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By:Cassandra Dee

At lunch, it was the same thing. She was unspeakably sweet, romantic, and smart. The waitress came over at the old-school diner, be-bop blaring in the background.

“What’ll you be having, hon?” the middle-aged woman asked, chewing gum with a smack.

“Um,” murmured Morgan. “I’ll have a salad and … do you have you have those old-fashioned cream sodas, you know the kind that come with the curly straws?”

“Yep, three straws comin’ right up,” she said. “You guys?”

“Double cheeseburgers, rare,” I ordered. “With cokes and large fries.” Turning back to Morgan, I asked, “What’s up with the cream soda? Isn’t that kind of hokey?”

“Oh you know,” she said flushing. “If we get three straws, it’ll be cute, you know? Like in the old movies where a boy and a girl on a date sit together and sip from the same drink. I saw it in a couple Doris Day movies, I’ve been watching them as part of my film class.”

Landon and I shared another look. Were we on a date? Shit, our plan was working like magic, but it just made me want to fuck her even more. I could tell my brother felt the same way. But we held back, indulging her, letting her chatter away about schools, how much she adored art, plans for next year, etc.

Suddenly, she came to a stop.

“What about you, brothers?” she asked quietly. “What are your plans for next year?”

“Landon and I, we’re looking into some things,” I said vaguely. The fact is, we already had a promotion business and were making mad bank, but no need for our little sis to know.

Morgan was quiet for a moment. “I’d love to see you guys more, next year too,” she said. “I hope this isn’t a one week fling,” she said.

The thing is, it was supposed to be a short-term fuck, done as soon as we finished impregnating the little girl to leave her high and dry. But I found myself lying through my teeth, halfway wishing it was true.

“Of course not,” I rumbled assuredly. “Landon and I will be there for you no matter what. You’re our little sister, right?” I asked playfully.

She turned her big brown eyes on me, and I could feel my heart melting.

“Thanks big bro,” she said with a shy smile. “I want to spend more time with you guys. This has all been so … magical, I guess,” she said, her cheeks flushing fetchingly again.

I could almost kill myself, but Landon stepped in smoothly.
“We’re always here for you, little sis, we’ll just have to iron out a few things going forward,” he said smoothly. Oh shit, he was going in for the kill.

“Like what?” she asked innocently.

“Well, we’re siblings obviously, plus the fact that we haven’t been using any protection.”

“Yeah, I was going to ask you about that,” she said, looking down at her belly. “We haven’t exactly been playing it safe, have we?” she said slowly.

“We’ve only been enjoying each other for a few days, it’s not dangerous,” replied Landon smoothly. “I’m sure you’re fine,” he continued. Wow, he’d used these words on so many girls, but I’d never felt bad hearing him speak them before.

“I hope so,” said Morgan, her eyes downcast again. But my spidey sense told me something was off … maybe Morgan wanted to be a mom? To our baby? Oh shit.

But we were interrupted by a middle-aged woman who materialized at the table side.

“Morgan Kingsley?” she asked. “Landon Kingsley? Cole Kinsgley?”

“Yeah, that’s us,” I said roughly, my voice hoarse.

“Bowdoin administrators would like to ask you to join them at the President’s office,” she said. “It concerns some videotape of the exhibit, “Balloon Dog.” Would you come this way please?”

Videotape? What the fuck? But I had an ominous feeling … because I’d kissed Morgan in that corner, sneaking a sweet taste of her in the shadow of that monstrous sculpture. Oh shit.

Continue to Part Three



A secretary showed us into a plush office, portraits of white-haired men on the walls, with Bowdoin’s flag hung prominently in a window.

A blustery, red-faced man got up from the desk, holding out his hand.

“Welcome, I’m Dean Skelos, Dean of Undergraduate Admissions,” he said. “We’re so pleased to have Morgan visit campus today. I understand you’re her brothers, Cole and Landon.”

“Yeah, nice to meet you,” said Landon slowly. “Thanks for the warm welcome, but is there a reason why we’re here?”