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Seduced By The Rogue Alpha(8)

By:Amira Rain

The scent of the raw earth filled Annabel's nose and her ears were  graced by sounds of lapping and grunting. Following those utterances  came a series of words Annabel couldn't determine, but still loved to  hear. While the meaning wasn't clear, the sentiment was. The sweet  nothings Dirk murmured filled Annabel with affection for him, greater  than she thought she could feel for anything or anyone.

Dirk switching once again from masculine dominance to sweet delicateness  turned Annabel back over to gaze on her fair face. Without losing pace,  Dirk continued to roll into Annabel evenly and with steady zest. His  arms cradled her head and in response, she wrapped her legs around him.  As wave after wave of satisfaction washed into Annabel's core, she felt  like the two of them could stay this way forever, an eternally paired  couple. In fact, it almost seemed that that was the case. Save the  lights and music of the Mist everything else stopped. Time was a lie, an  illusion that had faded like Annabel and Dirk's care for the rest of  the wild, violent world they came from. The only thing that mattered was  the euphoric music they produced with the Mist, the lights and  reflections in it, and each other.                       


In the Mist, the symphony of strings and reeds ascended to new heights  of complexity and magnificence. The lights and reflections began to  shift from the hues of red and green to all colors. An ever-changing  rainbow danced in front of the two as they stared deeply into each  other. Annabel had now had her fingers firmly fixed into Dirks backside,  while Dirk continued to caress and cradle Annabel's head. Form there,  they moved, still connected, changing position and placement. They  wrapped, cuddled, and coiled about each other taking conjoined shapes  just as varied, creative, and novel as the ever-shifting Mist itself.  And in unison, they came to a final posture.

With a heft, Dirk settled back on his haunches then he himself laid down  on his back bringing Annabel with him. Now she sat mounted on him,  enthroned and in control. At first she felt nervous, even scared to take  charge, but with time, she eased into it, to both of their  satisfactions. Keeping even with the beat of the music around them,  Annabel rocked and turned and twirled around watching Dirk's face light  up and contort in jubilant response. Now she felt like a queen, only far  more revered. She cooed in revelry in place now able to feel every last  inch of Dirk inside her.

Instead of images of herself and Dirk, Annabel saw in front of her a  white daffodil in the midst of blooming. A growing sensation deep side  Annabel's pelvis developed with the mirage of the flower. As the petals  began to unfurl, Annabel and Dirk both felt inundated in ecstasy. As the  music grew to a resounding finale, Annabel felt every muscle, every  fiber, every tendon tighten. The two of them began to grab everywhere on  their bodies and on each other's. And in unison, the music and lights  climaxed in a stupendous finish while Annabel and Dirk's bodies, minds  and voices flared into an explosion of simultaneous pleasure. The valley  filled with the reverberating echo of their twin screams of sensual  euphoria. As their cries of delight rang out into the sky, the Mist  opened up, revealing a blue-black sea above filled with countless  shining stars.

Before her, Annabel saw the flower erupt into a flurry of petals that  became as luminescent and brilliantly as the rays of the noonday sun.  The petals of light filtered down to the ground to form a series of  complex, wondrous patterns shifting into new shapes. As she hoped, her  resolution brought her the radiant serenity she had anticipated. All of  perseverance of enduring her mother, searching for her ideal man, all  things had become aligned. Everything had properly fallen into place.

Around them, the chorus of the Mist quieted into a softer lullaby  melody. But neither Annabel nor Dirk heard it. They didn't see the  paling reflections of themselves in the enchanted air around them, nor  even the flashes of the things to come. They didn't notice the visions  of what their life together was going to be like, nor the coming of time  filled by companionship and accomplishment. They didn't even feel the  earth beneath them, which was now damp with sweat. Nothing else  mattered, not the past, not the future, not even the wonders of the  Mist. The only time of importance was the instant of right now.  Likewise, they were only thing important to each other.

Joyous tears began to well in Annabel‘s eyes in the realization of her  achievement. After years of patient waiting, enduring her mother,  ignoring dejection of her community Annabel had at last done it. She had  found a man to appreciate and respect her. She had cultivated a  relationship with this man. And to consummate this bond she had finally  created a perfect moment in time.

The End