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By:Cassandra Dee

I gave him a sad smile. “I’m so sorry, brother, to see you here. It wasn’t rape at all, and I’ve announced that loud and clear to anyone who will listen,” I said. “Unfortunately, not many people are interested in the opinion of a teenage girl.”

Landon looked at me sternly through the plastic. “Morgan, it’s not your fault. Do you hear me? It’s not your fault. We had sex, sure, and we’re stepsiblings, sure, but none of that is against the law. We’re three consenting adults, Gerald’s just making trouble because he’s a fucking manipulator who has to control everything.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of,” I said in a small voice. “I’m afraid that your dad is so powerful and influential that … I don’t know,” I said sorrowfully. “It’s almost like laws can be changed if Gerald says so.”

“No, they can’t,” replied Landon grimly. “Baby girl, don’t beat yourself up. You’re pregnant and it’s not good for the baby to be unhappy. I’m going to give the phone to Cole, he’ll cheer you up.”#p#分页标题#e#

Cole sat down at the table, his handsome mien making my heart flutter.

“Little sis, you okay?” he ground out, his blue eyes penetrating even through the dirty plastic.

“Yes, brother,” I said shyly. “I’m okay. More importantly, how are you?”

He leaned back and gave me a sexy smile. “Oh you know, lock-up’s not so bad. There are some guys who want to get with me since I’m so fucking handsome, but I was able to fight them off.”

I giggled despite myself. Trust Cole to make prison life sound funny.

“No, seriously big brother, you’re okay right? Landon tells me that you’ll be out of here soon, that it’s just a few hours before you meet with an attorney.”

“Yeah, we expect to be out of here in less than twelve hours,” he said breezily. “We better, because I can’t stand the food in this fucking institution. Who do they have cooking? Bears? Seriously, even I could do better.”

I giggled again at the image of bears standing in aprons at a stove. I smiled at my brother, loving how he could make me feel better, and patted my tummy gently.

“Our baby is doing well too,” I murmured. “I felt him kick this morning!”

“Really?” asked Cole, his eyes lighting up. Well, if there was any way to make the badass twin melt, it was to talk about his child. “Tell me more.”

“I think he or she is going to be a soccer player,” I confided, “I could feel him twisting and kicking, eager to meet his daddies,” I smiled.

“Oh wow,” breathed Cole. “I just feel so … I don’t know … blessed, I guess. Listen to me, I’m sitting in a high-security prison, and yet I feel so lucky to have a baby on the way. You’ve really made me mushy, little sister,” he said. “And I can’t wait until the baby is born! You know what happens next,” he said with a wicked look. “We’re going to knock you up with the next one asap.”

My heart stopped for a moment. This was the first time I’d heard either of my brothers talk about a future for us. Sure, they’d promised to take care of me and the baby, but that could mean nothing more than a monthly check, what Gerald had done for their mom. The way Cole was talking, with Landon nodding in the background, made me think that we had a real future together, where we had a house, a yard, a couple kids, and mutual love and respect for one other. I smiled, suddenly radiantly happy.

“Brothers,” I said softly. “Come home soon because I need you.”

“We will, sister,” they said. “We’ll find a way out of this place, we promise.”

And there was no question that they were going to break out of the maximum security prison.

Continue to Part Six



“What?” Gerald thundered. “What do you mean the rape kit is inconclusive? It’s a fucking rape kit for crying out loud! I’m going to see that that doctor’s license is revoked,” he snarled.

I’d never seen my stepdad so livid. A huge vein bulged from his forehead and his face was red and sweaty, the flush extending past his hairline. The buttons on his suit looked like they were about to pop, and one actually did, clattering to the floor.

“Gerald please,” my mom whimpered. “Maybe the doctor who did the exam was inexperienced or just made a mistake,” she said. “We could ask the hospital to run the test again.”

“Woman, clearly you have no idea how these things work,” he growled nastily. “If we dragged Morgan to the hospital today, there’d be no evidence of rape – it’s all been washed away.”#p#分页标题#e#