Bryce laughs; “Well well, is stone-cold Peyton Rivers ready to settle down?” He makes an overly dramatic shocked face at me; “So I guess this means you’re ready to be my good little housewife? Get all domesticated? Cook my dinners, bring me my slipper-”
I slug him in the arm; “I’d like to fucking see you try!”
He laughs; “There it is.” He kisses me; “How about you stay exactly the same,” he murmurs; “I like you wild.”
“Only if you stay crazy,” I say with a grin.
But of course, there’s never a “final chapter” to anyone’s story, because the story is always moving forward. Every day is an empty page, and it’s our job to fill them with life; with laughter, with tears, with struggles, and with triumphs. We may stumble and fall, and we may bend and break under the winds and tides of the fates that move us, but no matter what, the story will always find it’s way through.
Because that’s life.
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