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Second-Time Bride(25)

By:Lynne Graham

‘What are you thinking about?’ Alessio probed, taking in her evasive gaze and guilty flush.

‘You actually thought I might be anorexic too?’ Lifting up her head, eager to move the subject in a safer direction, Daisy studied him, and an undeniable lurch of tenderness warmed her. He had been worried about her, concerned about her health. She picked up her knife and fork. ‘Tense situations kill my appetite,’ she told him. ‘That’s all.’

‘But that wasn’t what you were thinking about,’ Alessio said perceptively, after watching her clear her plate in careful silence.

‘Maybe I was thinking about just how well I know you ... in fact, how well I ever knew you,’ Daisy said unsteadily.

‘I’m a very average guy,’ Alessio asserted lazily, his lush black lashes partially screening eyes of vibrant gold which interfered with her ability to breathe.

‘You think so?’ Daisy responded a little unevenly, struggling to close out the flash-fire effect of those gorgeous eyes. ‘You know ... I need fresh air more than I need caffeine. It’s very airless in here.’

But Alessio sprang up and caught her as she left the table, tugging her up against him with hard, insistent hands, every muscle in his big, powerful body tense as he stared down at her with unhidden frustration. ‘We’re married now. Don’t shut me out... and don’t run away from me.’

The hard masculine thrust of his virility against her taut stomach made her slender length hum and throb like a race car revving up. A bitter-sweet ache made her thighs clench, leaving her dizzy and disorientated. But even as her hips began to rise in a tiny, inviting circular motion as old as time, and the kind of fierce, unquenchable longing that burned engulfed her, Daisy fought her own frailty with frantic determination.

‘We’re making a home for Tara. That’s all we’re doing,’ she told him unsteadily. ‘Now...please let go of me!’

His smouldering gaze told her that he wasn’t about to listen and then a door slammed, voices intruding from the hall, and Alessio released her with a raw expletive. On legs that felt as reliable as cotton-wool sticks, Daisy fled through the French windows. But she felt as though she had left half of herself behind in the broken circle of his arms. A stifled sob tore at her throat, her eyes smarting with stinging tears as she breathed in the hot, still air and saw right to the very heart of her turmoil.

Only loving had ever hurt this much. Alessio influenced her every emotion and response. And that was so achingly, terrifyingly familiar to Daisy. She could have coped so much better with being a sex-starved animal. The idea that she might still love Alessio petrified her. Loving him meant that the very last thing she could live with was a humiliating marriage of convenience cobbled together solely for their daughter’s sake.

Indeed, much as she loved Tara, if Alessio told her once more that they were only married again for her benefit she would scream and push him out of a window, because every time he stressed the all-encompassing importance of Tara’s needs it made Daisy feel as if she herself was of no account. And why was she so pathetically envious of his affection for her daughter? Because she wanted more for herself. In short, she was still hopelessly in love with the same male who had stolen her heart at seventeen. Why had it taken her this long to work that out?

In a daze of conflicting emotions, Daisy watched Alessio stride down the steps at the front of the villa, a devastatingly handsome male whose every lithe, graceful movement made her shockingly aware not only of him but also of her own extreme vulnerability. Hurriedly, she looked away again, only then giving some attention to the scene before her. Nina was posing in a gorgeous shoulderless sugar-pink evening dress against the dark yew topiary. Tara had once had a Barbie doll that looked remarkably similar. Impossibly perfect, dressed like a fairy-tale princess, complete with a cloud of golden hair.

Bianca drifted over. ‘Stunning, isn’t she?’

Daisy was watching Nina blowing a flirtatious kiss at Alessio between takes. ‘I don’t believe in the coincidence of you and Nina arriving today—’

‘But Alessio does. Obviously I knew you were staying here,’ Bianca confirmed drily.

Irritably brushing off the attentions of the fluttering make-up girl, Nina approached Alessio with the efficiency of a heat-seeking missile closing in on a target.

‘You’re a week too late,’ Daisy told Bianca firmly. ‘You should have tried this charade before the wedding!’

‘I’m merely bringing a continuing relationship to your attention,’ Bianca responded sweetly. ‘Does Nina strike you as a woman who has recently lost her lover to a wife? She knows why Alessio married you and she knows it won’t last long. She can afford to be understanding.’

Nina had engaged Alessio in animated conversation. Daisy tilted her chin and walked over. Nina ignored her. Alessio settled a casual, long-fingered hand on the base of her spine. Daisy leant against him in a sudden tiny but aggressive movement and dug her fingers into the back pocket of his jeans, her seemingly idle fingernails scoring the flexing muscles of his lean hip. The scent and the heat of him engulfed her. An infinitesimal quiver ran through her. A seductress well on the way to becoming a hopeless victim of her own ploy, Daisy sucked in oxygen in a despairing rush, feeling Alessio tense and shift, while she dazedly questioned the inconsistency of her provocative behaviour.

‘Let’s go for a walk,’ Alessio breathed with telling abruptness.

Nina opened her green eyes wide. ‘But I can’t. I have to get into my next outfit in five minutes.’ She frowned down at Daisy, too self-centred even to realise that the invitation had not been directed at her. ‘Oh, yes, I almost forgot. Barry gave me a message for you.’

‘Barry?’ Daisy frowned, momentarily thrown by the reference.

‘I went to view that house with him,’ Nina said carelessly. ‘I felt really sorry for him too. He’s terribly broken up about losing you.’

Before Daisy could part her lips to challenge that astonishing assurance, Alessio intervened curtly, ‘And the message?’

Nina looked coy. ‘He said to remind Daisy of the proposition he made the night before your wedding.

‘Barry wants you to give him the chance to manage the agency,’ Daisy proffered beneath Alessio’s chillingly unimpressed gaze while Nina walked back to the cameras wearing a feline smile of satisfaction. ‘He’s very ambitious. Why are you looking at me like that?’

Alessio shook free of her.

Daisy’s lashes fluttered and she groaned, ‘Oh, no, you’re still a jealous toad!’

His eyes blazed with derision, his mouth twisting. ‘You have to be out of your mind to think that,’ he drawled with icy precision.

Yes, possibly she was ... for wasn’t she attributing emotions to him that he did not possess? There had to be some degree of caring for jealousy to exist. And Alessio did not care. Alessio’s sole concern was Tara. Flushing a hot, mortified pink, Daisy spun away and headed off for the cover of the trees, feeling that she’d made an outsize ass of herself. Let Bianca and Nina play out their stupid farce, she decided ruefully. They would be gone soon enough.

How could she have hidden from what was in her own heart when she’d married Alessio again? Her emotions had threatened to tear her in two with their contrary promptings. Yet still she had refused to see them for what they were. She still loved Alessio. What price their marriage of convenience now? And in forcing her into that agreement hadn’t Alessio really been giving her what she secretly wanted? She burned with shame at that acknowledgement.

Curled up in the shade of the giant oaks on the edge of the estate, she found herself inexorably reliving powerful and disturbing memories of the teenagers they had once been, so intensely and exclusively involved in each other that they had always wanted to be alone. Could she possibly settle for less now? Could she live with a man who only needed her to keep his daughter happy? In such an empty relationship, it would kill her by degrees to be a real wife to Alessio, she conceded painfully.

‘Do you realise what time it is?’

Daisy paused halfway up the stairs and studiously consulted her watch. ‘Half past nine.’

His lean features a set mask of self-restraint, Alessio nonetheless prowled like a sleek, dark, hungry predator across the hall and spread his hands expressively. ‘Where the hell have you been until this hour?’ he gritted from between clenched teeth.

‘I went for a walk. I thought I’d give our visitors a chance to get on their bikes,’ Daisy said tightly. ‘Sorry I missed out on dinner but I made myself a sandwich in the kitchen. Now I’m off to bed. Goodnight.’

‘Goodnight?’ Alessio raked, the mask slipping slightly to allow her a view of the angry exasperation he was struggling to control.

Daisy hurried into the dressing room off their bedroom. Frustratingly, her case had been unpacked while she had been out. After locating a nightdress, Daisy removed herself again at speed and selected a small bedroom on the second floor. Only when she had got into bed and doused the light did she begin to relax a little. Alessio would get the message eventually. They could be...well, parenting partners. Anything more intimate was out of the question and as long as she kept her feelings to herself, as long as he had no suspicion of his power over her he couldn’t hurt her again, could he?