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By:Cassandra Dee



Dinner was a fucking joke. There was barely any conversation, other than Linda’s nervous chatter.

“Cole, Landon, I’m so glad you’re here,” she babbled. “I hope I’ll be able to use this time to get to know you better,” she said. “Gerald and I both want to get to know you better,” she amended.

Because it was true. Gerald Kingsley, billionaire and CEO, had no time for his biological sons. It’d driven Landon and me crazy for the longest time, especially when we found out about Linda and Morgan moving in. I mean, he’d ignored us for eighteen years, his own sons, to suddenly lavish money and time on some little girl whose mom he happened to fuck? What the fuck?

After Violet died, my brother and I had moved in with the intention of degrading Morgan, our new stepsister. There was nothing that would have made us happier than leaving her broken-hearted and pregnant by her twin stepbrothers. Yeah, that’s how depraved we were.

But things turned out different, you know what I mean? Life is crazy, throwing you on your head when you least expect it. Because Morgan turned out to be sweet, sassy and sensual, and my brother and I had both fallen for her. At least, I knew I had. My blockheaded twin can be stubborn, but I knew he had a thing for our little sister too, based on the way he smiled at her when he thought no one was looking, the gentle look in his eyes when Morgan was around.

But our diabolical plan was fucked up now. We purposefully hadn’t used protection with the intent of getting our stepsis knocked up. Clearly, she’d abort the baby when she realized that we didn’t care about her, and hopefully it’d leave her broken and traumatized, a mess for Gerald to clean up. But now, the thought of Morgan pregnant with our baby made me nervous … and excited.

I cornered her in her bathroom after dinner, while Landon was at the gym.

“Cole,” she said, giving me a sweet smile. “Please! I’m trying to go to the bathroom,” she said, pushing ineffectively against my broad shoulders.

But I wasn’t going anywhere, centering my massive bulk in the little space. I pulled out a pregnancy test and held it out.

“Take this,” I said roughly. “Now.”

Morgan was silent for a moment, looking at the box almost uncomprehendingly.

“I’m not late, you know,” she said slowly. “At least, not yet.”

“I know,” I ground out. “But we’ve been fucking you non-stop for two weeks now, and you’re a fertile young girl. Our baby could be growing in you at this moment.”

“But,” she said, her cheeks coloring. “I thought that we’d be safe because it was my first time,” she said. “At least that’s what Landon told me.”

“Landon’s a liar,” I growled. “He tells women anything to get into their pants, but you’re probably the only woman we’ve ever screwed bareback,” I snapped.

“Sorry, little sis,” I said more gently, when I saw the stricken look on her face. “This is a game that you don’t even want to get involved with, and the less you know, the better.”#p#分页标题#e#

“A game?” she said, disbelieving, her hands rushing to her flushed face. “What game? What are you talking about?”

“Just take the test,” I said soothingly, stepping forward and starting to unlace the front ties on her sundress. “Here, I’ll help.”

“No!” shrieked Morgan, batting my hands away. “I get it, I get it, but can I at least have some privacy?”

“Look Morgan,” I said, taking her by her slim shoulders. “This is really important. If you’re pregnant, I’d be over the moon, but we need to find out if you are asap so we’re not left high and dry,” I said seriously.

She looked into my eyes, those big pools of hazel my undoing.

“Brother, I hear you,” she said softly. “But a little privacy okay?”

“Fine,” I said, stepping backwards, my hands up. “I’ll be right outside waiting.”

And I nervously shifted my weight from one foot to the next as Morgan shut the door. I heard the toilet flush and it was unusually quiet in there for a while. How long did these tests take again? Wasn’t it supposed to be two minutes or something?

“Morgan,” I said insistently, knocking on the door. “What’s going on in there?”

It was pure silence, making me even more nervous.

“Morgan,” I said in a loud voice, banging this time. “What’s going on?”

“The door’s open,” said a small voice.