both the moment you land and haul their asses to Security. We’ll figure it out later but I’ll be damned if we’re screwed a second time.” He held Shadow’s gaze while he quietly listened to the response, nodded and hung up. “Trey is on it. He’s pissed.”
“So am I.”
Tim shoved his phone inside his pocket. “We’ll figure out which one of them it was.”
“I want to be there.”
Tim hesitated. “Let’s figure out who it is first and then I’ll personally leave you alone in the room with the son of a bitch.” He glanced around and lowered his voice. “Do you know how many times I wanted to tell the other guys on the team about my grandson but wasn’t allowed to? Thank God.” He clenched his teeth. “He could have sold that information as well. I thought the NSO was being paranoid by not allowing humans to know but they weren’t.” He shoved his fists on his hips. “Just leave enough of him intact for me to get a piece.”
Shadow wasn’t about to make promises he wasn’t sure he could keep. “I need to return to Beauty. This information couldn’t wait. I know you’ve got it under control right now.”
“You need to get to Security for debriefing. You were on scene.”“The mercenaries were hired by the wealthy human who bought Beauty from Mercile. Find him to make sure he’s never able to attempt it again. She needs me.” He stomped away before Tim could respond.
Beauty and Destiny both turned when he entered the room. The male stood too close to her but he just held an ice pack to her injured cheek. He glanced around, sniffed, and knew no one else had entered the room while he’d been gone.
“Thank you for protecting her.” He nodded at the nurse. “How is she?”
“Nothing seems broken and she’s not exhibiting any symptoms of a concussion. I’ve ordered a scan to make certain though. She’s Gift. It’s better to be safe than sorry. Her bones aren’t as dense as our other females’. I was going to take her as soon as you returned. Is it all right to move your female now?”
Shadow inched around him and scooped Beauty into his arms. He liked that the male knew who she belonged to. “Lead the way.”
“I can walk,” she muttered.
“I know you can.” He just didn’t want her to. She still appeared a little pale and she’d been through a lot. “Let me care for you.” As if he’d give her a choice but it was polite to at least allow her to think she had one.
“Thanks, Shadow.” Her uninjured cheek nuzzled the wall of his chest as she rested her head there, her arms wrapping around his shoulders.
Destiny opened the door wide and he followed the nurse farther down the hall to whatever tests would assure them Beauty had no serious damage. Shadow stewed, wanting to go to Security to personally show his displeasure at one of his fellow task force members but that would mean leaving her.
Beauty was his first priority.
* * * * *
Beauty didn’t complain as she waited for Destiny to return. Shadow hovered at her side and she was grateful. He’d even demanded food to be brought to her while they’d waited for the results. Her stomach was full.
“I was told the scans were clear,” the nurse stated when he walked back into the room. “You’re fine. Not even a fracture and the bruise only makes you prettier.” He winked and smiled.
Shadow snarled. “Don’t flirt.”
“It’s called having a good bedside manner.” Destiny stiffened. “I wanted her to smile by giving her a compliment. I’m not offering to share sex with your female. Do you think I’m blind or my nose isn’t working? Your scent is all over her and your name is very accurate at the moment.”
Beauty frowned. “His name is accurate?”
“He’s your ‘Shadow’.” Destiny suddenly chuckled. “That was a good one, wasn’t it? He’s right next to you.” 
She smiled. “Thank you for caring for me.”
Shadow growled again, drawing her gaze.
“What?” She didn’t know why he looked angry.
“It’s his job to treat you. I am taking care of you.”
“Okay.” She began to wonder if Shadow was more hurt than he’d let on. He was unusually irritable and perhaps a bit irrational to make such a slight distinction. “Will you allow Destiny to look at your cuts? I’d feel better. You don’t want me to worry about you, do you? I will.”
“I’m fine.” His stubborn streak reared its head. “None of my injuries require his assistance.”
“He is fine,” Destiny agreed. “I’ve been eyeing his wounds and the way he’s moving. He’s got some bruising but the cuts aren’t bad. Just disinfect them the first chance you get and slap some bandages on the worst ones. We fight infection easily but why take the chance?” He turned, opened a cupboard and removed a small box. “Here. It’s a mini med kit. It’s got everything you’ll need.”
“Thank you.”
The door opened behind them and a human walked in. She remembered him from when she was rescued. Beauty tensed until Shadow stepped between them. His body completely shielded her from the sight of the other man.
“I wanted you to know both suspects are being detained and Al is all over their bank accounts, phone records, and tracking their movements over the past twenty-four hours. We’ll figure out which one it is.”
“Thank you, Tim.” Shadow softly growled. “I still want his head.”
“I have a feeling there isn’t going to be much of this ass left by the time he’s taken apart by our team. He broke the code. Never screw over your brothers. We’re sending one of the helicopters back to Homeland. Justice called and wants you to escort the Gift back. She’s too exposed here and I have to agree. She needs tighter security.”
“Blades up in twenty. I’ll have a few of the guys cover you there.”
“I’ll have officers drive us.”
The man hesitated. “Just because we had one bad apple doesn’t screw the entire pie, Shadow. I don’t want this to sour you on the task force.”
“I trust the team but I know the officers wish to speak to me. It will give them the opportunity.”
Shadow shook the man’s hand and Tim left. He grimly regarded her. “Let’s go. I have to give a debriefing before we meet that helicopter.”
“So we are going back to Homeland.” She didn’t really need to say the words but it was better than what she really wanted to blurt out. What was that going to do to their budding relationship?
“We are. You’re safer there. There’s too much open land here for them to breach and miles of walls that they obviously were able to sneak across.”
A knock sounded at the door and it opened, admitting Jaded, the council member. He glanced at Beauty and jerked his thumb at Destiny to leave before addressing Shadow. “You look good after what you suffered.”
Jaded kept by the door while he spoke, far from her. She did notice that Shadow didn’t step between them. He must trust him.
“Thank you.”
Bright-green, catlike eyes narrowed. “Great job. Breeze will be fine. The female is too stubborn to be harmed enough to keep her down for more than a few hours while she undergoes the cleaning of the wound and stitches. She’s already made one of the Drs. Harris threaten to quit.” He chuckled. “It was the younger one. He’ll learn to be as grouchy as his father when dealing with us. Self-defense.”“I’m glad to hear she will be well.”
Beauty was too. She kept silent though, not comfortable with someone she didn’t know.
“Justice wants a full report when you land at Homeland. You’re to take Beauty home. The task force is giving you a lift in about twenty minutes. They have both their helicopters here.”
“Tim just told me.”
Jaded hesitated, glanced at Beauty and cleared his throat. “Perhaps we should speak in the hall.”
Shadow didn’t budge. “What is it? Do you no longer trust the team? I know those males. It would be rare for one to betray the others. My faith isn’t shaken.”
“That’s not it.” Jaded lifted a hand and ran tan fingers through his short black hair. “We have a problem. Moon was hit by a sniper with a tranquilizer dart.”