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Reckless In Love(13)

By:Bella Andre & Jennifer Skully

Though he smiled back, by the way he slid his hand through hers as he  asked, "Where's your dad now?" it was obvious that he already suspected  the answer.

The familiar ache bloomed in her chest. "He died of cancer seven years  ago. With Hospice help, Mom and I took care of him to the end. We let  him die at home the way he wanted to."

Sebastian squeezed her hand and dropped a kiss on the top of her head. "You've very brave, Charlie."

If anyone should know about bravery, it was Sebastian. But their pasts  weren't something to compare, so instead of saying that, she simply  leaned into his comfort. "I loved my mother before that, but it brought  us even closer." They'd created an unbreakable bond, weeks where they  were everything to each other, offering support, one holding the other  up when she would have fallen, sharing a glass of wine at the end of an  exhausting day after her father had finally slipped into sleep. All that  despite her mother's debilitating arthritis.

"And where's your mom?"

Sebastian had revealed his worst to her. Now it was her turn. "I had to  put Mom in a home two years ago." The agony of that decision-and the  overwhelming guilt-squeezed her heart inside her chest. "She has  osteoarthritis, but hers is extremely severe and started in her forties.  She's in constant pain." She winced at the memories of her  deterioration, but her mother was stoic. What on a scale of one to ten  would have been a nine for Charlie, Mom smiled right through. "I hate  what the disease has done to her."

It was doubly hard to know the extent of her mother's pain and not be  able to do a thing about it. She wanted nothing more than to take care  of her mother herself, but her place was more substandard than Shady  Lane. Her mom had reached the point where she needed help dressing,  washing, even putting on her shoes. Charlie's bathroom had an old  clawfoot tub that, as strong as Charlie was, she had trouble getting her  mom in and out of. It was an accident waiting to happen. Then there  were all the times her mother had been alone because Charlie had an  irregular schedule-teaching during the day, with night classes three  evenings a week, often not arriving home till eleven o'clock. She'd had  visions of her mother falling and then lying there for hours before  Charlie returned.

While she'd explained about her mother, Sebastian had caressed the back  of her neck, giving her warmth and comfort that eased the knot of  tension. Now, he folded her into his arms, his tenderness bringing her  close to tears when usually she tried to be as stoic as her mother.

"Can she take pain meds?" He soothed her with long, sweet strokes down her back.

Charlie shook her head against his chest. "She's already on a bunch of  stuff, but you build up a tolerance in time, and it doesn't do much."

"What about an operation?" His voice was a warm rumble against her ear.

"She's had them all. There's only so much they can do." She pushed away  from his comfort and put the flat of her hand on his chest. "But with  the money you gave me for the chariot, I can move her into a great place  in Los Gatos with beautiful gardens to stroll through. She pushes  herself to do a mile every day with a walker in the hallway. Otherwise  she'd be in a wheelchair."

"Now that is amazing. And so are you." He held her with his dark,  beautiful eyes. "It's incredibly selfless to use the money for her care.  I should have doubled what I gave you."

He was too much. Not only that he listened with such attentiveness when  most people had to jump in with their own story-but that he was moved  enough to even think of handing her more than he already had.

"You've already given me more than anyone else." She savored the strong  beat of his heart beneath her palm. Sharing with him didn't take away  her mother's pain, but somehow it eased Charlie's anguish. "It's more  than enough. More than I can still wrap my head around."

Just as she could barely wrap her head around the heat the two of them  generated, simply sitting on the couch talking about their pasts.

As he ran his hands up her arms, over her shoulders, into her hair, and  cupped her nape, she was palpably aware that her inner voice, the one  reminding her to keep her hormones in check, had long since shut itself  down. She'd wanted to make sure that she and Sebastian had clearly  carved out the lines between business and pleasure before they became  lovers-and she'd wanted to make sure she wasn't letting herself fall  into another relationship where she started out refreshing and ended up  with her heart broken.         



Though she didn't have nearly all the answers to her questions, what he'd shared with her had touched her deeply.

She still didn't want to risk messing up the business arrangement  between them by jumping into bed, especially not when her mother's  future care depended on it. And yet, drawing in a deep breath of his  scent, all male with hints of soap and raspberry trifle, she could no  longer repress the part of her that was dying for a kiss. One heady kiss  she could dream about at night.

His mouth was so inviting. And when he said her name-"Charlie"-barely  above a soft whisper but heavy with need, she simply couldn't resist the  pull of his desire any longer.

He leaned close, but she was the one who closed the final distance  between them. She parted his lips. Or he parted hers. She couldn't be  sure. All she knew was that he was the sweetest thing she'd ever tasted.

His tongue danced with hers, his taste drugging her. She moaned and his  arms wrapped her close. Her fingertips to his jaw, she rubbed the soft  end-of-day stubble. The length of his body was hard against her, all  that relentless muscle. And she couldn't help letting herself go,  throwing her arms around him, pressing her breasts to his chest, her leg  against his thigh.

He consumed her, kissing the very breath from her. It was, she silently  acknowledged, what she'd wanted from the moment he'd stood outside her  workroom, the sun blinding her and turning him into a silhouette of  metal calling her to shape him, mold him, take him, make him hers.

His fingers curled into her hair as he devoured her as though she were a  delicacy he'd never tried before and couldn't get enough of. His groan  made her crazy for more-his whole body on hers, his hands all over her.  He made her want to be reckless, made her want to give him her body, her  heart. Her very soul, if he wanted it. Right here. Right now. Made her  want to throw her worries and her wariness to the wind. Made her want to  pretend she'd never been hurt before. Made her want to believe that he  would never hurt her.

She wanted to taste and touch every part of him, but the way he was loving her mouth was addictive. Overwhelming. Tantalizing.

So damned good that she would have been completely lost if he hadn't  drawn back, his heart pounding as swiftly as hers, his eyes the deep,  intoxicating color of whiskey.

"Wow," she said, more an exhalation than a word.

"Wow is exactly right." He trailed a finger across her lips. "The  perfect first kiss." But instead of diving back in to see if the second  would be even better, he said, "Do you believe it yet?"

"Do I believe what yet?" she asked, even though she was pretty sure another of his kisses could make her believe anything.

"That I want your chariot and respect your talent as much as I desire you?"

Two days ago, when they'd been standing in the atrium of his new  building, he'd asked her the same question. And though his kiss had made  her feel reckless and borderline desperate for more, it hadn't made her  a liar.

"No." She hadn't even begun to build the chariot, and though it had  taken shape in her mind, he couldn't possibly see it as clearly as she  did-at least, not clearly enough for it to be anywhere near worth the  check he'd written. "Not yet."

"You will." He licked out against her lips, and it was almost enough to send recklessness to the forefront again. "Soon."

She smiled through the desperate ache to kiss him again. "I hope so."  Because until that moment came, the ache would only keep growing.

He stood, held out his hand. "I'll walk you home."

She put her fingers in his. "It's not that far."

"It's a few more minutes with you."

Oh God. He was to die for.

Wrapping her beneath his arm, he kept her close on the walk down the  hill. The wind came up, whipping away their voices, but talk wasn't  necessary. There was just the sweet feel of his body against her side  and his protective arm around her.

At the bungalow door, he turned her in his arms and took her face in his  hands. As his gaze roamed her cheeks and her lips, she almost felt as  though his mouth were on her. After a long pause in which she found  herself holding her breath, he finally lowered his lips to her forehead  for a soft, sweet kiss.

Then he said good night and walked away.


Charlie was so damned sweet, her skin so soft, her body so supple and  strong, yet so giving. Leaving her with nothing more than that peck on  the forehead was the hardest thing he'd ever done. He had always been a  fairly patient man, at least compared to the other Mavericks, but with  Charlie his patience was being sorely tested.