Reading Online Novel


I rubbed her gleaming shoulders as she panted, my brother’s dick twitching occasionally as he murmured soothing words to her.

“Baby, you were fantastic,” he rumbled, stroking her hair. “You did DP just right, we loved it,” he said, looking at me over her shoulder.

I was about to add my assent when suddenly the door burst open. What the fuck? Gerald and Linda stood there, Gerald’s expression as dark as thunder, Linda white as a sheet, horror filling her eyes. Because she was looking at her baby girl, still a teenager, naked and sandwiched between two men, whose dicks were currently buried in her cunt and ass.

“Morgan!” she screamed. “Oh my god!” she shrieked, her eyes rolling up into her head before she fainted.

Fortunately, a security guard caught her before she fell. Because yeah, my dad had brought the police with him. Behind him, looming in the hall, were at least five officers, holding out their billy clubs like Cole and I were hardened criminals.

“Get the fuck off of her!” my dad roared.

Cole and I complied. I pulled my dick from Morgan’s ass, trying to go as fast as possible without hurting her, while shielding her anus from the gaze of the crowd. Morgan was deathly pale, and grabbed the sheet to pull over her body, as Cole pulled out as well, his member sticky with her fluids.

“Daddy!” she cried. “This isn’t what it looks like!”

“Oh really,” said Gerald sarcastically. “My two sons haven’t been fucking you, is that what you’re saying? Fucking their own sister? Because that’s what it looks like.”

“Listen,” said Cole, wrapping a sheet around his waist, his chest still bare. “Let’s not get carried away here. Sure, it doesn’t look great, but there’s an explanation for everything.”

“The FUCK there’s a good explanation for this,” ground out Gerald. “Officers, take these fucking criminals away,” he said. “They forced their little sister, making them incestuous rapists.”

And before Cole or I could do anything, the officers were on us, handcuffing our hands behind our backs and leading us to the bedroom door.

“No!” cried Morgan. “They didn’t make me do anything! And we’re not biologically related!”

A brawny middle-aged policewoman stepped forward, flashing a badge. “Miss,” she said. “I’m Officer Parker. Often, victims don’t even know they’re victims, and this could be the case here. Do you acknowledge that those are your brothers?”

“Well, yes,” said Morgan. “But it’s not what it looks like!”

“Miss, I’ll have to take your statement later, but for now, we are going to do as Mr. Kingsley orders and take your brothers to lock-up,” stated the policewoman.#p#分页标题#e#

And so Cole and I were hustled downstairs into waiting cop cars, on our way to jail. We didn’t have a plan, but as I looked over my shoulder at Morgan, our little girl pale, slim, and pregnant with our baby, I knew my twin and I would be back.

Continue to Part Five



It was a nightmare come true. My mom and stepdad had burst into our room, catching the twins and me in flagrante. Okay, so that’s a nice way of putting it. Basically, they caught us naked, me sandwiched between my brothers with Cole in my pussy and Landon in my ass. Hardcore and oh-so-satisfying double penetration with my handsome stepbrothers, whom I also happened to adore.

Yes, I adore them. Because the twins have grown on me, making me tremble and shiver, butterflies in my stomach when I’m in their presence. I care for them deeply, and the two men are complements to one another, with me as the final, perfect piece. Landon is more laid back, gentle, funny and kind, whereas Cole is a bad boy, alpha and assertive, but sweet on the inside as well. They’re the perfect matches for me, and I’ve fallen head over heels.

So to watch them dragged off, hands cuffed behind their backs filled me with panic. Their broad backs were stiff, their muscular bodies strained even if there was no struggle.

I rushed down the stairs in their trail, my thoughts scattered. But Landon’s steely gaze stopped me in my tracks, and he nodded to the officer in charge.

“Officer,” he rumbled. “Can we have a word with our sister before we go?”

“Certainly not!” snapped the bitch, a burly middle-aged woman. “You’re accused of raping your younger sister, you really think that’s going to happen?”

“Well, surely she can visit us at the County Jail tomorrow, right? That’s not prohibited?” he growled, as my eyes filled with tears.