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Reckless In Love(36)

By:Bella Andre & Jennifer Skully

She wasn't used to being the center of attention, but really, who  wouldn't be thrilled to be handpicked for greatness by Sebastian  Montgomery?

Only her.

She must be crazy, and when she saw his frown, she rushed to say, "I  can't wait to start the dinosaurs for Noah. Next time I need a break  from the horses, that's what I'll build." She hoped it escaped his  notice that she didn't actually say her creative life was better. She  was sure she'd feel that way once she got over her weird reticence.

"We should figure out a price tag for the works you've already got in stock. And then-"

She broke in, almost sharply, without thinking through her words. "I'm  not charging for the dino. Or for anything else one of your friends  might want." She tried to temper her tone with a smile, adding, "They  were all so welcoming. So nice."

"That's the Mavericks for you." Though he seemed a little taken aback by  her strong reaction to the idea of putting a price on her work, his  voice was gentle. "I could tell they loved you."

"I know your childhood was really hard, but the family you created as an adult is amazing. You're very lucky, Sebastian."

"Luckier than I ever thought I'd be." With the softening of his voice  and the way he looked so deeply into her eyes, it felt as if he was  saying how lucky he'd been to find her too. "Speaking of family, after  you told me your mom finally got a spot at the new facility, I looked at  the website and made a few calls. You've said the place will be great  for her, and from everything I've seen and everyone I've spoken to, I  think you're right. But the start-up cost and the monthly fees are  astronomical."

She'd given him the good news about her mother's move-in date during one  of their calls while he was in England. She'd chosen that moment so he  wouldn't see how green at the gills she'd turned at the thought of  paying those monthly bills. Making love with him tonight had been so  good, and she'd felt so loose, so free and happy, but between talk of  all her possible future commissions and the money for her mother's care,  her stomach was quickly knotting around the chocolate, strawberries,  and champagne.

She struggled to keep her voice even. "Between your commission and the rams, I've already earned enough to take care of it."

But now that he knew exactly how much those monthly fees were, he was  easily able to counter her statement. "That will last a year at most."

She pulled the robe more tightly around herself, as though somehow she  was too naked, too exposed. She hated feeling that way with him, after  what they'd shared only minutes before. "You just mentioned how the  commissions are falling into my lap. I'll work harder. Longer hours.  I'll sell everything in my yard. Somehow I'll make it work."         



"Charlie." He stroked her cheek. "Let me help you. Please."

She wanted to fall into his touch, to nuzzle against his hand. Instead,  she leaned forward to set her champagne on the trolley. "I know you want  to help. And that's great. But I can't take anything else from you."


"I told you before that you've already done so much, and nothing has changed."

"How can you say nothing has changed? Everything has changed."

Both her brain and her heart stopped working for a long moment that  stretched on and on, the knots in her stomach so tight they felt as  though they were cutting her in two. "Because we had sex?"

"We didn't just have sex, damn it. We made love."

It was what she'd thought. What she'd felt. But now it was like a knife  slicing her up from the inside, where she was least prepared for it. "So  why are you using that to justify giving me more money?"

"That isn't what I'm trying to do." His frustration-and hers-felt like  living things in the room, battling against each other. "I'm just  concerned that you're killing yourself trying to pay for all your  mother's needs." He tilted up her chin with his fingertips to force her  to look at him. He was so beautiful. So perfect. So rich. "It's the same  damn thing that happened with the pearl dress. I don't see why you  can't accept that I have money and that nothing would make me happier  than to spend it on you and your mother."

"Because everyone here tonight probably thinks I'm just another one of  the billionaire's acquisitions, handpicked to live on his property and  share the bed in his hotel suite!" The words flew out of her mouth  before she could stop them.

"No." Sebastian's response was stone hard. And utterly unyielding.  "Everyone here tonight thinks you're a brilliant artist. Everyone here  tonight thinks I'm a lucky son of a bitch for even getting to be near  you. The only person who could possibly think you're nothing but a  billionaire's toy is you. If you think I'd pay you for what we did  tonight, that the two things even have anything to do with each other,  then you've lost your freaking mind. We're a hell of a lot more than  that, Charlie." The look on his face wasn't mere pain. It was  devastation. "I thought you felt the same way."

His words hit her like a heavy rock right to her belly. With a hard jolt  of pain. One that either knocked you down...or woke you up.

She swallowed hard, as though that same rock were being shoved down her  throat. Her eyes had already filled with tears as she whispered, "I'm  sorry."

So much had changed so fast. In the wake of their incredible lovemaking,  her walls had come down...and she'd been unable to stop herself from  freaking out over just about every single thing. The pressure from all  those possible future commissions so that she'd have money to pay for  her mother's care beyond the first year. Wondering if she could actually  fit into his glittering world-and if living in it would ever get  easier. Worrying that Sebastian preferred the dolled-up version of her  over the woman in boots and jeans. But she hadn't meant to take out her  fears on him, or to spin his very kind offer into something dark and  twisted.

"I'm not usually this emotional. At least," she said with a shaky little laugh, "I can usually control it better."

He slid his hands down her arms, gathered her fingers in his, and pulled  her close to rest his forehead against hers. "I've never felt like this  either. You've become the most important person in the world to me,  Charlie. I never want to hurt you."

"I know you don't." Her voice, her body-everything-felt soft and rubbery  with her tears. "And I promise you that I didn't think the dress was  payment for anything. I just couldn't see spending that kind of money on  clothes. Not when I could pay for six months at Magnolia Gardens for  that amount."

"I'm sorry too, Charlie. I should have understood about the dress. But  when it comes to your mom?" He shook his head. "I just want to see her  as comfortable as she can be, and in a good place, without either of you  having to worry over how long you can keep it up, or that she'll have  to go back to Shady Lane."

He was so sweet that she felt another trickle of tears down her face. He  kissed them away even as she beat herself up for calling his generosity  into question. All because she was scared. About pretty much  everything.

She cupped his cheek in her palm. "In a few months, if I have trouble making payments, I will come to you, I promise."         



"Thank you." He wrapped his arms around her as if she'd just given him a  gift simply by agreeing to accept his help if she ever needed it.

She pressed her mouth against his, stroking the rippling muscles of his  chest. She could fix this. She needed to fix it, needed to show him how  sorry she was.

"Come with me," she whispered, holding out her hands and leading him  back to the bedroom. Wrapping her body around his, she pulled him down  to the bed. The delicious scent of their loving still lingered on the  sheets. And she wanted more, needed it, had to erase the words that had  come between them.

"Charlie." Her name was a whisper of pleasure over her skin as he covered her in kisses.

He pushed aside the robe, baring her body to his lips, his touch. "Your  skin is so sweet, so soft." He licked, tasted, and kissed his way over  her breasts, finally taking a nipple between his lips, teasing her.

"Sebastian." She cried out his name, arched up, pressing her body hard  against him. Begging. She'd never felt so cherished or so possessed.  Sebastian didn't just kiss, he savored. He absorbed himself in her  pleasure, in every inch of her skin, in her textures and curves, as if  she were the only thing that mattered in the world.

How could she have doubted him?

Trailing his hand down her stomach, slipping his fingers over her  sensitive flesh, he made her forget all her fears, her worries. Made her  forget that she always felt she needed to do everything herself.

"Sebastian, please." She writhed beneath him, his leg thrown over hers to open her body fully to him.