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By:Lulu Pratt & Simone Sowood

"He does? He barely said anything."

"He never talks much. He likes to listen."

Maybe that's why Piper talks so much, since he doesn't someone had to.

"Is he like that with everyone?"

She shrugs, "Don't know. I think so. But he agrees with me that you're really pretty and beautiful and funny."

I laugh, why is she saying this? Is this part of his attempt to drill me? Was he serious when he said that? When he first said it I thought he was serious, but this morning I wondered if he was joking and decided it was all an attempt to embarrass me more after the Xtreme Buzz thing.

Which reminds me, I must never talk to him again. Or even see him. And I definitely can't let him see me. Which will be tricky, since I live next to him and seem to spend a lot of time hanging out with his daughter, but I'll figure out a way.

"What's your favorite pizza?"

"Meat Lovers," I say. I'm getting used to her quick changes of topics.

"We're going to order pizza tonight. You're coming, right?"

I try to keep my face from looking too horrified while I think of an excuse not to go.

"I'm really sorry, but I have some work I have to get done for tomorrow."

"But it's Sunday tomorrow."

"It's not fair, is it? But you know editors."

"That's so cool. I can't believe I'm living next to a real, live author."

How long can I keep this writing-a-book facade up?

"You know what, I'm good with eating a banana in the car. Ready to shop till you drop?" Because the faster we get out of here, the less chance there is of him seeing me.


Piper insists on Avery coming here for pizza after their shopping trip. Fine by me, I enjoy toying with her.

Though if I'm not careful, I won't be able to control my cock, and I'll end up with her bent over my kitchen counter. Actually, forget that. I want her on her back so I can hear her sex kitten voice as I make her purr.

I figure I may as well get some work done while Piper's out, and head into my garage to work some more on the blue Corvette. As I'm bent over the car, I can't help hearing the echoes of Avery's voice as she moaned out the window that day.

Standing, I turn to look up at her window and remember the look on her face. If that's what I do to her when I'm standing ten feet away, I'd love to see what she does when she's in my arms.

My mind runs wild with all sorts of possibilities for her. The ideas are endless.

Except one thought hits me. Piper.

The day it became clear that Piper was my responsibility to raise, I promised her I wouldn't expose her to a string of girls. That I'd give her as stable an environment to grow up in as a twenty-two-year old was capable of providing.

Thirteen years later, I haven't broken my word to her. There's no way I can fuck that up now.

Still, my mind wanders to the swell of Avery's tits under that top she had on last night. I can't help wondering what she looks like naked. I tell myself she's nowhere near as good as I'm imagining, and that this whole thing is getting out of control.

I need to get my dick in line. This is what happens when you don't get regular sex. I haven't fucked anyone since Mrs Coupland moved. That's what this is, is all. A serious case of blue balls.

It's almost six, and they should be home soon. I don't understand how it takes five hours to buy bras.

Good thing I didn't have to go. I'd have made Piper get the first thing she saw. We would've been in and out of Target in five minutes.

Somehow I don't think Piper would've been happy with that.

Regardless, Avery's coming here for pizza. Tonight it would be nice to make it through the night with the ability to stand and walk her to the door like a normal person. Unlike last night, when I had such a raging hard-on that I couldn't stand and anyone would've seen the gigantic bulge in my jeans.

The only way to solve that is with a quick release, to keep my dick from getting too excited when it hears her voice.

Minutes later, I'm in the bathroom with the door locked, in case they come home anytime soon.

My hard cock is in my hand and I'm doing my best to think of anyone but Avery. I think of Charlize Theron. I think of Beyoncé. I think of Jennifer Lawrence. But my mind keeps running back to the sounds Avery made when she was smushed up against her window screen.

The memory of each little sound sends my cock stiffer and makes my back tense. Tingles radiate from my groin through my entire body, and I keep stroking, remembering the look of her face as she came.

I want that look for me. A shudder rips through me as cum spurts from my cock. Fuck, I've got to stop doing this. I need to stop fantasizing about her while jerking off.

Except I keep saying that, and I keep doing it. Like I'm some kind of pimply teenager with his first crush.

After cleaning myself up, I head into the living room to relax while I wait for Piper and Avery to get home.

I promised Piper pizza. What's Avery's favorite type of pizza? It's probably spinach or something girly. That's fine, I can order whatever, I'll just get a meat lover for myself.

Since it's after six, I order two pizzas, one meat lover and one vegetarian so we won't have to wait for them after they get home.

At six thirty, Piper flies through the door, slamming it behind her. Her arms are loaded down with bags. I assume she spent every penny I gave her.

Piper's buzzing with adrenaline. She flits into the living room and dumps the contents of her bags onto the couch.

"Where's Avery?" I ask.

"She went home. Said she's not feeling well. Thinks she's coming down with something."

Bullshit. She's hiding from me. Maybe I gave her too much of a hard time last night.

Leaving Piper to examine her hoard, I go over to Avery's and ring the doorbell. Nothing. I knock on the door. She doesn't answer. But I know she's in there, so I pound a little harder.

"Avery," I yell through the door.

Silence. She's hiding.

A smirk forms on my face and I silently laugh at how much I've rattled her. Another time.

The pizza delivery guy arrives while I'm standing on her doorstep. I wander back to meet him at his car. After paying him, I take both pizzas and wonder what to do with the vegetarian.

It doesn't take long to decide to leave it on Avery's doorstep.

"Here's your pizza I ordered you. I'm leaving it on your doorstep, you can get it after I go home - since I know how you don't want me to catch your cold and all," I yell through her door.

Back inside, I put the meat lover pizza on my kitchen table and get out two plates.

"Pizza," I call.

Piper bounds into the room, wearing a different outfit than the one she arrived home in.

"Those new clothes? They're nice," I say, trying to relate to the girl.

"Thanks. Avery helped me pick them."

I don't dare ask about the bras she went to buy.

"So you had fun?"

"Yes, Avery's so awesome. And guess what, she had lots of fun last night and really likes you. Like, really likes you."

That's why she had to run home and hide.

"Oh," I say, not wanting to enter into this sort of conversation with her.

After the pizza is gone, I sit through a fashion show of Piper modeling all her new clothes in various combinations. Fortunately she doesn't mention the bras either.

When she's bored of that, we watch another episode of Law & Order before she heads to bed.

Piper's been asleep for awhile, and I grab my iPad for my now nightly ritual of watching Avery's videos.

My eyes nearly pop out of my head when I see today's video, F*ck Buddies. My finger flies across the screen and clicks "watch now."

Unlike her normal videos, this one is raw with emotion. Her normal cool, controlled self is nowhere in sight. Instead, she's appealing to her viewers to tell her if she should fuck me or not.

My heart hammers against my ribs. I've rattled her. There's not a shred of doubt in my mind that this video is about me.

Avery said she only wants casual sex. Fine by me, that's all I want too. Except she said she wanted it because she'd never be interested in a relationship with him, because he's a jerk.

She thinks I'm a jerk?

Whatever. She's a judgmental meddler. That doesn't need to stop us having a good time.

It takes all my self control not to barge over there right now and fuck her senseless.

But I have to think about Piper.

There must be a way to keep it secret from Piper. Avery's home in the day. I'm usually home in the day. We can fuck while she's at school.

We would just have to make sure Piper never, under any circumstances, found out. Ever.

And we have to be clear from the outset that this is purely a fuck-buddy arrangement. A convenient one, since she lives next door.

I can't resist commenting.

Ox Man: He doesn't want a relationship either, go suck him off already. You know you're gagging for it.


Knox's muffled voice comes through the door, saying something about leaving a pizza for me.

I intend to leave it, but realize the animals will get it and make a mess. After twenty minutes, I creak open the door and whip it inside. It's untouched, the neighborhood cats and wildlife haven't found it yet.

At least I have dinner. I carry it into my kitchen, intending to microwave it before eating it in front of the TV. Setting it on the hopelessly old and out-of-date countertop, I get a plate and fling open the lid.

What is it? There's no pepperoni. My nostrils flare as I lean in and look closer. There doesn't appear to be any meat at all. Oh well, I guess beggars can't be choosers, but I'm really surprised a rugged man like Knox orders vegetarian pizza.

He's full of surprises.

On Sunday, I spend the entire day hiding inside. Even though it's nearly eighty degrees out and I don't have any fans or air conditioning, all my windows are shut tight. The idea is to pretend I'm not home. And make sure he can't hear me from his garage, which is far too close to the property line, now that I think about it.