Rusty nailed(38)
She scanned the room, breathing a little easier when she saw that Neil wasn’t there. “Can I help with anything?”
The doorbell rang again.
“Like right now, can I help with anything? How about I make sure the bars okay,” she said, heels clicking across the floor as she grabbed Tall Zach and pulled him toward the alcohol.
Simon walked over to me, reaching around me to open the door for the only friend who hadn’t yet arrived.
“Hey, man, what’s up?” Neil said, handing Simon a bottle of scotch. “Caroline, thanks for inviting me,” he added, sneaking a kiss on my cheek before I could react.
“Hi, Neil,” I managed, trying to remember that this was Simon’s friend and I was making an effort. I had to really make an effort when I got an eyeful of who he brought with him.
I can’t say for sure that she’d ever appeared in Playboy. But if she hadn’t, she should have.
“Hi! I’m Missy,” she said, and I smiled at Neil through clenched teeth. I could tell it was putting Simon in physical pain not to laugh.
“Hi there, Missy,” I managed. “Let me take your coat, Missy.”
“Wow, look at all those windows!” She giggled as I led them inside.
I knew how much a window wall that size cost to install, and I wondered how much it would cost to repair . . .
chapter ten
“Airplane. Airplane people. Airplane holding a sponge.”
“Airplane with hands, hands? Okay, hands. Airplane hands. Sponge hands.”
“Sponge hands! Airplane sponge. Bird sponge. Bird! Okay, bird. Hand bird.”
“SpongeBob HandBird. Stop pointing at the airplane, we know it’s not an airplane!”
“Time’s up.”
Sophia sat down in a huff, throwing her Sharpie across the room. Neil stuck his hand straight up in the air and caught it as she huffed, “I can’t believe you guys couldn’t get that! It was so obvious that it was—”
“Ah-ah-ah, don’t say another word. We get a chance to steal,” Simon said from his place on the couch.
It was girls against guys, and the guys were currently kicking our ass. They were up forty points. Stupid boys.
“Go ahead, you’ll never get it. Don’t worry, they’ll never get it,” Sophia assured us, sipping her cocktail and winking at Zach over the rim.
“Now just give us a minute. We have thirty seconds to examine the picture and see if we can guess what you were trying to draw,” Ryan said, standing up and going over to the board where Sophia had been drawing.
“We know how the game is played!” Mimi yelled from her perch on the back of the couch. She was Drunky Mimi tonight; her cocktail station had served her well. And overserved her—she was Loud Drunky Mimi. “You don’t have to say that each time you try to steal!”
As Simon and Ryan puzzled over the drawing while Mimi counted down from thirty, Zach flirted with Sophia. And by flirting, I mean licked the rim of his glass. All the way around. He looked like a giraffe.
Shuddering, I looked at Sophia, who wasn’t even watching. She was watching Neil, who was watching Missy, who was adjusting her bra. I knew this because it was hanging half out of her shirt.
Ryan and Simon continued to argue over the picture while Zach giraffed, and I just held my head. Disaster.
“Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven!” Mimi shouted, staring at her watch.
“It’s not New Year’s—just give us a few more seconds, we can get this!” Ryan shouted back, looking back and forth from the picture to Simon.
“Shit, I don’t know, is it, is it—shit!” Simon yelled, bouncing from one foot to the other.
“Six! Five! Four! Three!” Mimi continued. Missy crossed her legs. Neil stared at her legs. Zach burped, but continued licking. Sophia steamed.
“A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush,” Neil stated, his gaze on Sophia.
“One! Ha, you didn’t— Wait, what?” Mimi asked, looking at Neil, then Sophia. Simon and Ryan looked hopeful.
“That’s right.” Sophia scowled, wincing when Simon and Ryan erupted into cheers.
“No way, no way! No fair, I had almost said one! I had almost said one!” Mimi cried, jumping across the room and landing on Ryan’s back, pummeling him with her fists. Zach burped again. Missy took her hair out of her ponytail, and everyone with a penis stopped to watch.
“That’s it,” Sophia snapped, and stormed into the kitchen.
“I’m calling time-out!” I yelled as I left the room to follow her.
“Time-out from what?” Zach asked, and I just shook my head.