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By:Cassandra Dee

It’s hard to describe the depravity that Cole and I engage in. We always fuck the same girl at the same time, and no, not a lot of girls say no. In fact, none have said no.

Let’s just say a lot of females fantasize about MFM ménage, and when the opportunity to do handsome identical twins comes around, the legs start spreading pronto. So my brother and I get double our share of twat, and we like it that way.

But our little sister is kinda different. I mean, we basically sprang up on her like overgrown beasts, intruding on her little castle in the sky. She was so fucking funny that first day, with a grade school backpack and those big, chunky glasses.

“Can I get you a sandwich?” she’d asked, her eyes innocent and blinking.

I knew what I wanted to say. I wanted to say, “Sure, and why don’t you bring that sandwich to me on your knees and lick my balls as I’m eating it.”

But Cole had given me a warning glance and we took things easy instead.

“No worries, baby,” I’d said instead. “Go play with your toys,” I’d probably added.

But that’s not part of the mission. We want to be nice to our little sis, and the poor princess is basically alone in this fucking fortress Gerald’s built. Our fucking father, if you can even call him that, hasn’t bothered to show up in two months. Two fucking months. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. I mean, it’s not like Cole and I ever saw him when we were growing up.

“Your father is a billionaire, but he never gives us anything,” pouted Violet. I call her Violet, and not mom, because she’d never been a mom to us. She was either drinking, drugging, slutting herself, or just plain lazy, sitting that bony ass on the couch. But Cole is different, actually referring to her as a mother figure.

“Ma, shut the fuck up, okay?” said Cole. “Gerald sends checks every month, and besides, you’re hardly the fucking model citizen.”

“Don’t talk to me that way!” she screeched, bolting upright, her hair frazzled. She was a junkie, just skin and bones, a malnourished hag. Hard to believe that once she’d been pretty enough to attract powerful guys. “Your father … he … he owes me!” she shrieked.

“Whatevs,” said Cole dismissively. “Come on, let’s beat feet,” he said, nodding towards the door.

I grabbed my shit and we headed out into the night. But Violet’s insistence that Gerald owed her stuck in my mind … and my brother and I were going to do something about it.



“Oh yeah, honey, I’m sorry we forgot to tell you,” said my mom. “You know Gerald and I are in Istanbul right now, and with the time zones and traveling, we didn’t want to wake you,” she babbled. “Have Cole and Landon moved in yet?” she asked. “They’re Gerald’s kids from a fling he had long ago, their mom’s way out of the picture,” she continued.

I could barely hear her, the connection static and crackling.

“Yes, Mom,” I said, quietly sarcastic. “I guess … well, thanks for telling me, even if it’s belated.”

“I’m sorry honey,” she said. “But it’s no problem, right? I told Gerald they could share your wing of the house because you know how Daddy likes his privacy. It won’t be any trouble, you’ll enjoy having some company. I know how you always wanted a sibling.”

“Yeah mom, they’re great,” I said, suddenly tired. Nothing seemed to make sense. I now had two gorgeous men staying in the same house who were supposedly my stepbrothers, but could very well be ax-murderers. Well, leave it to Mom. If I was chopped into pieces by the time she got back, so be it.#p#分页标题#e#

Slowly, I hung up the phone. I crept up the stairs to my bedroom, pausing at the landing. The twins had taken a room down the hall from mine, the big master bedroom with a marble en suite. Through the door, I could hear a ton of splashing, plus the unmistakable sound of a woman’s voice.

“Cole!” she gasped. “Ahh!” she cried, followed by another wordless shriek and a man’s growl. Could it be? Yeah, I think Cole and Landon were in the tub with her, enjoying some naked time together.

Eff me. I’d gotten a glimpse of the blonde when Cole and Landon let themselves in during the wee hours of the night. The girl had been stunning, leggy and model-esque, teetering on ridiculously high heels. But she’d been like a live wire, wedged between the two men. I could see my brothers’ hands on her curves, squeezing her luscious assets as she moaned into their mouths.