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Property of Drex (Book 2)(47)

By:C.M. Owens

“I’m fine, Drex. I just really want you touching me in a way that doesn’t feel like a doctor’s exam.”

His hands drop to his jeans, and he resumes the getting naked process by standing up and dropping the jeans to the floor. I stand up and push my shorts and shoes away, then drop my bra and panties.

When I look back, Drex’s eyes are on me as he sits down on the edge of the bed and reaches for me. Slowly, I step into his arms, and he rakes his eyes over my body, taking in every inch before his hands move to my waist and yank me down on his lap.

Twisting, I adjust my legs to be straddling him, and he grips my hips, slowly lowering me onto him. My head falls back as I sink onto him, letting him stretch me as he pushes inside. I’m just ready enough that he’s able to fully settle inside me, and we both moan as he pulls me closer and crushes his lips against mine.

I rock against him, moaning into his mouth as he lifts me and slams me down again. Rubbing myself against him, I set a rhythm, holding onto his shoulders as Drex breaks the kiss, and his lips drop to my neck to devour me in a new way.

Sweat gathers on our bodies as I continue rocking and he continues leaving possible fingerprint bruises on one hip. I’ll never get enough.

“I love you.” I moan the words, and he hauls me even closer, until our bodies are so close together that I can barely move and he kisses my shoulder. It makes it that much more intense when my orgasm hits like hot tidal waves rolling through me, exploding against every nerve-ending.

I cry out his name, and he bites down on my shoulder, muffling his sound as he finds his own release, spilling inside me as we both pant for breath. My head drops down as I gasp for air, and Drex kisses the side of my neck softer as his hot breath fans against the skin.

He shudders as he leans back, and he drops to lie back on the bed with me still on top of him, causing me to giggle when he groans.

“It’s like I can’t get enough,” he says on an exhausted breath.

“It’s a healthy addiction,” I assure him, keeping a straight face.

A ghost of a smile plays on his lips, and he brushes his thumb across my cheek.

“It’s not over.”

My own smile falls. “I know.”

“It’s pretty fucking dangerous,” he goes on.

“I’m aware.”

“And this is still where you want to be?”

I nod, and he sighs heavily while flipping us so that I’m under him and he’s staring down at me.

“Then we really need to teach you how to shoot a damn gun.”

I helpfully add, “And how to fight.”




Eve can’t shoot a gun. It’s official. It doesn’t matter how many times we try to teach her, it’s like there’s something in her brain that causes her hands to jerk and there’s no telling where that bullet is going to go.

When we tell her not to grip it too tightly, she grips it tighter. When we tell her to loosen her arms, she gets more rigid. And saying the opposite doesn’t work either.

Fighting… Don’t even get me started on her fighting skills—or lack thereof.

The only thing that saves her is a lucky nut-shot here and there.

She’s pouting when we leave behind the practice range and head upstairs to join the others. She takes a seat in my lap as soon as I sit down on one of the oversized sofas, and she rests her head on my shoulder as the others join us.

“Any word on Pop?” I ask Axle.

“Still no word on what he’s doing.” He glances back at some of the guys laughing and drinking, while Dash tosses down a piece of paper with a list.

“Those are our clients for the month. Herrin lost his biggest source of income when he lost our skills. He’s reached out to some of our clients, but only one has dropped off the list. People seem to be more scared of you than him,” Dash tells me.

“He did take a massive chunk of cash out of the accounts before we could get all the info changed,” Axle grumbles. “That’s hurting us right now. It’ll take a while to build back up a hefty fund, and we can’t do anything about the money he took without spilling blood.”

“We’re not ready for blood,” Rush tells him, distracted.

“Aware of that. We just need to cut back on spending for now until we can beef it up. I bought all the supplies for our next install. When they pay, it’ll help push us back up a little,” Axle goes on.

We shouldn’t be having this discussion outside of the meeting room, but things have gotten a little too lax. No one is close enough to hear us, besides Eve. I don’t bring Eve in on the meetings—with the exception of one time. But this is all shit she’s heard me talk about.

Eve sighs as she glances at the clock on the wall.

“I need to get to work. Drake will be opening the shop soon.”

I groan, wishing like crazy she wouldn’t keep working for Drake, not that I don’t trust her. I just hate the influence he has on her, considering I’ve heard about that fucking cocksucker daisy one too many times from her now. She even asked if she could get one.

Fucking Drake.

“I’ll walk you,” I tell her as she climbs out of my lap.

She flashes me a smile, and I flip off Dash when he mocks a gagging noise. They love busting my ass about the power she has over me, but they can fuck off.

Eve leans into my side when I walk her out, and we glance across the street to where Drake’s shop has moved. I might have talked him into moving closer so I could worry less about Eve’s safety. Considering he’s staying with us and still has one leg in a cast, he didn’t argue much. We’ve owned two of the vacant buildings for a while, so at least now I’m getting some rent off one.

Drake is already inside when we walk in, and he waggles his eyebrows at Eve.

“Did you draw up that pretty pussy design?” he asks her.

“Yes I did. Got the lips just right for it, too,” she says while laughing.

I don’t even want to know.

Tugging her to me, I crush my lips to hers, and she melts against me. She may have power over me, but I have just as much over her.

“Call me when you’re done or if you have problems,” I tell her as I break the kiss.

She grins while strutting away, glancing over her shoulder and winking at me before handing a sketchbook to Drake. Despite the fact he got one cast removed and only has one leg left in a cast, he’s still riding his wheelchair instead of using crutches. He does a weird wheelie in it when he sees the design.

How do you get an electric wheelchair to do a wheelie? Ask Drake.

“Hot damn! She’s going to love it.”

“Colleen going back to the salon today?” Eve asks me as she takes a seat behind the small counter and opens the appointment book.

“Yeah. Snake—I mean Jude—is driving her over there, and we’ll have guys posted there all day. Don’t worry about her.”

She nods while chewing on her lip, and I turn to head out of the shop. Can’t believe Colleen and Eve are friends now. Life is all kinds of tilted, but it’s better. Much better.

At least for me.

Jude—I’m struggling with getting used to calling him that—walks out with Colleen on his heels, and they give me a brief wave as I walk into our clubhouse. Yeah, he’s still pissed and brooding about Sarah, but at least he seems to be dealing with things a little better.

Sarah has become a phantom, and hasn’t shown up since that night at the strip club. I don’t know if she’s in town or gone now that Marshall is handled, and I don’t particularly care.

I still owe her for Eve’s life, so if she ever comes to cash in, I’ll have to break that promise to one of my best friends about not interacting with her.

See? It’s all fucking tilted.

My pop is my enemy, my girl is from the burbs, the pussy bitch boy—Ben—that I overlooked is a threat, and Benny may or may not be an issue. That last part is the same as it’s always been, but the rest is jacked up. Oh, and now I’m keeping tabs on the sister I haven’t seen in years.

Axle walks up, twirling his keys on his finger. “Got a date tonight with some potential clients. Going to check out their establishment and see if they’re legit before we get involved,” he says.

“Take Jude and Dash with you.”

He shrugs while glancing back at the roughnecks who are scuffling near the sofa. Most of us have been staying here until the heat dies down. Strength in numbers sort of deal. It’s too risky to go to our own individual houses, and my house is in the fucking burbs, since I bought Eve’s childhood home. Unbelievable.

“Think we can trust everyone here?” he muses.

“Beats the fuck out of me. We’ll find out, I guess.”

“We still need a club name. Reapers didn’t go over so well.”

“Another problem for another day,” I tell him, feeling an itch form underneath my skin.

“Right. Well, I’m going to grab some food for everyone. Need anything?”

Yeah, I do need something.

I walk away without saying a word, cross the street again, and head straight into the tattoo parlor. Eve’s head snaps up from the counter when the door chimes, and a grin blooms across her face when she sees me.

She steps out from behind the counter and walks straight to me. The second she’s close enough, I pull her against me and pick her up enough so I can kiss her without bending over.