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By:Cassandra Dee

Because she was definitely enjoying her time with them. Her dress had ridden up until I could glimpse the tiny vee of her panties, watching as Cole rubbed there, the girl gyrating hotly on his hand.

“Mmm, baby, yes!” she’d moaned. He’d given her a teasing kiss and said, “Let Landon carry you upstairs, we’ll be more comfortable on the bed.” And his brother had swept the woman up into his arms, laughing all up the stairs, making kissy moaning noises, pausing when they got to the landing.

“Think Morgan’s asleep?” said one twin to the other.

“Oh yeah,” his brother replied. “Our little sis is probably dead to the world.” And with that, they turned into the master suite, the door snicking shut behind them.

But throughout the night, I’d heard female moans of ecstasy, punctuated by the low growls of my brothers. My eyes wide open, I’d listened in wonderment at the banging and shifting going on inside. Though I couldn’t see, I could certainly hear wet flesh slapping, imagining the bumpy ride the girl was experiencing, the two biggest bumps my brothers’ cocks.

What did the twins’ dicks look like? I mean, I was terrible at biology. Their faces and bodies looked exactly the same, so did that extend to their rods too? I flushed again in the dark, berating myself for my crazy and inappropriate train of thought.

But god, I was so turned-on listening to the live porn show next door. My pussy was beginning to drip from the sounds of sex, and I let a finger drop in to trace over my clit. I’d never been with a man before, just too shy, too nervous, and … there was no one else like the twins, frankly.

As the moans grew in volume, I stroked myself, fantasizing about Cole and Landon. They were so steamy … so masculine … and … oh god. I was so pathetic and desperate that I was dreaming about my own brothers. But I couldn’t deny there was a zing to the idea, something alluring and indescribably hot about being taken by my steps.

I frigged my cunny until I came, my pussy spasming with sweet release, images of Cole and Landon dancing in my head, and fell asleep to a low masculine shout in the distance, probably one of my brothers climaxing. If only that could be me, in bed with them. I’d do anything for the opportunity.



The next day, the blonde was sitting at the breakfast bar in nothing but a t-shirt and panties, swinging her leg on the stool.

“Good morning,” I mumbled. Well, this was awkward. I’d never met a girl the morning after, and definitely not one who was so vocal during her sex romps. Her screams had been loud and shrill, almost to the point where I wondered if she was okay. But she was definitely not embarrassed.

“Hiya,” she purred. “Are you the help? I’d like some breakfast please.”#p#分页标题#e#

I stopped in my tracks. I guess I didn’t look like much, but didn’t think I looked like a servant either, with my teddy bear pajama pants and a tiny sleep tank. But some people just have little to no powers of observation. Besides, the girl had already spun around, turning to greet my brothers as they tromped down the stairs.

“Landon, Cole!” she cried, her arms outstretched. “How are you feeling honeys? I know I’m a little sore,” she murmured cheekily, coyly smiling at both.

Both men gave her a peck on the cheek but were curiously distant, helping themselves to food in the fridge.

“Yeah, hey Lana …” began Landon.

“It was so great meeting you last night,” continued Cole.

“Not Lana, Dana,” the blonde corrected. I let out a muffled giggle. Really? My brothers got her name wrong?

“Oh yeah Dana,” said Cole, “It’s been great knowing you and all, but my brother and I are really busy today, you know … like, really busy,” his voice trailed off.

“It’s Saturday,” said Lana petulantly. “It’s 9 am right now. What could you possibly have to do?”

“Well,” said Cole. “We need to work out, and then run some errands, do some laundry, maybe check out a few books from the library …”

I stifled another giggle. There was no way these two guys had library cards, even I could see that. But Lana was determined.

“I’ll go with you to the library!” she said. “And I can help with laundry, I’m really good at colors versus whites,” she cooed.

The boys exchanged a glance.

“Um, no thanks chicky,” said Landon. “We don’t like people touching our shit, so we just do it ourselves. Plus, we wanted to spend some time with our little sister!” he exclaimed, hooking an arm around my neck. “Right Morgan? We had some shit planned today.”