Reading Online Novel


"So do I. I should've knocked on your door that day you were at your window, begging me to come help you out."

I'm past caring about the embarrassment, and wish he'd come like he said. I wish we'd started this the first day I'd moved in. Why wasn't he more welcoming in the first place?

"You're really sending me home to my power tools?"

"Yes. You should've gone hours ago. What were you doing hanging around here for?"

"I was waiting for this."

Knox crushes his lips against mine, lighting me on fire all over again. I don't want this to end.

A moan flies from my throat, and he pulls away.

"We're going to wake Piper up. Go. I'll come see you in the morning."

Before I can protest, Knox stands and walks into the kitchen, leaving me alone in the living room. He's right. I know he's right, but I really, really don't want to leave.

I sit for a minute, letting my body calm. It's apparent Knox isn't coming back, and I grab my keys and go home.

Even though things didn't go very far, when I get in bed every second of his touch plays on an endless repeat in my mind. For some reason, I don't have any desire to get my Xtreme Buzz or even to touch myself. Nothing other than him would be satisfying.

In the morning, I get right to work and check my videos for feedback and for numbers of views, making notes on which ones are most popular. The goal is to do more of them, to give the people what they want, so they watch and my mortgage gets paid.

I get a text from Darla, telling me she'll be here by lunchtime. I've neglected her visit, and now rush around trying to prepare the futon in my third bedroom, the guest room, for her.

The dusty rose wallpaper is going to kill her, since she's so trendy. I wouldn't put it past her to rip it off and slap on a coat of paint this weekend.

Around nine, my doorbell rings. I open the door. Knox is standing there, clean shaven and wearing jeans. His eyes are narrowed.

"Is Piper at school?" I ask.

"No, she's watching Law & Order and eating Cheerios. I'm here to give you what you wouldn't give me, because we don't have much time."

As he speaks, he backs me up into my living room, straight onto my couch.

Before I fully understand what's happening, I'm lying on my back, and he's yanking my pants off.

Knox doesn't kiss me. Nor does he say anything else. He plants his mouth firmly on my mound without warning, and I flood with all the want and desire I'd had on his couch last night.

His tongue roves through my now slick folds, and my pulse races. He pushes my thighs further apart, and I melt into the couch.

The tip of his tongue connects with my clit, forcing a moan from my mouth. He circles his tongue around my clit and I grab his head on reflex while heat explodes in my pussy.

Knox's fingers push through my folds and through my wet entrance. He's rough, and makes no effort to be gentle as he works them against my most tender spot. At the same time, he pushes and sucks and brutalizes my clit with his mouth.

I forget to breathe.

I forget where I am.

I forget my name.

My body tightens and tenses. Knox grunts, the noise enough to tip me over the edge and I scream. An enormous orgasm rips through me, and my body dissolves into a quivering mess.

"I fucking knew it," Knox says, his breath hot on my mound.

"Knew what?" It takes all my effort to push the words out of my mouth.

"I could make you scream in under three minutes."

Three minutes? Was that all that was? It seemed like at least twenty.

"I have to get back." Knox stands, locks his eyes on mine while he licks his fingers, and leaves.

I can't move. My body is a ball of jelly. I lie motionless, naked from the waist down. Was that really three minutes? It takes at least fifteen before I can stand and put my pants back on.

Two cups of coffee later, I'm in my fake bedroom and ready to work. It feels so good to be energized about my vlog again. I am no longer a nun dishing out sex advice. I dress, do my hair and make-up and hit record.

"Usually I tell you guys about the importance of foreplay, and how a woman needs it. But sometimes there's nothing wrong with taking your woman hard and fast. And it can be just as satisfying for her as all the foreplay in the world. But, and this is a big but, you have to do it right. You have to know what you're doing."

I continue talking, but all I'm thinking about is how Knox wasn't lying when he said he knows what he's doing. As satisfied as I am right now, I want more.


I'm sitting in my bedroom, my hard cock in my hand. I needed this while Avery's taste is still in my mouth, while her scent still fills my nostrils.

While the sound of her radio voice moaning and screaming because of me is still fresh in my ears.

This wasn't part of the plan. Our arrangement was supposed to mean an end to me stroking myself while thinking about her. My cock should be buried in her right now.

I didn't want to abandon Piper for a booty call next door. Somehow that doesn't seem like good parenting. But I couldn't help myself this morning. I gave myself five minutes to run next door, because I used up all my self control last night.

It won't happen again.

But with Piper home today, and tomorrow and Sunday to get through, I don't know how I'm going to make it until Monday. There's something about that woman I can't resist.

This has moved beyond wanting to hear her voice calling out for me. Even beyond the need to see those full lips on me.

Maybe it's the way she reached in my pants and grabbed my cock last night. She's bold as fuck, and I wonder what else she'd surprise me with.

I close my eyes and remember the feeling of her delicate hand on my shaft, stroking me. My back muscles shudder and relax as I spill my load in my hand.

After I clean myself up, I head back downstairs. With Piper being home yesterday, I didn't get as much work done as I need to. It looks like it'll be the same again today.

My business partner Marcus is already hassling me with text messages. He wants to get started on the body work for the Corvette, there's damage in the back and another gouge in the passenger door.

I poke my head in the living room, and ask, "Everything okay in here?"

"Can you refill my hot water bottle?" Piper asks.

"Sure," I say and walk into the room and take it from her.

After refilling it with hot water in the kitchen, I take it to Piper.

"Thanks, Dad," she says as I hand it to her.

"No problem. Anything else?"

"Is Avery coming today?"

A smile springs onto my face, and I think to myself, ‘she already has.' Out loud, I say "I don't know."

"I hope she does. It's so awesome having her here, don't you think? It was so much fun having dinner with her. Can she have dinner here more often?"

"We'll see," I say, knowing it's a bad idea.

If Avery is going to keep having this effect on me, it's best she doesn't spend much time here. She's too tempting, and I have to keep my daughter and my new fuck toy separate.

"She's so awesome, and she's always telling me how much she likes you. Did you know that? She thinks you're really cool and loves hanging around with you."

"I've got to get some work done, I'll be in the garage if you need me."

On autopilot, I walk through the house and into the garage. Did Avery really tell her those things? Not fucking likely. Avery made it clear she's not my biggest fan. Though Piper's right. Avery was great with her yesterday. And it was nice having her around in the evening, if only because she made Piper watch something other than Law & Order. Plus I got to listen to her laugh.

Having Avery here was easy, almost too easy. She's lucky she tastes so fucking good, or I'd end this arrangement right now.

I work fast, to get this Corvette ready for Marcus. Every once in awhile, I stop to savor Avery's taste. Occasionally there's movement in her bedroom window, and I let my mind run with the idea of barging into her bedroom the way I barged into her living room.

My stomach rumbles, it's getting near lunch. But there's only one thing I want to eat.

"Wow, you must be Knox," a woman says.

I stop what I'm doing and look up. A scrawny redhead with the biggest, curliest hair I've ever seen is standing two feet away, her hands on her hips, her eyes unashamed as they rake over me.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"I'm Darla, darling."

"Okay, Darla, who the fuck are you?"

"Avery didn't tell you I was coming to meet you? I'm hurt. When she told me she had a hottie living next door, I had to come see for myself."

What the fuck?

"She did, did she?" I say, pissed.

"Yes, and I've heard all about your fuck-buddy status. I hope you've gotten yourself tested so she can enjoy you bare."

What the fuck? I don't say anything, but my mind springs to the idea of being bare inside Avery. It's been so long since I haven't used a condom. Fatherhood long. After becoming a father, when a woman told me she's on the pill, I never fucking believed her. The last thing Piper needed was a sibling, it's hard enough for me raising one, I couldn't have a repeat.   


Darla steps towards me, and squeezes my bicep. I glare at her with a stone face as I step away. Is this chick for real?

She walks over to the Corvette and runs her finger along the curve of the roof. "Nice car."

"Uh huh," I grunt. Why is she here?

"Avery's got an IUD. You know, the IUD?" she says and turns to make eye contact with me, "Just saying. Get tested."

What. The. Fuck. Did Avery put her up to this?