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Reckless In Love(58)

By:Bella Andre & Jennifer Skully

Her long blond hair turned a fiery gold as the light hit her, and she  was suddenly the only thing Matt could see, young and lithesome, pretty  and wholesome, pure and sweet.

It was the girl from the group home, the one who'd played with Noah. Ariana.

Noah had adored her, and she'd been so good with him, endlessly patient,  her smile angelic as they played in the dirt. Would she want to be  Noah's nanny?

Matt usually had older caregivers for Noah. Young women wanted to date,  they could be flighty, or they moved on too soon. But he sure hadn't  been batting a thousand with anyone he'd hired so far.

Maybe it was wishful thinking. Maybe it was something extraordinary  about this young lady that set her apart from every other woman who'd  walked through his front door. Maybe he'd been alone way too long.

Whatever the reason, when Ariana suddenly turned, her gaze met his like a  lightning strike. He had no idea what her story was, or if she'd even  consider becoming a nanny, but he put down his drink and headed straight  for her. Damn good thing a Maverick always knew how to get what he  wanted. Because today, Matt knew exactly what-and who-he wanted.



BREATHLESS IN LOVE, the first book in our Maverick Billionaires series  about Will Franconi, is out now! FEARLESS IN LOVE (Matt's story) will be  released June 15, 2016!         



For news on Bella Andre's upcoming books, click  http://BellaAndreFans.com/Newsletter to sign up for Bella Andre's New  Release Newsletter.

For news on Jennifer Skully's upcoming books, click  http://bit.ly/SkullyNews to sign up for Jennifer Skully's New Release  Newsletter.

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Enjoy an excerpt from BREATHLESS IN LOVE, Will's story...

Will Franconi has a dark past that he's kept a closely guarded  secret―very few people have ever heard his real story and he plans to  keep it that way. After surviving a hellish childhood, he's now living  the dream life where everything he touches turns to gold. But  something's missing. He doesn't quite know what, until a simple letter  from a teenage boy brings Harper Newman into his life-a woman who just  might fill up the empty places inside him...if only he could ever be  worthy of her love.

When a man has more money than he could spend in five lifetimes, Harper  has to ask herself what Will Franconi could possibly want from a woman  like her. She's learned the hard way that rich men always get what they  want no matter the cost. If it were only herself she had to worry about,  Harper would manage, but she's guardian to her younger brother, who  depends on her for everything. After he nearly lost his life in a car  crash, she's vowed never to let anyone hurt him ever again.

Still, sometimes Harper can't help but long to change her story from  that of the always cautious woman to an adventurous tale of a heroine  who's wild and free...especially when Will's kisses and caresses make  her utterly breathless. And as he begins to reveal his story to her, she  discovers that he's so much more than just another wealthy, privileged  man. He's kind and giving, and he fills up all the spaces inside her  heart that have been empty for so long. Together, can they rewrite their  stories into a happily ever after that neither of them would have  believed possible?

Harper was utterly gorgeous, the sun sparkling in her wind-tossed hair,  ecstasy glowing on her face. She didn't shout or cheer-but she did hold  up her arms. And she smiled.

The most beautiful smile Will had ever seen.

He wasn't even near freeway speed, yet the shriek of the motor, the  rumble of the pipes, and the open sky above them made it seem as if the  car were flying at over a hundred miles an hour.

Just as he'd promised, he took her around only once. He didn't want to push her limits.

Not yet, anyway.

While harnessing her in, it would have been so easy to touch her, to let  his fingertips graze her gorgeous skin. His heart had hammered with the  desire to put his hands on her. Even now, his fingers sizzled with her  heat, and her sweet scent filled his head. But he could tell that she  wasn't like the women he usually spent his time with-women who knew the  score and were in it for what they could grab before he moved on.

Harper Newman was different. And he liked that, liked knowing that  wooing her would be unlike anything else he'd ever done in his life.  Even if a voice in his head reminded him that he shouldn't be looking  for anything more than a quick roll between the sheets with her.

Not because she didn't deserve more, but because she did. So much more  than a fundamentally broken man like Will could ever give her.

He slowed after the last turn, heading back to her brother. Back to sanity for both of them.

For now.

She let her arms drop, and her sleeve brushed his arm as she said, "That was fast."

She was trying for a noncommittal tone, but he could hear the  breathlessness she was trying to hide. She might normally be good at  hiding her feelings, but Will was too interested in her to miss one  single thing. Especially the thrill of the speed still coursing through  her veins.

"Too fast? Or just right?"

Her eyes met his and sparks jumped between them again. Sparks that had  been there from the very first moment they'd looked at each other.

Finally, she admitted, "It was good," her words a little huskier than he imagined she wanted them to be.

Ahead of them, Jeremy was hopping, skipping toward the car. He looked so  happy. Which, Will was glad to see, made Harper very happy, too.

They rolled to a stop and he said, "Let me give you a hand."

But she didn't wait for his chivalry, simply unbuckled before he could  help her and said, "I'm fine, thanks," then turned to grab the roll bar  and hoist herself up.

Jeremy ran over to them. "Wasn't it cool, Harper?"

"I enjoyed it."

Her answer was far too tight-laced, but Will knew that for a few moments  out there, she'd been one with the car and the rush of speed. Just as  he had.

"But once was enough," she added, smoothing her jacket, then her skirt, and finally her hair.         



"Once is never enough," he said softly.

Despite how hard she was working to rein herself in, he heard her breath  catch on the slightly sensual undertone to his words. Will knew that if  her brother hadn't been standing right there, he would have done  something crazy, like grab her and kiss her.

No, he wasn't good enough for her. But that knowledge didn't keep him  from wanting her. If anything, he was even more powerfully drawn to the  good in her, to the sweetness and warmth she shared with her brother.

"I don't have to be anywhere special for another couple of hours. I can show you the Aston Martin at my place."

In truth, Will had a dozen important things to take care of today, but  Jeremy was like a bright, mystical sphere that beckoned him closer, a  breath of something clean that made him feel young instead of jaded.

And then there was Harper.

Beautiful, unique Harper with all that tightly leashed passion inside of her just waiting to be set free...