Reading Online Novel

Power and Possession(9)

Chapter 4

Shortly after Rafe left to shower, there was a discreet knock on the door and a crew member ushered Fiona into the stateroom, then quietly withdrew.

“Holy shit! Is that a real Picasso?” Fiona moved toward the painting over the lime green sofa.

Nicole smiled. “I guess. It’s signed.”

Fiona surveyed the enormous painting of Picasso’s young family on the beach at Juan-les-Pins. “I recognize this from Art One.” She swung around. “And that and that,” she added, pointing at several more works of art. “Fuck this is real money.” She waved her arms. “Everything here is like antique or designer. Did you really score the god himself?” She grinned. “Or am I in a museum?”

“No museum. And he’s just a man, so relax.”

“Yeah, right. Like Brad Pitt is just the boy next door and Justin Timberlake is just a kid who dances well.”

“Okay,” Nicole said drily, “I get the picture. He’s got something else going for him.”

“About a gazillion somethings. Where is he?” Her face fell. “Oh, God, sorry. Did he hit and run? Am I here to take you away?”

“Have a little faith, babe.” Nicole grinned. “He likes me. I like him. We like each other.” She gestured over her shoulder. “He’s in the shower washing off the scent of Silvie Fermetti. It looked like they were about to have sex when I accidently barged in.”

“You’re kidding!”

“I couldn’t see for sure, but he was zipping up when he came to his feet.”

“Oh my God!” Fiona dropped into the nearest chair as though knocked off her feet by the shock. Then her smile appeared, widened, and crinkled the corners of her eyes. “Tell me every little sordid, titillating detail.” She shoved herself upright. “Mostly how he got rid of the firebrand Silvie Fermetti. You know how wild she looked in those pictures in Paris Match last week. And that guy she was punching—”

“I’ll tell you later.” Nicole glanced over her shoulder. “Privately. What I wanted to tell you was that I’m going to stay with him for a while.”

“A while!”

“Calm down. Seriously, it’s not that big a deal.” Nicole took the chair beside her friend. “And Rafe said if you want to come sailing with us, you’re welcome. Also, if you want introductions to anyone, or if you want him to set you up with some titled dude, he’s willing.”

“Wow. So I can put in my order and he’ll do the pimping?”

Nicole smiled. “It sounded like it. See anyone you want today?”

“Lordy, lordy, if I have that big a menu,” Fiona murmured. “Lemme think…”

While Fiona was trying to decide, Rafe had already made a few decisions. First, he’d prefer being alone with Nicole. Second, the title of prince seemed to have a certain cachet with women. And last, his cousin Giacomino, owed him a favor.

Picking up the phone in the shower, he gave instructions for someone to find Prince Giacomino Santori and a few minutes later, the phone rang.

“How busy are you?” Rafe’s Italian was rapid fire. “I’m in the shower. I don’t have much time.”

Giacomino knew that tone of voice and with a smile for the lady he was flirting with, he moved away from her. “Not that busy, Rafe. What do you need?”

“I’m calling in my marker. Do this for me and we’re even.”

Since Giacomino owed Rafe three hundred K, his answer was predictable. “Name it.”

“There’s a lady in my stateroom I need you to take off my hands. I haven’t seen her, but I’m assuming she won’t hurt your eyes. Her name’s Fiona, she’s blond, and since I want her friend for myself, I need you to entertain Fiona somewhere else for a few days.”

“Presumably this Fiona has a choice. What if she’s not interested?”

“We both know you can make her interested. So just do it. Take her shopping, to the casino, wine and dine her. Spend what you need to make her happy—although I’m not paying for your lack of skill so don’t run up any charges at the roulette table. Carlos will give you a credit card. Use it, no questions asked. Okay?”

“Fuck yes.”

“Oh, and be sure you see that Fiona is happy sexually too—or she’ll move on. Apparently she’s adding up her conquests this summer.”

“Cristo Dios—you don’t want much.”

“Actually, I do. I want three hundred K and expenses worth of fucking. We both know you can do it. Hell, you might even like her. See you in five.”