Reading Online Novel

Reckless In Love(35)

He'd never been crazy or out of control before. Not until Charlie became  a recklessness in his blood. He rolled, opened the side table drawer,  and withdrew a foil packet. She took it from him, leaving his hands free  to run over her gorgeous curves until she straddled his legs, ripped  the packet, and took him in her hand.

"So beautiful," she whispered, leaning close as if she were speaking  only to that part of him. "So thick. And hard." She swiped her tongue  over the crest, and a tremor surged through him. "You taste so good."

And then-finally-she slid down to take him inside.

The feel of her around him, over him, sent him to a place beyond words.  He could only groan, arch his head into the mattress, and grab the  pillow between his hands, squeezing tight, fingers aching with the  effort to stave off his climax.

"Take me, Charlie. Take all of me." It was part plea, part wild,  reckless need that wouldn't wait for anything. Not one more second.

She enveloped him even deeper with her body, sliding only so far before  rising again, squeezing him tight inside her as he held her hips, played  her flesh, testing the suppleness of her skin. Desperate for as much of  her as he could get, he took her sweet, succulent nipple in his mouth.  She let out a breath laced with a little hum of pleasure and took him  deeper. But it wasn't far enough. Wasn't anywhere near enough.

He wanted to fill her all the way to her heart, giving over everything  that was in him. "More." He rolled, pinning her body beneath him. "I  need all of you."

And when she echoed more against his lips, he thrust home, high and deep  inside her. His muscles bunched and flexed against hers, their bodies  pressed tightly together as though they were welded into one part. One  body. One soul. His hands gripping her hips tightly, he rocked with her,  taking her higher and higher as he moved deeper. Faster. Harder.

He lifted his head from the crook of her neck. "Kiss me, Charlie. I need you."

Their lips melded, their tongues twined, and their bodies shuddered as  their worlds crashed. They rode the tsunami together as she cried his  name against his mouth and endless waves of pleasure rolled through them  both, head to toe.         



She was what he'd been searching for without even knowing it. And now he  knew that no matter what happened between them in the future, even if  things somehow turned toxic, he would never be able to walk away from  her. Because she was his. And he was hers. Forever.

When it came to Charlie Ballard, Sebastian knew to expect the  unexpected. Even the most unexpected thing of all: Falling head over  heels in love.


Take all of me.

As Charlie wrapped herself around Sebastian, it felt like so much more  than the simple act of two bodies coming together. It felt like his soul  speaking to hers.

It felt like a promise.

All she'd ever had before was the physical side. Never a connection like this. Never such bliss. Never pure, sweet heaven.

After the last tremors subsided, he'd left her just long enough to  dispose of the protection, then returned to pull the covers over them.  They'd lain bonelessly in each other's arms for several long minutes.  She loved the feeling of being cocooned with him. So safe. So warm. So  full of lingering pleasure.

"Mmm." She wasn't ready to speak yet, but she needed to make at least a  small sound to let him know how divine making love with him had been.

He stroked his hand over her bare skin, and she shivered with pleasure  at how good it felt. "Now that was worth waiting for." He might have  sounded cocky-and she knew he could be darned cocky when he wanted to  be-but his voice was soft, reverent.

"More than worth it," she agreed, loving the feel of his strong and  steady heartbeat beneath her palm. She wanted to snuggle up to him,  sleep in his arms, then make love with him again in the deepest, darkest  hours of the night.

She would have done all that if the sound of the doorbell hadn't pealed  through the penthouse. "Who could that be at this hour?" she grumbled,  her delicious dream going down the tubes.

"I'll get it." He kissed her forehead before he got out of bed, and she  pulled the covers over her head, but he peeled a corner back a minute  later to let her know¸ "Walter sent us a little gift."

She wrapped herself in the thick terrycloth robe the hotel had provided  and followed him out to the sitting room. In front of the sofa, on a  trolley draped elegantly with a gold cloth, sat a champagne bucket, two  flutes, and a plate of chocolate-covered strawberries the size of plums.  "Walter is so sweet. He didn't have to do this." Her mouth watered not  only for the chocolate, but for Sebastian, his legs bare beneath his own  matching robe, the sleeves rolled up to showcase his muscled forearms.

He popped the cork, expertly catching the champagne in a crystal flute. Handing her the glass, he poured another for himself.

"My God, you're beautiful." He toasted her, his eyes dark with a desire  that made her tremble. "The moment I saw you walking down those stairs  in that gorgeous dress, I swear my heart stopped beating. I couldn't  remember how to breathe. No other woman has ever made me feel like that,  Charlie." He set his glass on the trolley and laid his hands on either  side of her face. "Only you."

He pressed his mouth to hers, still sizzling with champagne, and she  lost herself in his kiss. Their bodies melted together, their lips  almost one, their hearts connected.

When he finally drew back, she realized she couldn't let him think she'd  bought a designer dress after she'd turned down his offer to buy one  for her. "I bought the dress at a consignment store, and my mom designed  the alterations."

"You're kidding." She couldn't quite read his tone, whether he was  impressed or upset that she'd bought consignment rather than letting him  give her the designer dress.

"Mom loves to sew and is great at giving direction. And I only stabbed myself a half-dozen times with the needle," she joked.

He pulled her down onto the buttery-soft leather sofa in front of  Walter's extravagant gift. Then he lifted her hands, kissing each  fingertip, one after the other. "The dress was exquisite and you were  brilliant tonight. Everyone loved you and you were absolutely gorgeous."

Yes, she'd felt beautiful tonight. And she'd loved hearing that he'd  lost his breath over her. But at the same time there was a part of her-a  really big part-that wanted Sebastian to prefer the real Charlie in  overalls and steel-toed boots.

He'd been able to resist her until tonight. Was she irresistible only when she was dressed to fit into his world?

"You outshone every other woman there." He raised an eyebrow. "Which  clearly upset Whitney. Sorry she was her usual self when you met her.  And you certainly deserve a treat for putting up with her." He plucked a  succulent strawberry off the plate and held it up.         



Working hard to push away the dark-and surely crazy-thought she'd just  had, she bit into the dark chocolate and sweet fruit right from his  fingers. It was as delicious and tempting as Sebastian.

But she wanted to know about the Maverick dynamic. "You don't seem to be  much of a fan of Evan's wife." Charlie had quickly picked up on the  fact that none of the Mavericks felt particularly relaxed around  Whitney.

"She treats Evan like crap. He's worth way more than that. Deserves way  more." He finished the other half of the strawberry, licking a dab of  chocolate from his thumb.

Her mouth watered, wanting to lick him clean herself. She sipped her  champagne. Such luxury. She could really love being spoiled. But she'd  never take it for granted the way Whitney Collins seemed to. "I can't  say I felt drawn to her." Harper Newman-yes. Whitney Collins-absolutely  not.

"The woman's toxic. Everything she touches turns bad. No one deserves to  live in a toxic, soul-destroying relationship like that. I just wish  Evan could figure a way out. To get away from her."

"Whoa." The fervor in his voice as he talked about toxic relationships  reverberated through her. "She really upsets you, doesn't she?" Charlie  curled her feet onto the sofa, tucking them under the robe.

"Sorry." His tension seemed to ease slightly as he puffed out a sigh. "Got carried away. It's just stuff like that..."

"Reminds you of your parents?" she said softly, finishing for him when  he trailed off. She wanted to touch him, to wrap her fluffy white robe  around them both.

"Unfortunately, it does. I couldn't help my parents, but I wish I could help Evan."

"You help so many people every day. Thousands of lives have changed for  the better because of you." She smiled at him. "Look at me and my mom,  for instance. Everything is different for us now."

"Better too, I hope? Especially now that you have so many commissions falling into your lap."