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By:Cassandra Dee

The doctor gazed thoughtfully but remained silent. He pulled out a camera with a big flash and tilted my pelvis up before saying, “I need to record your physical condition. The flash is really bright, so close your eyes if it’s too much, okay?”

I nodded and leaned back, twisting my face to the side. The flash started to pop, the bright light hitting my body as the doctor photographed my genital region. Unerringly, I could feel myself starting to get wet.#p#分页标题#e#

What the hell? This was one of the most humiliating and depressing moments of my life, and yet here I was, moistening in front of a handsome young doctor. My cheeks colored and I felt a flush rise up over my chest, my nipples hardening as he continued to photograph me.

To make things worse, as he tilted my hips up for a better angle, I felt something slipping out of my anus. Oh god. Both Cole and Landon had ejaculated in me, and both of my holes were filled with fresh semen. I could feel the telltale trickle of fluid down my ass, pooling at the bottom of the exam table, and gasped softly, embarrassed and yet aroused at once.

“Ms. Kinsley, I’m going to take swabs of semen for our lab,” said the doctor. “The police report says that you had sex with two men. Did they both come in your anus?”

How to answer this? I decided to go with the truth.

“I was doing DP … with my stepbrothers,” I added slowly. “One came in my vagina, and the other in my anus, yes,” I confirmed.

“Your brothers!” the doctor exclaimed, his eyebrows shooting up. Okay, so I’d gotten through the façade of medical professionalism with that one. “Are you biologically related?” he said seriously.

“No, not at all,” I replied. “My mom married their dad two years ago, so we’re stepsiblings only.”

“I see,” the doctor mused, prepping what looked like a long Q-tip. He swabbed a sample from my pussy, and then one from my anus, placing the results into two different test tubes. I decided to educate myself, though.

“Doctor,” I confided. “I’m pregnant and I’ve been having sex with my twin brothers non-stop now for weeks. Is there a way to determine which one is the father?”

“Your stepbrothers are twins!” the doctor exclaimed. This time I thought his eyebrows would fall off, they were so far up his head. “Are they identical?”

“Yes, definitely,” I said with confidence. Landon and Cole were mirror-images of one another, albeit gorgeous mirror images with blue eyes and hair as black as soot. I hoped our baby would look like their daddies.

“If they’re monozygotic identical twins, then no, current paternity testing methods have no way of identifying which one is the father. Because they have the same DNA, the tests would merely report that both men are the father.”

“Oh!” I said, my hand flying to my mouth. This was the first good news in a while. I loved knowing that it was impossible to tell who my baby’s daddy was – we were truly a trio bound together by the ties of love.

“But,” said the doctor, “as medical technology advances, there may be ways to distinguish even between identical twins,” he continued. “So you might consider storing your brothers’ DNA pending future analysis.”

“Oh, okay,” I said, waving my hand. “I just wanted to know, because I’m happy to be pregnant,” I confided, my cheeks flushing. “I bet that’s not something you hear from many rape victims.”

“No, it’s not, but we still need to finish the exam,” he said gently. “Now lie back down and I’m going to probe gently, to assess the level of tearing and bruising.”

I obediently lay back and parted my legs. I could feel that my pussy was wet, both with my own fluids fresh, and my brothers’ semen. Now that the doctor knew everything, I felt much more free and relaxed, like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

His hands trailed gently up my legs before lightly probing and patting my vulva. I was sore down there, but it felt good too, his breath warm against my inner thighs, his face hidden by the sheet of my gown. I could feel his fingers caressing and gentle, pressing lightly, examining each lip. Wasn’t he supposed to be wearing gloves? I’d seen him wash his hands when he came in, but the hot fingers on my vulva were definitely bare skin.#p#分页标题#e#

I felt a gentle butterfly touch against my pussy and gave out a small whimper. I was so embarrassed, this was supposed to be professional and impersonal, and instead, I was aroused by a medical exam! But I knew it wasn’t my imagination when the touch came again, this time with more pressure against my pussy lips, and the slightest bit of wetness. Had he just licked my cunny?