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By:Cassandra Dee

The older man sat down in his chair, gesturing for us to sit as well. My twin and I made sure Morgan was comfortable, and then took chairs on either side of her.

The man looked distinctly uncomfortable, and said, “I may as well jump right into it. Your father, Gerald Kingsley, informed our board that his stepdaughter Morgan would be visiting campus this week. When you signed into the museum this afternoon, the front desk called Administration immediately to inform us of your arrival.”

“Okay,” said Landon. “We get it. Gerald Kingsley is a powerful man, and he asked you to look out for us, maybe give Morgan a private tour or something. But why are we here, seriously?”

The man harrumphed uncomfortably. “Well, young man, we have cameras all throughout the museum. Security for the artwork, you see, and you and your brother were caught on camera … how do I say this … sharing affections with your sister,” he said delicately.

“So what?” growled Landon, covering Morgan’s hand with his own. “She’s our sister, and if we’re a little protective, it’s normal,” he said.

“That’s right,” I rumbled, putting a reassuring hand on Morgan’s knee. “Our sister means the world to us, and if we were a little over-bearing, it’s just brotherly affection,” I said dismissively. But Morgan was white as a sheet and trembling like a leaf in her chair.#p#分页标题#e#

“No, not exactly,” said Dean Skelos slowly. “You see, we have cameras everywhere, and our hall camera by the restrooms caught some … how do I say it? Unexpected activity.”

My eyebrows shot up with warning. “Meaning?” I growled threateningly. Landon was shooting lasers from his eyes as well.

“Maybe it’ll be easier if I show you the tape,” Skelos rushed, clearly nervous. “The footage speaks for itself.”

He flicked on a monitor on the wall, and a grainy black and white image flashed on-screen. There was a hallway, and you could see women coming in and out of a restroom. He fast-forwarded a few seconds, and pretty soon Morgan came into view, her svelte frame unmistakable. My brother and I followed in the tape. Morgan handed her purse to me, and turned to go into the restroom, but I grabbed her arm and pulled her back to me for a kiss. She responded wholly, lovingly, sweetly opening her mouth under mine, her arm trailing up my back before breaking free to turn toward the restrooms.

But Landon hadn’t gotten his kiss yet. He playfully grabbed her by the waist and spun her towards him, gently cupping her chin, giving her a deep, thorough kiss as well. And Morgan responded, pressing her body against his, her arms fastening around her neck before detaching again to use the restroom. But Landon was insistent. His erection was visible in the video, and he pulled her back to him, glancing over his shoulder to see if anyone was coming. After making sure the coast was clear, he pulled playfully at the tie around her neck, and like magic, the top of her dress fell down, exposing lush, creamy breasts. God bless whoever invented halter tops.

Here’s where it got steamy. Both Landon and I swooped in on our little sister, each of us bending forward to suckle at one of her breasts. Her tits were creamy and firm, and I could still taste her nipple in my mouth, the puffy flesh hard yet soft at once. We nursed from her for a minute or two, and fuck, you could see my hand worming its way under her dress, causing Morgan to throw her head back and moan silently.

But she’d really needed to go, so she pulled away again, smiling as she re-tied the halter and backed into the restroom, giving us a special look. By this point, my brother and I had huge erections, totally evident on screen.

The dean flicked off the monitor and turned back towards us. “You see, we understand that you’re her brothers,” he said uncomfortably. “Unfortunately, as a university, it is our duty to protect our students, even prospective ones who haven’t matriculated yet. The video clearly shows that you were engaging in heavy foreplay with a woman who also happens to be your sister.”

“So what?” I growled. “There’s nothing there.” I wasn’t worried at all. I mean, it wasn’t like Morgan was underage, and shit, Landon and I had so much x-rated footage on tape, this was nothing in comparison. Okay, so maybe the fact that Morgan was our sister put a twist on things, but it’s not like we were related by blood.

The dean looked uncomfortable. “I realize that you’re not biologically related, but the University does not condone sibling relations, even those of steps,” he said. “To keep things simple, we’d request Ms. Kingsley refrain from applying to Bowdoin next year,” he said slowly.