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Property of Drex (Book 2)(46)

By:C.M. Owens

“Get rid of that and the body,” Drex tells him, before wiping the blood away from his neck.

“No problem. Probably should have asked him a few questions before killing him though.”

Drex takes a step closer, watching me like I’m a caged animal that will strike at any moment.

“Marshall wasn’t my call. He was Eve’s,” he says as though it explains everything.

Wordlessly, I walk out of the house, sucking in a deep breath. My father’s executioner was his own brother. His executioner was his niece, completing a vicious circle.

He just died at my request, and I feel like justice has been served.

No guilt.

No pain.

Revenge feels better than people want you to think. It doesn’t feel hollow anymore.

Drex comes out, still warily gauging me.

“Take me home,” is all I say.

Chapter 44


The second I’m off the bike, I turn to face him, not giving a damn about the five other men in the garage.

“What took so long?” I ask him, trying and failing to forget what my asshole uncle said before Drex got there.

“Didn’t want to spook him. He went in through a bedroom window after cutting the power to the alarm system like a fucking pro. Wasn’t expecting that, and didn’t want him to hear our bikes, so we ditched them early and ran half the way.”

Fuck it.

“There’d better not be any truth to what he was saying about you hooking up with another girl.”

I don’t even care how crazy I sound right now, but the five other men disappear quickly after hearing that.

His eyebrows go up, and his lips twitch like he’s amused. This is not the time to be amused. This is the time to be explaining.

“So she was right,” he says, grinning openly now.

“Drex, this is seriously not the best time to smile.”

He clears his throat as he stands. “You’re hot when you’re jealous.”

“You’re seconds away from an introduction between my knee and your balls.”

His throaty chuckle only grates on my nerves as he moves closer, tipping my chin up with his fingers so that I have to stare up into his eyes that are dancing with humor.

“To speed things along, I allowed myself to be seen at the club and the usual spots this past week. It’s also proving a point that I’m not scared of Pop, while selling the breakup. Anyway, I went to the strip club—”

He stops when I tense and take a step back. The amusement leaves his eyes when I start to turn away, but he grabs me at the waist, holding my back to his front even as I try to jerk away.

That’s it. I’m taking karate. I’m sick of being so much weaker.

“And saw Sarah,” he goes on, acting as though that should explain things. “She walked right up, dropped into my lap, and made out with my neck, all while explaining that one of Marshall’s spies was watching and to sell it. Well, she actually fucking blew raspberries on my neck, but the music covered the sound. Imagine keeping a straight face with that shit going on. I grabbed her ass a little, and she pretended to be grinding on me, but she wasn’t. Her crotch never touched mine. She was stripper at one point; she knows how to sell sex even if it’s not going on. I went along with it, because you trust her. Turns out she was right if Marshall brought it up and showed up the very next day.”

I go still in his arms, and try to play his words over in my head. He leans over me, nuzzling my cheek with his while keeping my back pressed against his front. “Don’t start doubting me now, Eve. I’ve spent five days going out of my head. I didn’t fuck some girl or even think about fucking some girl during this week. I just wanted this over and wanted you back. I didn’t fuck anyone while we were actually broken up. Didn’t want anyone but you, even though I couldn’t have you.”

I relax against him, and he kisses the side of my neck, smiling against my skin.

“You’re sexy when you’re pissed, but I sure as hell don’t want you pissed about this.”

Snake stalks out, interrupting whatever I might have said, and Axle runs in behind him with Dash on his heels.

“Shit. What’s happened now?” Drex asks while releasing me and moving toward them.”

Snake glares at Drex before walking straight toward him with long, determined strides, and I let out an embarrassing squeal when his fist collides with Drex’s jaw hard enough for it to jerk his head to the right.

“Fuck!” Drex roars, grabbing his jaw while looking at the very furious man in front of us. “What the hell, Snake?”

Snake looks like a model playing a bad boy part, but he’s not playing. He’s just GQ sexy with ink, and it makes you forget he’s also lethal.

“If it was you, Drex, how would you fucking feel?” Snake barks.

Drex’s gaze goes from confused to understanding in a second as his eyes flick to me then back to Snake. He straightens, and Snake steps back, preparing for a fight.

“I’d feel like I deserved two free shots,” Drex sighs. “For the record, it was just a show. I never actually—”

His words end on a heavy grunt as he spins and stumbles, reacting to the second shot Snake just delivered. Snake shakes out his hand like it’s throbbing, and he turns and walks away. He pauses and turns back when he reaches the door.

“She doesn’t get near us again, or I’m fucking gone. No one here fucking touches her, or I’m gone and they’re dead. Got it?”

Drex nods, not arguing for once. Then again, Snake just did what I wanted to do a few minutes ago.

He turns and walks toward the door again, flipping Dash off as he passes.

“And stop calling me Snake. Always hated that fucking name,” he calls over his shoulder as he disappears through the doorway.

Axle and Dash stand there awkwardly staring, but Dash looks like a child trying not to laugh at a friend who just scolded by a teacher or something. Drex scowls at Axle while wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

“Could have warned me that shit was coming.”

“He’s a fast fucker,” Axle says unapologetically, his lips twitching.

All of his scars on his face once scared me, but now I’ve gotten used to them. He doesn’t intimidate me anymore. Well, not so long as he doesn’t want to kill me, that is.

“So we have to call him Jude now?” Dash asks, still fighting a smile. “That just sounds weird.”

Drex wipes his mouth again. “Pop started calling him Snake because of all his ink. I never knew he didn’t like it. Fuck, my jaw hurts. Bastard hit the same spot twice.”

“Shouldn’t have given him a second free shot,” Dash points out, keeping a straight face even as his eyes dance with amusement.

“At least he’s not silently brooding now. But we should keep an eye on him. It’s not like him to take swings. He’s usually the peacekeeper,” Axle says before ducking out.

Drex turns back to me and tugs me to him, inspecting my face like I was the one who just got hit. His jaw is red and swelling, but I wince when he touches a place on my cheek.

“Looks like we both need some ice,” he grumbles. “Wish I’d shot that fucker more than once now.”

Obviously he’s talking about my uncle.

His eyes meet mine, and he sighs as though he’s exhausted. I think we both are.

“Back to the conversation that was interrupted… I’d never fuck around on you, Eve. I love you too.”

I didn’t realize how much I needed to hear those words until this moment, but he almost loses his balance when I launch myself in his arms. He gives me an amused groan when I start kissing his neck, and he lifts me until my legs wrap around his waist.

“Guess I should have led with that, huh?” he asks dryly, but I can feel his smile before I press my lips to his.

His smile dies, and his grip on me tightens as he starts walking out, holding me to him like he can’t bring me close enough. I really have changed.

Today I requested the death of my uncle—my father’s killer. My boyfriend carried out the death sentence as a gift to me. Now I’m kissing him like I can’t get enough because he just told me he loves me.

I’m so fucked up, but I don’t care.

Whistles ring out as well as cheers, but Drex keeps walking and devouring me as he carries me up the stairs. People look out for me now instead of taunting me. They treat me like one of them. Times have changed drastically in a short period.

My back hits the door briefly before it swings open, and Drex growls in my mouth when I shift and press even closer.

The second I hear the door shut, Drex tosses me to the bed, stealing my breath, and he rips his shirt over his head.

Right… He’s in a hurry. It has been five days.

Deciding to get on board, I pull my shirt over my head, but whimper when I remember the back of my head is sensitive. Damn hair-pulling bastard.

“You okay?” Drex asks, immediately looking me over with concerned eyes.

“Am I missing chunks of hair back there?” I ask him, watching as his eyes glaze over with anger.

Please say no. Please say no.

“No,” he says moving my face in his hand, examining the rest of me as he puts a pin in the getting naked thing I was looking forward to.

Reaching up, I clutch his wrists with my hands, and gently force his hands away as his eyes drop to mine.