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Safe Haven(53)

By:Nicholas Sparks

She'd thought of him when  she was on the Ferris wheel. As she'd scanned the crowd, she knew she  hadn't been searching for people from the restaurant. Not really. She'd  been looking for Kevin. Believing for some inexplicable reason that he  might be in the crowd. Thinking he was there.

But that was just  her paranoia surfacing again. There was no way he could know where she  was, no way to know her identity. It was impossible, she reminded  herself. He never would have connected her to the Feldmans' daughter; he  never even spoke to them. But why, then, had she felt all day like  someone was following her, even as they left the carnival?         



She  wasn't psychic and didn't believe in such things. But she did believe in  the power of the subconscious mind to put together pieces that the  conscious mind might miss. Standing in Alex's kitchen, however, the  pieces were still scrambled, without shape or order of any kind, and  after watching a dozen cars pass by on the road out front, she finally  turned away. It was probably just her old fears raising their ugly head  again.

She shook her head and thought of Alex in the shower. The  thought of joining him made her flush hot with anticipation. And yet …  it  wasn't quite that simple, even if the kids hadn't been around. Even if  Alex thought of her as Katie, Erin was still married to Kevin. She  wished that she were another woman, a woman who could simply move into  her lover's arms without hesitation. After all, it was Kevin who had  broken all the rules of marriage when he first raised his fists against  her. When God looked into her heart, she was pretty sure that He would  agree that what she was doing wasn't a sin. Wouldn't He?

She  sighed. Alex …  he was all she could think about. Later was all she could  think about. He loved her and wanted her and she wanted, more than  anything, to show him that she felt the same way. She wanted to feel his  body against hers, wanted all of him for as long as he wanted her.  Forever.

Katie forced herself to stop picturing herself with  Alex, to stop dreaming about what was to come. She shook her head to  clear it and went to the living room, where she took a seat on the couch  next to Josh. They were watching a Disney Channel television show she  didn't recognize. After a while she looked up at the clock, and noticed  that only ten minutes had gone by. It felt like an hour.

Once he  finished with his shower, Alex made a sandwich and sat beside her on the  couch as he ate. He smelled clean and his hair was still wet at the  ends, clinging to his skin in a way that made her want to trace the line  of dampness with her lips. The kids, glued to the screen, ignored them,  even after he put the plate on the end table and began to run his  finger slowly up and down her thigh.

"You look beautiful," he whispered into her ear.

"I look terrible," she countered, trying to ignore the line of fire burning its way up her thigh. "I haven't showered yet."

When  it was time for him to leave, he kissed the kids in the living room.  She followed him to the door and when he kissed her good-bye, he let his  hand wander lower, past her waist, his lips soft against hers.  Obviously in love with her, obviously wanting her, making sure she knew  it. He was driving her crazy, and he seemed to be enjoying it.

"See you in a bit," he said, pulling back.

"Drive safely," she whispered. "The kids will be fine."

When  she heard his footsteps descending the steps outside, she leaned  against the door for a long, slow breath. Good Lord, she thought. Good  Lord. Vows or not, guilt or not, she decided that even if he wasn't in  the mood, she definitely was.

She peeked up at the clock again, certain that this would be the longest five hours of her life.


Damn!"  Kevin kept saying. "Damn!" He'd been driving for hours. He'd stopped to  buy four bottles of vodka at the ABC store. One of them was half gone,  and as he drove he saw two of everything unless he squinted, keeping one  eye closed.

He was searching for bicycles. Four of them,  including one with baskets. He might as well have been looking for a  specific piece of plankton in the ocean. Up one road and down the next,  as the afternoon wound down and dusk settled in. He looked from left to  right and back again. He knew where she lived, knew he would eventually  find her at home. But in the meantime the gray-haired man was out there  with Erin, laughing at him, saying, I'm so much better than Kevin, baby.

He  screamed curses in the car, pounding on the steering wheel. He flipped  the safety on the Glock from the off to the on position and back again,  imagining Erin kissing him, his arm around her waist. Remembering how  happy she'd looked, thinking she had tricked her husband. Cheated on  him. Moaned and murmured beneath her lover while he panted atop her.

He  could barely see, fighting the blurriness with one eye. A car came up  behind him on the neighborhood streets, tailgating for a while, then  flashing his lights. Kevin slowed the car and pulled over, fingering the  gun. He hated rude people, people who thought they owned the road.  Bang.

Dusk turned the streets into shadowy mazes, making it  difficult to see the spindly outlines of bicycles. When he drove past  the gravel road for the second time, he decided on impulse to turn  around and visit her house again, just in case. He stopped just out of  sight of the cottage and got out. A hawk circled overhead, and he heard  cicadas humming, but otherwise the place seemed deserted. He started  toward the house but could see already from a distance that there was no  bicycle parked out front. No lights on, either, but it wasn't dark yet,  so he crept to the back door. Unlocked, just like before.         



She  wasn't home, and he didn't think she'd been home since he'd been here  earlier. The house was sweltering, all the windows shut tight. She would  have opened the windows, he felt sure, would have had a glass of water,  might have taken a shower. Nothing. He left through the back door,  staring at the neighboring house. A dump. Probably deserted. Good. But  the fact that Erin wasn't home meant she was with the gray-haired man,  had gone to his house. Cheating, pretending she wasn't married.  Forgetting the home that Kevin had bought for her.

His head  throbbed in time with his heartbeats, a knife going in and out. Stab.  Stab. Stab. It was hard to focus as he pulled the door closed behind  him. Mercy of all mercies, it was cooler outside. She lived in a  sweatbox, sweated with a gray-haired man. They were sweating together  now, somewhere, writhing in sheets, bodies intertwined. Coffey and  Ramirez were laughing about that, slapping their thighs, having a good  old time at his expense. I wonder if I could do her, too, Coffey was  saying to Ramirez. Don't you know? Ramirez answered back. She let half  the precinct do her while Kevin was working. Everyone knows about it.  Bill waving from his office, holding suspension papers. I did her, too,  every Tuesday for a year. She's wild in bed. Says the dirtiest things.

He  stumbled back to his car, his finger on the gun. Bastards, all of them.  Hated them, imagined walking into the precinct and unloading the Glock,  emptying the clip, showing them. Showing all of them. Erin, too.

He  stopped and bent over, vomiting onto the side of the road. Stomach  cramping, a clawing in his gut like a rodent was trapped inside him.  Puked again, and then dry heaves and the world spun when he tried to  stand. The car was close and he staggered to it. Grabbed the vodka and  drank and tried to think like Erin, but then he was at the barbecue  holding a burger covered in flies and everyone was pointing and laughing  at him.

Back to the car. Bitch had to be somewhere. She'd  watch gray-hair die. Watch them all die. Burn in hell. Burn and burn,  all of them. Carefully, he climbed in and started the car. He backed  into a tree as he was trying to turn around, and then, cursing, tore out  on the gravel, spinning rocks.

Night would soon be falling. She  came in this direction, had to be down this way. Little kids couldn't  ride far. Three or four miles, maybe five. He'd been down every road  this way, looked at every house. No bicycles. They could be in the  garage, could be parked in fenced yards. He'd wait and she'd come home  sometime. Tonight. Tomorrow. Tomorrow night. He'd stick the gun in her  mouth, aim it at her breasts. Tell me who he is, he'd say. I just want  to talk to him. He'd find gray-hair and show him what happened to men  who slept with other men's wives.

He felt like he had been weeks  without sleep, weeks without food. He couldn't understand why it was  dark and he wondered when that happened. Couldn't remember when he got  here exactly. He remembered seeing Erin, remembered trying to follow her  and driving, but wasn't even sure where he was.

A store loomed  on the right, looking like a house with a porch out front. GAS FOOD, the  sign said. He remembered that from earlier, but how long ago he  couldn't say. He slowed the car involuntarily. He needed food, needed to  sleep. Had to find a place to stay the night. His stomach lurched. He  grabbed the bottle and tilted the bottom up, feeling the burn in his  throat, soothing him. But as soon as he lowered the bottle, his stomach  heaved again.