Reading Online Novel


Reclaiming my previous pace, I slam into her as she continues to shudder and gasp for air.

Gathering a handful of her hair, I tug slightly as my own release starts crashing into me.

Unable to restrain myself, I shout her name as my hips thrust into her fervently. She's stretched to the limit as my cock surges ready to explode inside of her.

Seconds later, I'm slumped against her back riding out the final waves of my climax.

"Kiss me," I demand once we both catch our breath.

I take a step back and allow my softening erection to slip out of her so that she can turn and oblige me.

When Olivia turns around, her green eyes are hazy with complete satisfaction and nothing pleases me more than knowing I'm the one who put that look on her face.

Kissing me hard, Olivia fondles my cock. Her palm grips me firmly, her fingers smearing the sticky residue of our mixed arousal.

"That was amazing," she pauses to kiss me. "But this time I want to ride you."

In a matter of seconds, I'm hard again.

"I think we can make that happen."

Her smile is inviting as she walks over to the chair in the corner of the suite and waits for me to join her.

I think I might love this woman.



"So tell me about this dickhead boss of yours," I request, winding a loose strand of Olivia's hair around my finger as she lays on my chest.

"Gavin's not so bad," she defends him. "He's just been really on edge since I got back. His dad didn't do too well while I was gone and I feel really guilty about that."

"Olivia," I release a frustrated breath. "When are you going to realize you're too forgiving? He's a dick and I got that from a two-minute interaction."

"I'm sure it'll blow over soon. He's upset, that's all."

"What the hell for?" My anger is rising by the second. I hated the way he had interrupted us like she owed him an explanation. "Are you supposed to apologize for taking a vacation?"

"It's complicated," Olivia claims, sitting up and depriving me of the warmth of her body. "Can we change the subject?"

The frown marring her features is a foreign sight for me and I want nothing more than to erase it, so I oblige her.

"How long are you in town?" she wants to know, her eyes scanning the suite I'd reserved at the last minute. I watch as her eyes land on each piece of furniture before refocusing on my face.

"Just for tonight. I have to go in a couple hours, actually."

Olivia's eyes double in size before she speaks again.

"So you flew across the country for a few hours of sex? Wow, that's an expensive booty call," she murmurs, whistling through her teeth.

Even though I know she's kidding, the comment rubs me the wrong way.

"Don't ever refer to yourself as a booty call in my presence. Do you understand?" My tone is a lot colder than I intend and she clams up immediately.

Softening my approach, I reach out to grasp her chin between my thumb and forefinger.

Eyes cast down, Olivia avoids my gaze for as long as she can before looking up. "Listen to me. I don't know why you're so hesitant to call this what it is, but I'm all in, baby. You are more than casual sex, Olivia. You are everything. It doesn't matter what I'm doing, you're never too far from my thoughts. This isn't something I'm doing for the hell of it or until I get bored. I want us for the long haul and I'm not going to stop showing you that, no matter how hard you fight it."

Green eyes shining and a ghost of a smile on her lips, she looks at me as if she doesn't believe a word I've said. But she nods eventually and I guess that's all I can ask for in the moment.

I'm not sure who destroyed her trust in the past but it's infuriating to watch her downplay her role in my life because of it. Given the chance, I'd strangle the asshole who broke her heart.

"I wish you didn't have to go," Olivia pouts. She pokes out her bottom lip and everything. She's fucking adorable.

"You could always come with me," I tell her with a smirk.

I already know the answer but I have to give a shot.

Can't blame a guy for trying, right?

Back in the air, I run an exhausted hand through my hair as my phone vibrates non-stop against my leg.

Aware that I have to face the music at some point, my eyes scan through a long list of missed calls and message notifications. One name in particular catches my eye as my thumb lazily flicks the screen and I scroll back up to see it.

Maya Levi.

The ex who dumped me because a wealthier NBA star had suddenly become available. We had a brief fling last spring so, needless to say, I wasn't too heartbroken when she decided to break things off.

What we shared was purely physical and superficial. I provided the expensive handbags and she provided a late night pick-me-up to alleviate the stress of my day. It had been fun but as I said, I wasn't crushed when she dropped me like a bad habit.

It's still weird that she's randomly contacting me.

What the hell does she want?

The answer to that question sure as hell isn't something I'm going to focus my energy on tonight. She no longer has any priority in my life and I don't understand why she would even attempt to reconnect after months of radio silence.

Besides, I'm still floating after my time with Olivia. There's no way I'm going to fuck up this feeling by reaching out to someone from my past.

A smile takes over my face when I finally resume scrolling and glimpse a voicemail from my mom.

"Sebastian, this is your mother," she introduces herself cheerfully, still not privy to the wonders of modern technology and caller ID.

Chuckling softly, I listen as she carries on.

"Your picture popped up when I was checking my email this afternoon and you were with this beautiful blonde young lady. The caption called her your new girlfriend. Now, I know you tell me not to believe what I see online, but is that true? She's cute, Sebastian. You know, she reminds me an awfully lot of that Olivia girl you use to crush on in high school. You were smitten with that girl," she laughs at the memory. "I remember you even cut out her yearbook picture and - ah, well you remember how this story goes. Anyway, I just wanted to touch base. Hope to hear from you soon, sweetie. Sure do hope to get a visit one of these days, Mr. Big Shot," she finishes jokingly.

As the playback ends, I press "save" with a shake of my head.

That woman can talk. Especially when it comes to my personal life. She knows no bounds.

It's so typical that she would miss the major news headlines which clearly named Olivia as the winner of the sweepstakes. But instead, she'd picked right up on something petty a gossip rag had no doubt posted online as clickbait.

Though I love the lady dearly I'm not calling her back to discuss this over the phone. It'll just have to wait for the visit I have planned on Sunday.

Despite my Tennessee roots, I don't visit often because my mother moved to California years ago. One of my first big purchases had been her house in Calabasas. After my father passed suddenly from a heart attack, she saw no reason to remain in Tennessee so far from her only child.

Relaxing into my chair, I settle in for the long flight. Thoughts of Olivia and my mom dance around in my head.

If I play my cards right, I'll be bringing Olivia home to meet my mom sooner than later.

That's my final thought before sleep claims me.



A week has passed since Sebastian's surprise visit and I still can't wipe the dreamy smirk off my face.

Because it was so brief, it feels like something I dreamed up in my overactive imagination.

I still can't believe he'd dropped everything only to be with me for a few hours. No one has ever made a gesture quite that big for me before. Not that I usually date men wealthy enough to pull such a stunt. But still, you catch my drift. It's the thought behind it that counts which is why I can't stop grinning like a fool.

Currently, I'm in the kitchen cleaning up Arnold's breakfast. We're going to do some exercises together once I finish tidying. It's a part of our morning routine.

"Your smile is pretty bright considering it's not even seven," a male voice calls from the entrance of the room.

I know it's Gavin so I don't even bother looking up. Gathering plates and a glass from the table, I mosey over to the sink and throw a greeting over my shoulder.

"Hi, Gavin. How are you this morning?" I ask politely.

It's a Saturday so he has the day off. His mood has improved only marginally since our tense encounter and Sebastian's pop-up visit last week hadn't helped at all.

"When you're done in here, come to my office. We need to have a word."

Frowning, I turn to face him now.

"What about your father's exercises? You know I like to maintain a routine."

Gavin shrugs flippantly. "The exercises can wait. I'll be expecting you," he says turning to leave.

Somewhat peeved, I place the dishes into the dishwasher and wipe down the table and countertops. After popping my head into the living room to tell Arnold I'm coming shortly, I journey to the back of the house to meet Gavin as he requested.

"Have a seat, Olivia," he commands with his gaze focused on the chair across from him.

"What's going on, Gavin?"

Eyes trained on me, he starts speaking.

"I wanted to tell you how much my father and I love having you here."

Praise? From him? Given the last month or so, I definitely hadn't been expecting that.

"I love being here. You know I have a soft spot for Arnold and I enjoy taking care of him," I tell him.