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Raw and Dirty:Bad Boys MC 01(13)

By:Violet Blaze

"I thought I'd stop by and see if you were free for lunch?" Brent asks, smiling widely at me. He weaves between the other desks in the room and pauses next to mine as we exchange a friendly hug and step back, looking each other over. "You said the new office was nice, but you didn't say how packed it was in here," he remarks, looking around at the overflowing desks, the people chugging away at computers, chatting on phones, rushing from here to there.

"It's an upgrade from that place on Trinity Street to be sure," I say, reaching up and tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear. A stray strand? I lift my hands to my bun and find that it's come  …  undone.

Uh oh.

Feels like an omen to me.

I clear my throat and gather my hair back up, putting my favorite black clip back in place.

"But the city's growing faster than we ever could've imagined, and we've had to hire on a whole new staff." I glance around the room, at the intricate moldings on the wall, the ornately carved pieces of wood that are original to the house. Once upon a time, this place was a flawless Victorian, gazing out at the sea with pride and grandeur. Now, it's a busy office with the shutters pulled and an ugly blue carpet spread out over the original hardwood floors. "It can get kind of crazy in here." Brent keeps smiling at me, but his gaze is traveling over me again, taking me in from head to toe like Royal did that first day at the compound. Somehow though, I  …  liked it when Royal looked at me like this. Brent  …  it doesn't feel right. "Let me grab my purse and we'll do lunch."

I brush the feeling away and clamp down on the strange guilty feeling in my gut.

I've started this plan in motion, so I'm going to see it through. What other choice do I have? If I quit now, my dad will probably fire me.

And if I tell Royal?

He'd probably kill me.

After my lunch date with Brent, I make up an excuse and flee the office as fast as my heels can carry me.

"I haven't seen him in almost a week. Of course, interviewing those freaks didn't help. They all claim to have seen him yesterday, but that's bullshit. I know it is. They probably figured out he was talking to me."

I swallow hard and unlock the doors to my car, climbing in and heading straight home. I need a warm bubble bath and a bowl of pasta. That's it. I just need a break, a moment to think things through and get my head together. I can't do that in the office with my dad breathing down my neck and my sister casting me suspicious glances every couple of minutes. She hasn't outright asked if I slept with Royal, but she will, eventually.

I can't deal with that right now.

"I don't know why I'm even bothering. They probably killed him and dumped his body in the ocean." Brent clenches his fork in his hand, knuckles white with the strain. "Who am I kidding? I'll never see that man again-dead or alive."                       


At least I got a small amount of truth from Brent. When I called in the favor, he started looking into the Wolves and his curiosity got the better of him. Technically, Brent isn't in Trinidad in any official format. According to him, he's on vacation, paid days and all.

But then Landon somehow got in contact with him and things started rolling from there.

Now the man's missing and his wife is calling the police.

"The boys are swearing in a new VP tomorrow."

I can still hear Janae's sugary soft voice giving me the cheerful news. Maybe  …  hopefully Landon just realized the mistake he'd made and fled.

Somehow I doubt that.

My mind's in such a fluttery panic that I make myself stop at the store to grab coffee for tomorrow morning and a jar of pesto and a bottle of wine for tonight. By the time I come out, I feel better, like I can breathe again.

Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself? Maybe this is nothing at all and I'm overreacting?

For all I know, Brent could pack up tomorrow and go back home to D.C. Then again, he did ask me out to dinner. I made up some crap about a friend in crisis and hightailed it out of there. I used to think Brent was the ultimate catch-rich, ambitious, good-looking-but every time he smiled at me today, every time he reached across the table and touched his fingers to the back of my hand, I thought of Royal.


That stupid man's gotten himself stuck in my head and I can't seem to clear it. Ridiculous considering the sex wasn't even that good.

I swallow hard and swerve a little, straightening out the car and doing my best to keep my attention on the road. How stupid. Of course the sex wasn't good  …  it was phenomenal. I can only imagine how good it might be if we had all night, if my sister wasn't waiting outside for me, if  …  if  …  if. If I could ever let myself do something like that with Royal again.

But I won't.

I'm so caught up in making these personal declarations that I don't see the bike sitting in my driveway until I bump into it with the front bumper of my car.

Oh. Shit.

I slam on the brakes and then reverse to put a few feet between me and the gleaming hunk of machinery I just crashed into. I switch off the ignition and shove open my door, standing up straight and staring in disbelief at the motorcycle before I let my gaze drift towards the front of my house.

"Well, fuck," Royal says, flicking a cigarette onto my front walkway and crushing it out with his boot. "You bumped my bagger."

"Your  …  bagger?" I ask, hauling my purse out of the passenger seat and slinging it over my shoulder. I know bikers are really protective over their motorcycles, so  …  I have my cell phone in the front zipper pocket just in case something happens. Further proof that I shouldn't let myself get tangled up with this man. If I even have to wonder for half a second that I might need to call the cops, that should be enough to tell me this is a bad idea.

"A bagger's a bike with saddlebags, babe." He moves over to stand next to me in a pair of dark wash jeans and an unzipped leather jacket with his club's patches on the back. "To put it simply." Royal leans down and inspects the side of his bike while my eyes drift straight to his ass. I can't help it. It's right there and it's so tight and his pants fit so well.

I snap my eyes up as he straightens and tosses a wild grin over his shoulder.

"You're one lucky bird, Pint-Size," he says, circling his bike and running a tattooed finger over the handlebars. "If you'd scratched up my Swinger, I'd have put you over my knee and spanked you for it."

"Excuse me," I say, squeezing the strap of my purse and pretending that seriously didn't just turn me on. "Why did you even bring your  …  bagger over to my house in the first place?"

"Couldn't very well put a princess like you on the back of my bobber."

I put the fingers of my left hand up to my temple.

"And a bobber is what?"

"Irrelevant," Royal says, finishing his circle around the bike and pausing in front of me, far closer than any rational, sane sort of person should get. "I brought you an extra helmet and had Janae pick up some gear for you. Go inside and get dressed, Pint-Size, you and me, we're riding two up tonight."

"I already told you," I say, moving back and adjusting my purse to my other shoulder, just so I have something to do with my hands. My lips are desperate to betray my brain and invite Royal inside, drag him to my bedroom and see what he can do in the blush of twilight.

Did I really just think that?

I really did.

"I don't like motorcycles."

"You get in an accident or something?" Royal asks me, reaching up and threading his fingers through his helmet mussed hair. He's still smiling at me with those full lips of his. It's not fair for a man to have a mouth that nice, lashes that long, and still look so goddamn manly. He has the most perfect five o' clock shadow I've ever seen yet it doesn't look groomed or styled in any way. How does he do it?                       


"I've never ridden one before," I say and then wonder if that was a mistake when his brows go up.

"Never ridden a motorcycle before," Royal starts and then his grin gets a little wider. "So you're a virgin biker, eh?"

"I'm not a virgin anything," I say and then almost get caught up in his laughter when he chuckles at me. I can sense a dangerous energy, something that deep down that screams Don't fuck with me! from a primal level. At the same time, his humor's infectious. "You should know that."

"Oh, should I?" he asks as an unbidden smile curls my lips.

"What are you doing here anyway?" I ask again. "And how did you know where I lived?" I mean to sound angry and indignant, but it doesn't work. I've already forgotten about Brent and the feds and the missing VP.

What a big mistake.

"I stopped by your office today and found that pretty blonde sister of yours. She has a big mouth, that one."

I purse my lips and narrow my eyes. Kailey gave Royal my address. It should surprise me that my older sister would give an outlaw biker that kind of information, but it doesn't. Not one bit.