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Secrets of the Playboy's Bride(14)

By:Leanne Banks

"True. I knew you were good. Just not this good," he said, sliding his mouth over her neck.

She felt a rush of heat despite her best intentions. He made her feel  incredibly safe and challenged and irritated. He made her want to root  for him. Probably part of his conman background, she thought cynically.  That didn't keep her heart from beating faster.

"I'm taking you someplace the night before we leave," he said.

"Really?" she said. "Where?"

"It's a surprise," he said.

"No hints?" she asked.

He slid his hands to her waist and higher to her breasts. "What are you doing?" she whispered.

"Seducing my wife," he said. "Is it working?"

She felt as if she were melting into the leather upholstery. "Damn you."

"Too late. I've already been damned. But maybe you can redeem me," he said and slid her zipper down the back of her dress.

After a few days of combining work in the hotel suite and sightseeing,  Leo awakened her before dawn. She covered her eyes. "Too early.""I know,  but Mrs. Kihoto was so impressed with you that she wants to take you  somewhere special this afternoon," Leo said.                       


She peeked out from her fingers. "What?" she asked suspiciously, taking  in the sight of the too-gorgeous man who had somehow managed to distract  her from the fact that she was peeved with him, that he was  manipulative and lacking in human emotion.

"She wants to take you to a temple and Tokyo's best onsen," he said.

The temple was fine, but her drowsy mind tried to summon what she  remembered about an onsen. "Sounds okay," she said and frowned. "Onsen? I  can't remember-"

"You'll love it," he said. "Everyone loves it."

She rose onto her elbows and frowned. "What is it?" she asked.

"It's like swimming in a hot spring," he said.

The realization slowly sank in. "The communal bath," she said. "I'm going to have to get naked with your client's wife!"

"It's not that bad. You'll enjoy it. It will help you relax for your  surprise tonight," he said and gave her another quick kiss. "I'll call  you later."

"Leo," she said as he walked toward the door, but he kept walking.  "Leo," she called and tossed a pillow that missed him by a mile.  Frustration roared through her. She'd just been conned big time.

Hours later, after she'd visited a peaceful temple and taken a naked dip  in a pool with a bunch of strangers, albeit feminine strangers who'd  been fascinated by her fair hair, she reluctantly allowed herself to be  driven to a different hotel for the evening. She was surprised by the  modest outward appearance of the building. "This is different.""Yes, it  is," he said and led her inside the boutique establishment. They were  led to a beautiful suite with a huge tub and expanded bathroom, but no  bed. "Where do we sleep?"

"On the floor," he said.

"Oh, goody," she said.

He chuckled. "Don't prejudge. Our dinner will be served in our room."

"Can I have a fork?" she asked.

He nodded. "Yes."

A lovely meal of fresh fish was served via room service. Padded floor  mats were rolled out onto the floor. Champagne was served with the meal.

"The champagne keeps it from being traditional, but I thought you might  like it. I figured if they brought margaritas you might spill another  one on me," he said, taking a sip of the bubbly.

"It's very quiet here," she said as she finished her last delicious bite. "I like it better than I thought I would."

"We're not done." He stood and extended his hand. "Come with me."

"Where are you taking me?"

"You'll like it," he said.

"That's what you said about the communal bathing," she said, reluctantly rising.

"And did you?" he asked.

"It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be," she admitted.

He led her into the bathroom where the huge tub was filled with steaming  water with rose petals floating on top. She glanced at him. "I already  had a bath today."

"It wasn't with me," he said and stripped off his clothes.

She looked at him, unable to tear her gaze from his body. The light was  bright enough for her to see every well-defined muscle. In the past,  when they'd made love, the power of his physique had distracted her so  much that she couldn't study him. But now she could. As he turned his  back to her, she took in his wide shoulders, the V-shape of his waist to  his hips, his tight buttocks and long strong legs. He turned a certain  way in the light and she saw thin white lines of abuse on his back and  lower.

She stared at the marks, but then he stepped into the tub and turned around to face her. "Well?" he asked.

Rising to her feet, she pulled off her clothes. "I've already bathed  three times today. I guess one more time won't hurt." She walked to the  large steaming tub with the rose petals fanning away from the wake he'd  caused.

He took her hand to steady her and she stepped inside, blowing a quick puff of air from her mouth. "Hot," she said.

"You'll get used to it," he said and pulled her into his arms. His  nakedness felt delicious against hers. He was so hard where she was so  soft. Pulling her down to her knees, he supported her.

"Yikes," she whispered at the heat.

"A little further," he said, splashing water over her shoulders. "Come on. A few minutes and you'll wish it were warmer."

"I don't think so," she said, but she allowed him to pull her the rest of the way into the tub.

He kissed her, taking her soft gasp into his mouth. She closed her eyes  and the combination of the hot water and his naked body surrounding her  made her feel as if she'd entered another dimension. She lifted her  hands to his shoulders, her breasts rubbing against his chest. He nudged  her thighs apart, wrapping her legs around his back so that she sat on  his lap.                       


"Good?" he asked, rubbing his forehead against hers.

"Yes," she said, deciding she could let down her guard for just tonight.  She was far from her sisters, far from her job and in the arms of a  strong, strong man. "Very good."

Leo fed his bride a breakfast of fish, which she appeared to enjoy.  After they'd made love last night, she'd slept like the dead. She often  seemed as if a part of her was on guard, but he'd sensed something  different in her. The woman usually seemed to be wound tighter than a  clock, and damn if it wasn't his pleasure to unwind her. He watched her  take her last bite and sigh with pleasure, similar to the way she sighed  when he made love to her. Similar, but not the same."That was  wonderful," she said.

"Good," he said. "Did it make up for your communal bath yesterday?"

"I'll tell you the truth. The communal bath was actually very nice and  Mrs. Kihoto made it seem like the most natural thing in the world. She  chatted and was very friendly." She paused and shot him a curious look.  "Have you taken a communal bath with Mr. Kihoto?"

He nodded. "Last time I was here. It wasn't a big deal. Men aren't as hung up about their bodies as women are."

"That sounded sexist," she said.

"There are differences between men and women. Most of them are good," he said.

"Oh, really?" she said, lifting her chin.

He touched her pert nose. "You look snooty when you do that. Did you learn that expression in your girlie classes?"

"Girlie classes," she echoed. "You mean my etiquette classes."

He shrugged. "There weren't any guys in your class, were there?"

"No," she conceded. "I thought the classes were a waste of time the first two times I took them."

He stared at her, choking on his coffee. "How many times did you take them?"

"Four," she said with an expression of disgust. "I flunked them the  first two times and my mother wanted to make sure I learned everything,  so she made me take them a third time. Then I took the advanced level. I  didn't want to take them again, so I got those right the first time."

He took another sip of coffee and watched the sunlight gleaming on her tousled hair. "You fought being civilized," he said.

Her lips twitched. "I wouldn't have put it that way." She rested her  chin in her hands and studied him thoughtfully. "I want to ask you about  something."

"Then ask."

She took a deep breath and frowned. "You have marks on your back. Were you injured at some time?"

Leo immediately pulled back. "Car accident when I was little."