Prince Player(12)
I stare at him, at his handsome face, and I don’t know what to do. This plan is absolutely crazy, definitely the most insane thing I’ve ever heard, and yet I still haven’t left yet. I can’t help myself. I keep picturing him pressed against me, kissing me deeply, calling me princess, fucking me, getting me pregnant. I want to feel every inch of him thrusting inside of me as his strong arms wrap around my body and pull me tight against him. I want to feel alive and good as he takes me, and I know he can do it.
But I don’t know him. I don’t know this country. I’m a foreigner, a stranger, and this is all too much.
“I have to go,” I say softly, turning around.
“Think about it,” he says. “The offer stands, my princess.”
A thrill runs down my spine. I open the door and leave as fast as I can.
My mother, the Queen Magritte Leitner, gives me a big, warm hug.
“It feels like ages since you’ve been here,” she says to me.
I smile at her. “I visit once a year.”
“Yes, but you don’t stay.” She smiles back at me. “It’s nice to have you here.”
I grin as she leads me over to the couch in her office. My mother is the foreign secretary and the minister of agriculture, among other things, and she’s a very important person. I come to the castle to visit with her when I can, though mostly we meet out in the real world, away from politics. She’s always supported me, even when my father has made it clear that she shouldn’t in the past.
“I’m sorry about this thing with Julian,” she says to me, frowning deeply.
“That’s a mild way of putting it,” I answer.
“What can I say, Nolan?” she asks. “You’ve been pushing your father for years. He’s finally breaking.”
“I never imagined he’d actually pass me over,” I admit.
“I never did, either. I tried to talk him out of it, but you know how he can be.”
I clench my jaw. “Yes, I’m aware.”
“But you’re back. And you want to do the right thing.”
I nod. “That’s right. Though it feels like it’s too late.”
“It may be,” she admits, sighing. “Julian has been slowly gaining favor with your father for years. I’m afraid you won’t be able to undo the damage he’s done.”
“What sort of damage?” I ask her.
She glances away. “Backwards policies. Just whispers, right now. But it doesn’t matter.”
I hesitate but decide not to press. While I’m technically part of the government, I know she can’t tell me everything that’s happening for security reasons. But this thing with Julian is even more worrying than I thought, apparently.
“I have a plan,” I say to her.
“That sounds ominous,” she says, smiling. “Is it your usual kind of plan?”
“You mean daring and ingenious? Then yes.”
“I meant reckless and borderline insane.”
I grin and stand. I walk over to her little drink cabinet and pour myself a vodka. I offer her one, but she shakes her head.
I sip my drink and turn to face her. “I’m going to get married and have a kid,” I announce.
She doesn’t react. “That’s nice, dear,” she says.
“That’s all you have to say?”
“What else can I say?” She shrugs and sighs. “I’ll believe it when I see it.”
“There’s a maid here, an American girl named Hazel. I offered her the standard dowry if she’ll agree to marry me and have my kid.”
That gets her attention. “A marriage dowry?”
“Mistress dowry,” I correct with a grin. “We’ll marry, but the terms will be more like a mistress.”
She hesitates for a second. “Interesting,” she admits. “You want to have a political marriage. Honestly, Nolan, I didn’t think you were capable of it.”
“What do you mean?”
“That sort of thing is a classic example of castle politics.” She smiles and gestures for me to sit. I join her back on the couch reluctantly. “You haven’t exactly been interested in playing ball at court for a long time.”
“I may be late, but you now I’m capable.”
“Oh, I know,” she says. “Truthfully, I like your plan. It’ll show your father that you’re serious.”
I look at her, a little surprised. I expected her to disagree with me, try and get me to find a woman that I really love to marry. She’s always supported me that way, always wanted what’s best for me. But if she’s accepting this political gambit, things must be pretty bad right now.