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By:Cassandra Dee

I could hear rumblings outside. Neither Cole nor Landon were interested in college. To be honest, I’m not sure exactly what they planned to do, maybe become party promoters or something. I knew that they sometimes organized parties for the kids at their high school, which were popular and well-attended. But college? Zero importance.

Surprisingly though, they agreed.

“Sure little sis, we’ll come along for the ride,” Landon said amiably, pulling a tee shirt over his head. My stomach fluttered. I was looking forward to seeing the leafy campus with these two gorgeous men in tow, my first time stepping out with my brothers. I wasn’t sure how it was going to work … I mean, were they my boyfriends now, or were we going to play it safe with the whole brother/sister charade?

I didn’t know, but putting on a flirty yellow sundress, I planned to find out.



She seemed to be growing up before our eyes. She’d always been sassy, fun and playful, but she’d kinda been … I don’t know, a nerd I guess? Morgan with the big brown eyes, even bigger glasses, and pencil-thin, geeky look. But overnight, she’d blossomed.

She came out of the bathroom looking like a rose in bloom, wearing a yellow halter-neck sundress, her hair swept up in some complicated way. I liked it, and I know my brother did too. Still slim, but her boobs actually filled out the top of the dress, her hips narrow with a little bubble butt that was totally fuckable.

Because that’s how disgusting we are. We’re her brothers, yet anal is totally on the menu. The poor little girl just had her virginity taken not days ago, and already I’m planning her graduation to the next level.

Because she’s a mystery, this one. I admit, Cole and I just wanted to use and abuse her before. Not that we were looking forward to deflowering a skinny virgin, but we wanted revenge on Gerald, our dad. She was his daughter, his responsibility, his … property almost, with the way he’d bought and paid for her, moving her into that big house, forking over a ransom for tuition. We wanted to take something from him, demeaning him in the process.

And so Cole and I waited. Women have always liked us, and Morgan was no exception. She’d grow attached over time, all the better to make the break-up that much more devastating.

But she was so sweet and trusting, and goddamn it, it made me feel bad.

“Landon,” she murmured. “Help me with the zip?”

She twirled around, showing me that flawless back narrowing into a tiny waist, and fuck if I didn’t get hard again, my cock punching against my fly at her beauty. But she twirled, teasing me, and wiggled a bit.

“Come on!” she smiled. “I want to get to Bowdoin, they have a sculpture curriculum that’s out of this world.”

And tongue-tied, I zipped her up and we piled into the car to head to campus. That’s the thing. The little girl is a mass of contradictions that my brother and I can’t wrap our heads around it. We’d started this whole thing with nasty intentions, but it just doesn’t seem that relevant anymore. What were we hoping to achieve by deflowering and sodomizing our little sister? Oh right, make Gerald spend a shit-ton on legal fees, protecting … who exactly? Us? Morgan? Morgan’s mom? Who knows? His allegiances would be so torn up that he’d probably end up getting a divorce.

Oh right. Sodomize and humiliate Morgan so that her mom would divorce our cocksucker dad. I was more than a little confused by the status of our plan, but if Morgan was the horse that we were going to ride, then so be it.#p#分页标题#e#



I could tell Landon was having second thoughts too. It’s hard not to like Morgan. There’s the whole aspect of taking candy from a baby for one, she’s so trusting, but she’s … sweet too, with an edge of sassiness. I see Landon falling under her spell, the way he jumps up when she calls, the way he smiles like she’s a welcome breath of fresh air. And unfortunately, I’m the same way, drawn to her warmth like the sun.

“Cole, isn’t this amazing?” she breathed, nodding to a sculpture of what looked like a giant balloon dog.

“Um, yeah,” I mumbled. It looked like a heap of twisted metal to me.

“The artist means this as a critique on modern life, that balloon dogs blown up to monstrous proportions pre-occupy the minds of the modern American,” she said in a hushed voice.

Landon and I shared a glance over her head. What the hell was she talking about? But our little sister was really talented, and unexpectedly, I felt proud of her, proud that my girl had so much to give.