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Secrets of the Playboy's Bride(2)

By:Leanne Banks

Now, with both her sisters graduating from high school, Calista was  determined that they would attend the college of their choice,  regardless of the expense. There was also the added complication of  Tami's asthma. Even with insurance, the cost of her medications and  treatments had prevented Calista from being able to save extra money for  her sisters' future.                       


"I'll talk to her," Calista said. "I know stepping up to parent my sisters hasn't been easy."

"Walter and I love them. We just wish we could better afford them,"  Sharon said wryly. "But I knew when I married a carpenter I wasn't  destined for a life of luxury."

"I think you got a good deal. You got a life of love. That's more than  many of us will ever see," Calista said, knowing a life of love wasn't  likely in her own future. She couldn't imagine trusting anyone enough to  let down her guard. Look what had happened to her mother, Calista and  her sisters when they'd counted on her father.

"Speaking of love life, I can't believe no men have been asking you out," Sharon said.

"I may have met someone special recently," she said, laying the groundwork for the rest of her plan. "Time will tell."

"Oh, surely you can cough up more than that," Sharon said. "Is he kind? Funny? Gorgeous?"

She smiled at her cousin's priorities. Wealth hadn't even made the list. "It's too soon. I don't want to jinx it."

Hours later, after go-karts, a pedicure for Tami and Tina and ice cream  for all, Calista snagged her sister Tami before she disappeared into the  house. "Hey, what's the rush?" she asked, grabbing her sister's hand.  "Sit here on the porch with me before I have to go."

"Graham is supposed to call," Tami said, speaking of her latest boyfriend.

"You can talk to him after I leave," Calista said.

"If Sharon lets me," Tami muttered, tossing her multicolored bangs from  her eyes. "Honestly, I'm going to be eighteen in August, but the way she  treats me, I may as well be in preschool."

"Slight exaggeration," Calista said in a dry tone she couldn't conceal.

Tami slid a rebellious sideways glance at her.

"August will be here before you know it and you'll be off to college."

"Freedom at last," Tami said.

"I hate to remind you, but college means more studying than ever,"  Calista said, then waved her hand to dismiss the subject. "How are  things going for you lately?" she asked.

Tami regarded her suspiciously. "Sharon told you, didn't she?"

"Told me what?"

Tami sighed and glanced away. "She caught me smoking. I begged her not to say anything to you."

"Why?" Calista asked, her heart twisting. "I thought you and I were closer than that."

"We are," Tami said, fiddling with her hair. "I just didn't want you to be mad at me."

"I'm not mad. I'm worried. You know you have asthma, so you shouldn't  stress your lungs by smoking. I just want you to be safe and happy."  Calista gathered her sister into her arms. "That's all I've ever wanted  for you."

"It was just once," Tami said and closed her eyes. "I've been thinking about Mom lately. I wish she hadn't died."

"I do too," Calista said, pulling back slightly and looking into her  sister's eyes. "But we've got each other. Don't you forget that. If you  need anything, anytime, give me a call. Just promise me you'll be safe."

"Promise," she said. "Prom is two weeks away. Are you still going to take us shopping for dresses next Saturday?"

"Wouldn't miss it," Calista said.

During the drive back to Philadelphia, she worried about her sister.  Tami and Tina possessed diametrically opposed personalities. Tina was  easygoing in her personal life, but competitive and intense with sports  and grades. She would be eligible for scholarships and aid, but more  money would be needed. Tami was intense about her personal relationships  and had to be pushed to focus on academics. Fortunately, both her  sisters were naturally intelligent and had been accepted at the colleges  of their choice. Now, all Calista had to do was come up with hundreds  of thousands of dollars to make it happen for them.

Leo glanced at the background information on Calista French for the  third time. She hadn't lied. She was a card-carrying member of the  exclusive women's society who'd sponsored the charity benefit, had  graduated with honors from a top Ivy League university, was currently  employed as an analyst for an insurance company and was active in local  charities. Her mother and father were dead; her two sisters lived a  couple hours away.Her background was unblemished with the exception of  her father's financial failure and subsequent death. Apparently her  father was a terrible money manager; however, Leo vaguely remembered  that Clyde had pulled something over on a man with the last name French.                       


Another skeleton, he thought, gritting his teeth. He glanced at the  photograph of Calista and remembered her smile and breathless laughter.  Damn it, she made him curious. It might not be wise to pursue a woman  whose life had been negatively affected by his pseudoguardian, but Leo  was more tired than ever of being bound by his past. He picked up the  phone and dialed her cell number.

"Hello?" she asked and her voice felt as if it seeped inside him like honey.

"Hi. Leo Grant. You said you couldn't make the first call," he said. "So I'm making it."

He heard the soft intake of her breath. "What a surprise. How did you get my number?"

"I have ways. Do you mind?"

She paused, a half beat that put him on edge. "No, I don't."

He grinned at the odd thrill that raced through him. "Good. Dinner  tonight at Antoine's at seven. I'll have my driver pick you up wherever  you say."

"I'm sorry. I can't tonight."

Unaccustomed to being refused, he felt a twist of irritation. "Tomorrow night?"

"I would like that," she said. "But there's no need for you to send a car. I can drive myself."

Calista hung up the phone and mentally checked step two off her list.  The following afternoon, a last-minute meeting at work nearly made her  late, but she rushed to pull herself together. Thank goodness for all  the charm school classes her mother had required her to take. At the  time, they'd seemed dreadfully old-fashioned, but now she was thankful  to know how to present a calm face even when she didn't feel that way.

She strode into Antoine's and asked the maître d' to direct her to Leo's  table. The man nodded. "Your dinner partner is at the bar," he said.

Glancing up to find Leo staring at her, she felt a dip in her stomach.  No doubt about it, the man was as gorgeous as sin, but it was the  intense way he looked at her that affected her. There was a hard-won  strength about him that appealed to her despite the fact that she hated  his father for what he'd done to her family. She smiled as he walked  toward her. "Hello again," she said.

"Are you hungry?" he asked as the maître d' led them to a table in the corner next to the window.

"I will be as soon as I catch my breath," she said.

"Busy day?" he asked.

She nodded. "And always a minicrisis at the end of the day. How about you?"

"I just negotiated a new deal with a company in China. That will keep us  busy for a while. Would you like something to drink? Don't I owe you a  margarita?" he suggested with just a hint of sensual mischief in his  eyes.

She laughed. "Thank you. I'll stick with one glass of wine tonight. What  kind of business are you in?" she asked, even though she already knew  quite a bit about Leo. She'd made it her mission to know as much about  him as possible-even the kind of women he favored. She'd been pleased to  learn he tended toward well-bred, well-educated blondes. Nice that she  didn't have to dye her hair, she thought.

"Shipping and transportation," he said.

"And international since you just mentioned China," she said.

He nodded. "It's a must with the global economy. What about you?"

"I'm an analyst for Collier Associates. It's not my first love, but I have a great boss."

"What's your first love?" he asked and she noticed his voice had a  caressing quality to it. She could almost feel it on her skin.

"I love astronomy, but now that I've worked for a couple years, I've decided it's better to enjoy that as a hobby," she said.

"So you like to study the stars," he said. "Interesting. How long have you had your head in the upper atmosphere?"