People of the Thunder(136)
“I told you, at risk of—”
Morning Dew stamped her foot, chin lowering as she gave him a disapproving stare.
“All right,” Green Snake said easily. “The Seeker has made a study of plants. Not just ours, but from all over. He mixed up a concoction of datura, hemp, and bits of root of this and that. Pale Cat sprinkled it into one of the black drink cups and had them all drink out of it. When he stepped to the doorway and gave me the sign, I just walked in.” His expression turned quizzical.
“And then what happened?” Heron Wing prompted.
“It was an odd sensation. That was the last place I was before Rattle—I mean, Smoke Shield—came to the door and I struck him down. It brought back curious memories.” He shook it off. “No matter, being dressed as a warrior I just walked past the sleepers; the idea was that if any of them awakened, they’d just see another warrior walking through. With so many strangers in town, who’d know?”
“And why did you bring it here?” Heron Wing asked.
Green Snake cocked his head. “Does that bother you?”
“Yes,” both women replied.
Heron Wing crossed her arms. “That’s a very Powerful medicine. A man’s medicine. What do you intend on doing with it in a woman’s house?”
He gave her that familiar old smile, the one that barely curled the corners of his lips. “Can you think of the last place Smoke Shield would think to look for it?”
“Precisely.” He gestured with the box toward her back room. “I could put it back there if you’d sleep better.”
“Sleep? With that thing here? I doubt it.” Heron Wing gestured her acceptance. “But I suppose that’s the best we can do.”
Green Snake stepped into the storage room. She heard boxes and ceramic jars being moved. Then he emerged, clapping his hands.
“Now,” he said easily, “the next problem is how to let Great Cougar know we’ve got it.”
Heron Wing crossed her arms. “What? No magic potion for that in the Seeker’s bag?”
Morning Dew had a strange look on her face, one filled with disbelief and awe.
“Sorry,” Green Snake said. “Somehow, getting word to Great Cougar isn’t a matter of leaves and herbs. We’re just going to have to hope that we have enough warning . . . that either I or Old White can slip away and offer it to him.”
Heron Wing rubbed her tired face. “I suppose that you know the Council has been called for the day after tomorrow?”
“Pale Cat said as much.”
“Why didn’t he take it to the Panther Clan palace?” she demanded. “Smoke Shield certainly isn’t going to search there!”
“No, but Panther Clan warriors would recognize that box.” Green Snake pointed toward the hidden medicine. “If one of them sees it, we’re undone.”
“And your house?”
Green Snake shrugged. “We’re running out of space under our floor.”
“Under your floor?”
Green Snake grinned. “Trade that we didn’t want itchy fingers to lift when we were out of the house.”
Heron Wing took a deep breath, rubbing her hands over her arms. “It gives me the shakes, knowing such Power is there, behind that wall. I can feel it now. How am I supposed to sleep here?”
“You could come to my house,” he said, the grin widening.
Heron Wing placed her fingers to her temples. “Don’t—not even in jest. That’s like a knife to my heart.”
Morning Dew seemed to come to herself. “Go with him, Heron Wing.”
“There are no secrets here. You yourself said that one night wasn’t enough.” She placed her hands on Heron Wing’s shoulders, looking into her eyes with steely resolve. “The medicine belongs to my people. It was carried by my husband. It won’t bother my Dreams. And, as to anyone seeing you, this city was turned upside down by the wind. Half the houses are hosting people who are dislocated until they can fix their roofs. Assuming you rise early—and aren’t seen leaving Green Snake’s—who will know?”
“Do you know what you’re suggesting?”
Morning Dew’s eyes filled with compassion. “I do. Now go. If anyone comes looking for you, I’ll handle it. Trust me.”
Heron Wing pursed her lips, her heart hammering. “I can’t do this thing.”
“A moment ago, you were desperate. Don’t learn the lesson the way I did. Tonight may be all that you get.”
“Matron?” Old White’s hand settled lightly on Heron Wing’s shoulder. “It will be light soon. You should go.”