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Reckless In Love(21)

By:Bella Andre & Jennifer Skully

"The reins," she said, unable to stem the awe from the clear vision she'd just had.

"From copper wire?" He looked more than a little surprised. "I'm going to have to see it to believe it."

Oh, she'd make him believe all right. She already saw the reins flowing  out from the horses' bridles as if they were flying. She'd braid several  pieces of wire to give it strength and width.

"It could work for the horses' tails too," he said, his tone offhand.

She sucked in a breath on a gasp. "Oh, my God. Single copper strands  bunched together." It would seem as though they were blowing in the  wind. "The tails will appear to be on fire when the sun hits them." She  kissed him soundly on the mouth. "You're a genius."

He took the opportunity to put his hands on her waist before she could  draw back. She felt his utter focus and concentration on her. He tucked  away a lock of hair, trailing his finger along the shell of her ear.

When she shivered and fell into his gaze, she felt as if she were  falling out of her normal life...and into a magical place where there  was only his touch. Only his kiss.

Only Sebastian.


Charlie's ability to amaze him never ceased. She found fantastical  mysteries in other people's cast-offs. A dirt-encrusted gate could open  the door to another world. A length of copper wire transmuted itself  into the flapping reins of runaway stallions. He had no doubt she could  do it. She saw inspiration in everything.

And Sebastian found inspiration in her.

She came alive when she was working, planning, visualizing. He'd given  up on the drawing app and had continued to fill sketchbooks with images  of her just like this-her eyes bright, her face shining, her lips  smiling. Yet none of the drawings brought him closer to discovering why  her work wasn't already world famous. Why she wasn't already a huge,  glittering star in the art world. With her talent, beauty, and charm,  she could easily command that world, the shining star on top of it all.  By now anyone else would have been using his contacts to network, taking  anything she could from him to advance her career. But not Charlie. No  matter how many sketches he drew of her, he couldn't put his finger on  the reason. But he would. Soon. Because Sebastian had long ago vowed  never to give up on somebody with potential. Especially when that  somebody had come to mean as much to him as Charlie already did.

Since she wouldn't take the money for her mother's care from him-he'd  gently offered a few times more to help pay for Magnolia Gardens and  she'd just as gently turned him down-that meant the only other way to  help her pay for her mother's needs was to find buyers for the rest of  her sculptures. He'd already made several phone calls to that end, but  he wouldn't say anything to Charlie until he had a solid bite from a  prospect.         



"We didn't even spend a hundred dollars," he said as he pulled the truck  in front of the workshop and began to unload the full bed. Even lunch  had been a quick but excellent burrito off a taco truck. He'd never  eaten from a food truck before-why would he, when he had the best  private chefs in the world on speed dial?-but with her it had been both  fun and delicious.

Charlie laughed as she set the gate she'd found against the studio wall.  Admiring her strength-and knowing that she prided herself on her  independence-he'd made himself stop offering to carry the heavy stuff  all the time. "Why do you think I chose to work in the junk medium  rather than expensive canvases or paints or marble statues?"

"Smart woman." He put the delicate and considerably lighter box of china cups and saucers on the workbench. Beautiful woman too.

She'd worn her steel-toed boots in deference to the junkyard terrain and  a sexy sundress with minuscule straps in deference to the heat. He'd  driven himself nuts the whole day, touching her hair, her face, her  shoulders, her neck, anything he could flutter his fingertips across. He  hoped he'd driven her nuts too.

"Guess what it's time for?" she asked, with a wicked arch of her brow.

He had a good dozen ideas of his own...all of which involved Charlie  naked and gasping with pleasure beneath him. But she wasn't taking off  her clothes; she was flicking the lid of the box with her fingernail.

"Smashing up the china for the base of the chariot. It'll be like  aggression therapy," she said, a sexy come-hither sparkle in her eye.

"I don't need aggression therapy." No, he needed therapy of a completely  different nature, on satin sheets with the night breeze cooling their  sweaty, naked bodies. He wanted her badly enough by now to throw all his  caution against the wall.

"Sure you do," she murmured in a slightly husky voice as she took a step  closer. The spicy, sexy scent of her skin beckoned him, and his fingers  flexed, his muscles bunched, ready to pounce like a mountain lion.  "Everyone has some anger they need to let out."

"Even you?"

"I'm angry as hell that my mother is always in pain. What are you angry about?"

My father for being a selfish asshole. The words landed in his brain before he even knew they were coming.

As if she knew he wasn't able to say the words aloud, she simply handed him a cup and whispered, "Toss it."

Her words were so low, so seductive, that she could have been begging  him to touch her, taste her, take her. He leaned into an overhand throw  against the far wall. And the cup shattered.

"What an arm," she cheered, punching the air. "But we might need a little less exuberance. Or we won't get any pieces at all."

"Your turn." He shoved a saucer into her hand. She'd been right-the act  of smashing the cup felt like it had smashed some of the anger boiling  away in places he'd thought had gone cold a long time ago.

She narrowed her gaze and he could see her focusing on her anger about  her mother's illness a beat before she executed an underhand toss like a  dancer, arm out, up, rising on her toes, letting the delicate porcelain  sail and drop.

It broke into solid lines on the concrete. One half remained intact, lying upside down.

"Your turn again," she drawled, then gave him a flirty smile that  crinkled the corners of her eyes. He felt the heat of her skin, caught  the breathy exhalation. And suddenly this wasn't only about unleashing  anger.

It was also about seduction.

He tossed the cup. She chose another saucer and threw it right after  his. Everything broke with a tinkle of china. The intact half of the  saucer snapped as they piled on.

"More," she said, grabbing, tossing, breaking, faster, one on top of the other.

Her breath came harder, her cheeks were flushed, her lips red, wet,  inviting. He wanted to sink into her while he stroked her tongue with  his, tasted her lips, feasted on her, the breaking glass ringing in  their ears.

"Another," she urged him. One after the other, saucers and cups sailed  through the air, crashing hard against the wall, until the box was empty  and the concrete in the center of the barn was a rainbow of colored  chips. Her skin was covered in a light sheen of perspiration, and all he  could think about was licking off the salt, reveling in it.

He didn't think, didn't blink, before hauling her up against him and  taking her mouth. She was all spice, sweet and hot. As strong as she  was, in his arms she felt as petite and delicate as the china. She  devoured him even as he consumed her. Her body heat singed his  fingertips as he molded his hands to her waist.         



No other woman made him lose himself so completely. The workshop doors  stood wide, yet he didn't care. And he couldn't bring himself to heed  the cautionary thought that it would be better to wait, to make sure  that they weren't toxic to each other before they took this next step.  There was only a hard ache inside him, an overwhelming desire to fit  himself inside her.

He yanked a spaghetti strap down her arm, then molded her breast in his  hand, roughly teasing the tip to a hard peak. She moaned into his mouth,  a heady sound that played every chord in his body, vibrating through  him.

Until today, he'd made himself take it slow. Made himself take care not  to fall too far, too fast, too hard before he was totally sure their  feelings for each other wouldn't be their mutual destruction.

But slow was completely impossible now.

His hand slid over her hip, his fingers tugged up the thin material of  her dress, and her bare thigh singed his palm. Her kisses stole his  breath and fogged his mind, while the heat of her skin made him  completely crazy.

"Sebastian." Her eyes were drugged, her lips swollen, her hair framing  her gorgeous face. If she'd stepped out of his arms, he'd have made  himself let her go. But she molded her hand tightly over his on her  breast, then dragged his head down for another intoxicating kiss. He  stroked her tongue with his, caressed the hard nub beneath his fingers,  and tested the flesh along the line of her barely-there thong, the  temperature rising to steamy.