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By:Lulu Pratt & Simone Sowood

I can feel his breath on my skin, his low groans. My own skin feels slick with sweat and I am shifting beneath him, moaning and grinding my hips. I moan deeply as I shiver. My body responds, I part my thighs. Cade doesn't hesitate, his fingers exploring the heat of my opening, pushing slowly within me and making me gasp with desire. I bite my lip to hold back the cry.

I shiver, arching, hands reaching for his pants, forcefully undoing them, fumbling as I undo the button.

I gasped, bucking my hips as his fingers push deeper within me. My breathing is shaky as the burning pleasures rise inside me.

"Cade …  more." I moan despite myself. I feel like my whole world is spinning and I want more, want to get lost in the pleasure that is Cade, in the way he touches me so perfectly.

He shifts and I hold him tightly, wrapping my arms around him, holding on for dear life. He is warm against me and his eyes are as electric as they have always been. My head is spinning and I bite my lip.

Cade groans and I feel his cock pressing against me. He's impressive, hot and big. Oh so, so big. I've never felt anything like this and I groan deeply, shifting against him. A gasp leaves me as he slowly, slowly pushes his cock inside of me. I feel as if I am about to pass out, the heat that started at my opening has spreading to every inch of my body.

He is gasping and the sound thrills me, sends shivers down my spine. One arm is braced against the couch and I feel his tense muscles as he begins to rock slowly within me, entering me further. It's all consuming and I find myself gasping for breath. My hands clutch his skin and I gasp. Sweat trickles down my skin and I squeeze my eyes shut.

The only thing left is the feel of him. The anger has faded away to a burning kind of lust, to a shiver that just won't quit, to a low groan in my chest and the fact that all I can feel is him. I hold onto him tightly as he thrusts into me. I gasp. So strong and confident and better than I could have ever imagined.

I writhe beneath him, squirming and bucking and arching my hips in time to the rhythm that shivers down my spine and into my soul. It's everything I could have ever hoped for and more. He moves faster and harder. He pushes within me deeper and suddenly, I feel terribly light headed. The pressure is building, the heat threatening to overwhelm me completely. Pleasure blinds me and I groan. The feel of his cock, the friction against my opening, the strong thrusts.

I've never felt this amazing and it's all I can do to hold on as my climax rips through me, strong and fast and deep. I'm holding on for dear life, moaning as I gasp. Wave after wave crashes down on me, blinding me to anything else. Cade shudders with release soon after, holding me tightly as he shudders and grunts. It feels incredible, and I can't think straight. It's perfect, all consuming, dizzying. I love every moment of it.

I never want this to end. The glow that fills me is warm and comforting and settling in a way that I hadn't understood before now. Sure, I've found pleasure, but never like this. So I just hold onto Cade and he holds onto me in return.

And when I catch his eye, something passes between us, and I know that everything is going to be all right. Warmth floods me, and I fall asleep right there, on the couch, in Cade's arms.

It's no fairytale, but it's perfect.



The meetings have been going well the last few weeks. Of course, by well, I don't mean well for my case. Things have been going better between me and Cade. I still can't get Ellen off my mind and every moment with her has me hoping that we'll turn into something more, that the uncomfortable relationship we are in will blossom into something better.

I don't hate Cade. I no longer want to see him fall, and the thought disturbs me. My job is my life and I have never wanted to fail a client before. But I am seeing more and more of Cade's motivations, what drives him.

If he didn't cling so tightly to Ellen, we might have already become friends. The tension between us is still thick, but I feel like it is something I can let slide, something I can deal with.

I sit at my desk sipping coffee and browsing through emails. I've still found no evidence, nothing that I can use against them, even if I wanted to. I'm about to shut down my laptop and call it a day, when an email from Ellen catches my attention.

My pulse races as I open it, wondering why she'd be emailing me  –  she'd already sent through the paperwork. It's a forwarded email, and as I scan through the words, I begin to feel light headed.

"Oh, man … " I breathe.

The evidence that I need has dropped onto my lap. Fate, intervention, a dodgy email system. Whatever the reason, Ellen has emailed me evidence of their ploy, the fact that their relationship is fake. It's an email with documentation, as well as a brief outline of their relationship and transactions. Clearly meant to just be between the two of them, but now it's been leaked to me.

I swallow. This is big. This could send everything crashing down for them and land me a damn good paycheck. It would be what they deserved, for lying. Yet the excitement I feel in my chest is for a different reason entirely.

If they are not really in a relationship  –  if it has all been faked, then the chemistry between Ellen and me has not just been in my head. The longing gazes that Ellen shoots my way, the way she lingers with me at the end of a meeting. All that means something  –  it must.

Hope blossoms in my chest. I have a chance with her after all. Cade and Ellen's relationship is as fake as can be, and there's not much more to add to that. I find myself smiling, my day feeling brighter already.

I glance at the email and push print. I slip it into an envelope and grab my phone. I need to see Ellen and I need to see her soon. If I discard the evidence of their faked relationship, then we all get what we want. Cade gets his money, I get a chance to win Ellen's heart, if she wants me and she gets whatever payments they've struck between the two of them.

I dial her number and wait for her to pick up. The phone rings out, but I am not worried. I decide that she's probably at her apartment  –  it's her day off, after all. I'll surprise her.

I leave my office in a hurry, swinging past the flower stand as I catch a cab to her apartment block. I feel giddy as I get closer, and I keep the envelope close, arranging my features into a cool and confident mask. I cannot seem overly eager and completely break my charm.

I step out, flowers in hand, marching straight to the elevator. I know my way to her apartment  –  we've met there before, Cade, Ellen and I. When I arrive at her door, I'm not surprised to find it unlocked, but I am surprised to find it ajar. It's slight, but I'm perceptive and I can tell it hasn't been shut properly.

I feel concern. Caution rises within me and I barely bump the door, brushing it lightly. I immediately wish that I hadn't. My concern evaporates into nothing, turning into dust. There, in the hallway, barely five meters from the door, is Cade. In his arms is Ellen and they're doing as nature intended.

Embarrassment coils its way around my heart and they freeze as they notice me, both of them still breathing heavily. For a moment, no one speaks, and no one moves.

Then I step outside of the apartment, "I'll found evidence of your deception." I glare at them both, "Your trust fund will be hearing about it shortly."

I slam the door. This time, it clicks shut, and so does my heart.



Ellen is running behind me, trying to keep up. For once, I don't care that I am outstripping a lady in my stride. I don't care about anything but getting to Adam's office and tearing him to shreds.

How dare he come into Ellen's apartment unannounced and then leave in a fit of rage when he finds us in proof of a relationship? I'm seething. No, it's more than that. I am livid and I am more than ready to tear him to pieces. I curl my hands into fists and stare straight ahead. I probably should have taken a cab, this way works better.

I'm burning off energy that is thudding through my body, calming my pounding heart a little and settling my mind. I need to think clearly. I need to find out what proof he has and find a way to dispute it.

I will not let my whole world crumble to the ground just because he has jealously issues. My body and mind are on fire and I hear Ellen calling out, "Cade, wait! Be reasonable."

I can't be reasonable. I can't stop until this is sorted out. I slam my hand into the elevator, the button blinking dully as I wait for it. Ellen catches up with me, sounding and looking breathless. I should be feeling guilty, but I don't have it in me at the moment.

I know I should be calm, be reassuring Ellen, but right now, I just need to get this sorted. I need to tell Adam exactly what a bastard he is, in no uncertain terms. We step into the elevator and it closes behind us. Ellen turns to me. "Cade, you need to think about this," she implores me.   


"I have." I answer shortly, "I've thought about how I am going to teach Adam Jones a lesson."

She frowns and I can see the worry in her eyes. "Please don't do anything rash."

I shrug, "I'm not promising anything."

She opens her mouth to argue, but the doors open quicker and I am out before she can say anything. I don't knock on Adam's door. I don't wait. He sure as hell didn't announce himself and I am not going to extend the courtesy to someone who just doesn't deserve it. There is no chance of that happening.