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Second-Time Bride(15)

By:Lynne Graham

‘I’ll be back after lunch, Barry,’ Daisy said frigidly, striving to regain control of the situation but quite shattered by the manner in which Alessio was behaving. Barry simply gaped at her.

‘You won’t be,’ Alessio drawled, running at speed through the drawers of her desk, extracting a small teddy bear, a single shoe, three fat romantic novels, two hairbrushes and several packets of tights. He stuffed the lot into the leather holdall. ‘Have you a coat? One? Two?’

‘I’ll see to that.’ Joyce giggled into the resounding silence and crossed the room to a cupboard, to emerge with two umbrellas, a coat, a jacket and a pair of red stiletto-heeled ankle-boots which had sent Barry into such paroxysms of lust that Daisy had stopped wearing them out of pity.

‘I’ll be back,’ Daisy said defiantly.

‘You’re not the Terminator,’ Alessio dropped in with gentle satire as he curved a hand round her elbow and marched her out into the fresh air, Joyce following in their wake. ‘Didn’t the toy boy ever figure out how to derail you? Take you by surprise and you’re as helpless as a tortoise turned on its back, cara.’

‘Was it love at first sight?’ Joyce prompted with dreamily intent eyes as she passed Daisy’s possessions over to the chauffeur.

‘Is that when you feel like you’ve been run over by a tank?’ Alessio enquired with a deeply reflective air. ‘That magical but gut-wrenching moment when you realise that nothing is ever going to be the same again? It was more like having a very large rock dropped on me from a height. The earth may have moved but I wasn’t fast enough on my feet.’

Daisy studied him in disbelief.

‘I suppose men feel they have to fight it,’ Joyce sighed philosophically. ‘But you didn’t fight for long, did you?’

‘I don’t think you want the answer to that one,’ Alessio murmured, pressing Daisy into the limousine and tossing her bag in after her.

‘How could you embarrass me like that?’ Daisy demanded as the car drew away from the kerb. ‘How am I supposed to explain all that nonsense you talked?’

‘You won’t have to. When I said you weren’t setting foot in there again I was not joking. I have already acquired a special licence. We can get married on Saturday morning before Tara goes off on her school trip to France,’ Alessio explained with immovable calm.

Her lashes fluttered over incredulous violet eyes. ‘A special licence? S-Saturday?’ she stammered. ‘Are you crazy? We’re divorced and staying that way!’

‘Are you prepared to lose Tara?’ Astute golden eyes rested on her enquiringly.

Daisy stiffened. ‘Are you threatening me?’

‘It was a warning. I’m telling you what may well happen if we don’t get married and present a united front,’ Alessio pronounced with deflating cool. ‘You chose to bring Tara up outside the society in which she belongs and her life is now about to change out of all recognition. She is not in any way prepared for that transformation and my family will try to spoil her as much as they spoiled me.’

Daisy dropped her head in surprise at that admission.

‘Everything Tara wants, she will receive. You couldn’t possibly compete from a distance, any more than you can continue to deny who she is. She’s a Leopardi and one day she will be an extremely wealthy young woman. She will have to make major adjustments.’

‘I could help her—’

‘How could you help if you weren’t there? And how quick would you be to blame me if anything went wrong? Tara will need more backup than I can give her. She will need her mother’s full support. When she realises how much she has missed out on, you won’t find it easy to stay in control when she’s abroad and you’re still here in London,’ Alessio pointed out drily.

He had spelt out realities about Tara’s future that Daisy did not want to hear. Her daughter would indeed find the Leopardi lifestyle shockingly seductive. Her grandparents would undoubtedly greet her with open arms. Tara was, after all, one of them. All that money and attention might turn the head of even the most stable adult, so what effect might they have on an impressionable teenager? She remembered the Ferrari, Alessio’s eighteenth-birthday present, and her stomach turned over sickly.

‘You’re talking as if Tara’s likely to be spending a lot of time in Italy.’

‘You won’t have much choice about that, Daisy. My father is moving into semi-retirement. While he will retain a consultative position within the bank, I’m taking over our main office in Rome next month,’ Alessio imparted. ‘I’ll only be back in London on business trips after that—’

‘But you were looking for a house here,’ Daisy said involuntarily, struggling to conceal her growing dismay at what he was telling her.

‘I was viewing the house on my parents’ behalf, not my own. They’re looking for a base in London.’

A base, Daisy reflected dizzily. Only a Leopardi could refer to a house that big and expensive as a base. She surveyed Alessio with dazed eyes. It was a welcome escape from the daunting facts he was hammering her with. He looked gorgeous—undeniably and infuriatingly gorgeous. No sleepless shadows beneath his eyes and, remarkably, not even a hint of yesterday’s strain. His superbly tailored charcoal-grey suit was a spectacular showcase for his lean, vibrantly male physique, but even so Daisy found that she was experiencing a deep craving to see him in a pair of faded, tight jeans again...

Daisy stopped herself dead, guiltily squashing that train of thought. Why should she get all worked up about the fact that Alessio still attracted her? Wasn’t that immature and narrow-minded? It was only her hormones which were at fault—natural female promptings accentuated by silly, sentimental memories. Alessio was incredibly sexy...that was all. Her body was tempted but her intelligence was safely in control.

‘So you must see that if I am to establish a relationship of any depth with my daughter she will be travelling to Rome on a very regular basis.’

‘Hmmm...’ Daisy sighed absently, wondering if he remembered the time she had tried to take his jeans off with her teeth...seriously hoping that he didn’t.

‘I think that you owe both Tara and me the chance to make something out of this mess.’

Daisy nodded and wished she had sat beside him instead of opposite.

‘I also want to give Tara what she wants, and I would have to be extraordinarily stupid not to know what she wants after yesterday.’

With enormous effort, Daisy fought to reinstate rational concentration and lifted exasperated eyes to his. ‘That’s what this is all about, isn’t it? You let Tara tie you up in knots, didn’t you?’

Disorientatingly, Alessio’s gleaming dark gaze flared with spontaneous amusement. ‘Not at all. When she asked me very loudly in the middle of a crowded restaurant whether I thought I could still fancy her mum, I took it beautifully.’

The challenging slant of Daisy’s chin wavered as she slowly turned a beetroot shade, horror striking into her bones.

‘It was only half past twelve but I was already waiting for the question,’ Alessio confessed lazily. ‘Tara has no subtlety. She can’t wait for anything either. She just jumps right in and splashes everyone around her. Thirty-two years’ experience of Bianca stood me in good stead.’

Daisy was mortified. ‘So you guessed what she was trying to do.’

‘She was like a suicide bomber forcing herself out on a diplomatic mission. She told me how she had always thought that you and I had a lot in common with Romeo and Juliet.’

Daisy went from mortification to sheer agony. “Oh, no—’

‘How divorce destroys children’s lives: that was phase two. She backed that up with several hair-raising horror stories about schoolfriends. I lunched to the accompaniment of tales about spiteful stepmothers and abusive stepfathers. By the time the dessert cart came my appetite was flagging but Tara was putting away enough fuel to stoke a steam engine,’ Alessio recalled wryly. ‘I was allowed a break until mid-afternoon before she embarked on the problems suffered by children from broken homes.’

‘I’m really sorry,’ Daisy said feelingly.

‘She took me step by painful step through subjects such as low self-esteem and abysmal academic achievement—’

‘She’s top of her class!’ Daisy gasped.

‘I suspected that. Nobody that determined to make me feel guilty could possibly be lacking in intelligence. And by the end of my indoctrination session the picture was crystal-clear. Tara worships the ground you walk on. You have also attained martyr status while still alive,’ Alessio murmured with sardonic eyes. ‘The divorce was fifty per cent my fault and fifty per cent the fault of the in-laws from hell. My evil, scheming parents, who sounded remarkably like a twentieth-century resurrection of the Borgias, may not have succeeded in driving you to suicide but then that is only a tribute to the strength of your character.’

Daisy gulped. ‘Teenagers can be very melodramatic.’

‘There were moments yesterday when I could have shaken you until your teeth rattled in your head,’ Alessio confided. ‘But the bottom line is that Tara is consumed by a desire to see us reconciled.’