“Jack knew,” she blurted, and then wished she hadn’t.
Blair’s eyes narrowed. “I see.”
Lola jumped to her feet. “It’s not like that. Jack understands what I went through and he knew I didn’t want anyone to know.” She couldn’t tell her that he went through the same thing, or even worse. It wasn’t Lola’s to tell.
“Why didn’t you want anyone to know?”
Her chest tightened. “Bob told me if I told anyone, he’d hurt my friends.”
“Oh, how awful,” she gasped and covered her mouth with her hands.
“And with Jack…I didn’t have to say anything. He just knew. He was there for me when I had no one.” Lola took a shaky breath and turned away. She couldn’t explain how much he meant to her. There were no words.
“It’s okay, Lola. I told Jack to stop back in a couple hours. Do you want to help me with something in the meantime?”
Not wanting to hurt her aunt’s feeling, Lola agreed and soon found herself on a mat in the living room, focusing on her breathing and stretching her limbs to their limits. Funnily enough, it helped to relax her and take Lola’s mind off her current situation.
She was grateful to Blair, even though Blair said she hated doing Yoga alone and that was why she asked Lola to participate. Lola knew the real reason: finally someone was looking out for her.
Lola sat on a bench under a leafy tree in the fenced in backyard. The sun was warm where it touched her skin through the tree limbs.
Blair had asked her all her favorite foods and gone to the grocery store to stock up. Lola hadn’t had the heart to tell her she picked at food more than she ate it. Maybe, in time, that would change.
She watched a robin hop along the grass; a butterfly flittered by her face. She envied them both. They were free. Lola was now too, at least physically. Her emotions were so far away from free Lola wondered if she’d ever find peace.
Thoughts of her mom plagued her. Why had it been so easy to give up her rights, to stay away? Probably for the same reason it had been okay for Lola to be abused as her mom sat by, not stopping it, not even seemingly aware of it. That reason would forever be a mystery to Lola; something she would never understand.
Lola resented her so much and missed her just as much. She longed to see her and at the same time never wanted to set eyes on her again. Her emotions were tumultuous where her mom was concerned and didn’t make much sense, not even to Lola.
Most of all, she just wanted to know why.
She wrapped her arms around herself, wishing she could fast forward to years from now, when all of this would be behind her and in the past, instead of living through it now.
Her aunt told her Social Services would be coming to talk to her and Lola would be assigned a social worker to periodically meet with her. Blair would have to be approved a fit guardian before it became legal.
Blair hadn’t said it, but Lola knew she’d probably have to testify against Bob at court. A chill went down her spine. She never wanted to see him again. Would her mother be sitting on Bob’s side of the courtroom when that time came? Would her mother have to testify? Would charges be brought against her mother as well?
At least he was stuck in jail throughout the process. That made her feel a little more secure.
Lola took a shuddering breath and looked up. She blinked her eyes against the sunlight, breathless with what she saw. Lola slowly stood.
It was Jack, standing near the fence gate. His hands were shoved in the pockets of his jeans. He had on a Batman shirt and holey jeans. Jack’s hair hung partially over his eyes, his lips curled in their derisive way.
He was the most beautiful sight Lola had ever seen.
She took a staggering step toward him. He quickly closed the gap. Lola stared at him, devouring his features with her eyes. It was impossible to believe the effect Jack had on her.
“Miss me?” he said in that mocking way of his, but the unsteadiness of Jack’s voice belied his calm exterior.
Lola inhaled Jack’s wonderful scent, a tremulous smile on her lips as they embraced. Lola clutched him to her, loving the feel of his warm body against hers. It was scary how every part of her being reacted to his presence, to the very sight of him.
Eyes closed, Lola let everything fall away but that very moment. She didn’t think; she just felt. Jack’s hands went up her back, down her back. His cheek pressed against her hair. His lips grazed her temple. Rightness cocooned them. She loved his touch, his scent, his voice, the way he made her feel. She loved...
She jerked away, wide eyes trained on him.
Jack’s brows lowered. “What is it? Did I hurt you? Is it your chin? What, Lola?”