Then it seemed as if the ocean’s breeze whispered words from far away and long ago. Heinrich’s hungry heart began to stir. The voices of wisdom past nudged and prodded him once more to break his horrid vow, to tear off the final shackle of his ways and, at long last, seek hope beyond himself. The man trembled and groaned as truth battled for his soul.
Warm waves rolled and their low-toned rumbles and soothing salt sprays seemed to urge the man all the more, for it was as if they carried Emma’s tender voice, imploring her beloved Heinz to remember. The struggling man listened and as he did he was carried away to memories of the Magi, of the dappled Laubusbach; to the colors of the garden, and of butterflies floating ‘neath the summer’s sun. It was then as if the wind and the waves conspired to boast more loudly the words he had been offered so very long ago. Heinrich closed his eye and strained to remember Emma’s soothing voice: “Someday, when your strength wanes and your virtues fail, when you long for hope once more, turn your eyes upward and find another way.”
It was enough. Heinrich seized upon her words and his spine tingled. He stood upright and boldly faced the sea. Then, with a loud cry, he gladly yielded to that which had pursued him all along. Like a springtime bud unfolding in all its wondrous glory, the simple peasant stretched his opened hand to the blue sky above. And as angels’ wings bore brave Wil toward the shimmering sea, the “Worm of Santa Maria” was no more. With his heart unfettered and his soul set free, Heinrich of Weyer broke free from the darkness to lift his tearful eye upward to the warm welcome of the smiling sun.