"Don't do this, brother," he implored, opening his arms as Raven Hunter stopped in front of him, glaring. "Come, come with me. Our time with the People is over. Come, follow me to the south. Let me cleanse you, let me teach you to Dream."
Around him, the souls of the People glowed, frightened, nervous. Some watched with anticipation, ready, drawn by the violence. Others reflected pain, anxiety filling them. They'd be free soon, these people of his.
Raven Hunter took a step to the side, moving easily. "Even wounded, brother, I'm still more than a match for you. You think your Dream is stronger than me? Stronger than the Power of the White Hide? Look at you, lost in your head! You'd lead the People? You? What do you know of this world, Wolf Dreamer?"
"He's right," Wolf murmured. The beast's voice echoed from the trees. "Your time here is done. "
' 'But I ... I have to save the People from him.'' He turned uncertainly, meeting Wolf's yellow eyes. "Don't I?"
"You've already saved them."
Raven Hunter guffawed and gazed around the crowd, pointing at his brother. "Look at him, talking to the air! He's mad. I told you all long ago! And you still followed him."
Wolf Dreamer looked back, seeing the deadly resolve in Raven Hunter's soul as it blackened. "You've chosen." And at that, he stepped around his brother and into the fire, Dancing with the flames as they licked at his flesh. The souls of the People flickered with fear as he bent and plucked the coals from the pit.
Raven Hunter watched nervously, the first signs of uncertainty reflected in the shadows of his soul. Carefully, Wolf Dreamer drew the effigy of Wolf on his face with a searing coal, the same effigy he'd drawn that long-ago day outside of Mammoth Camp. Then he reached for Raven Hunter.
Frightened for the first time, Raven Hunter stepped back, holding his broken arm protectively.
"Come, brother," Wolf Dreamer called, following, arms open. "Step into the Light. Embrace me, let my soul mingle with yours. Opposites crossed. Resolution."
"No!" Raven Hunter crouched and charged. He caught Wolf Dreamer with his one good arm, dragging him out of the fire and smashing him to the frozen earth. The air in his lungs exploded past his teeth. For a second, he Danced with the pain, shifting its illusion away as he gulped for breath.
Raven Hunter slammed his fist repeatedly into Wolf Dreamer's face, bellowing in rage, "You're a witch! I'll kill you, bury you so your soul ..." Raven Hunter's fingers wrapped themselves around Wolf Dreamer's windpipe, choking off the air. Wolf Dreamer's lungs began to clamor. In the Dance, he watched them begin to turn blue.
"It doesn't matter," he mouthed silently. "Nothing—"
"Stop it! Stop it!" Dancing Fox screamed from somewhere far away.
Wolf Dreamer lay still, conscious of his body's struggle for life, feeling his brother's fingers go tighter, hearing Wolf call him again. "Come . . . Come ..."
His soul shivered, longing to follow.
Raven Hunter's scream rippled like a physical thing as it tore through the People, changing the colors of their souls. He leapt up, releasing Wolf Dreamer and standing menacingly over him. "Get up!" he shouted. "Get up and fight!"
Wolf Dreamer gasped for air, lying weakly for a moment before stumbling to his feet. His throat rasped as he drew air into his lungs. A blinding flash caught him as Raven Hunter kicked him in the belly. Wolf Dreamer sat down hard, a warm rush spreading below his heart.
For a moment, he retreated into the nothingness beyond the Dance. With a curious detachment, he looked back at his suffering body. Raven Hunter had kicked him again, flopping his empty flesh sideways to heave and retch on the trampled snow.
Raven Hunter laughed, the black green of his soul sparkling as he bent down and settled his knee on Wolf Dreamer's throat. His body twitched, and Raven Hunter looked up at Dancing Fox, cackling his victory.
From the side, a bent shape scuttled out of the darkness. The soul shifted between red, green, and blue. A sparkling lance of orange-white pain shot up from one of the old woman's arms. Despite the agony it caused her, she crabbed for-
ward, keeping to the shadows behind Raven Hunter as he bellowed victory to the People.
Wolf Dreamer shifted to look back at Wolf. The beast had trotted closer. He stood so close now, Wolf Dreamer could feel his warm breath on his face. Do I have to go back? Is there a reason to leave the peace, the silence of the One? I don't want to go back. Not even for the brief moment it will take to bring this to a close.
Wolf only stared, yellow eyes glimmering with the firelight.
Wolf Dreamer Danced back into his body as Broken Branch reached from the shadows. Despite the blinding pain from his crushed throat, despite his burning lungs, he felt the cool polished wood as the old woman thrust it in his grasping hand. The lingering essence of One Who Cries seeped from the worked wood of the foreshaft, caressing his fevered skin. Resolution. He lanced the stone-tipped dart up, following the vibrance of Raven Hunter's hard soul to the center of his brother's Dance.