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By:Lulu Pratt & Simone Sowood

Grudgingly, I'd hung up with Olivia. Walking back into the boardroom, the weight on my shoulders has nothing to do with the chaos at work. The disappointment she'd tried to hide in her voice makes me feel like shit. Not even three days have passed and I am already proving her point by being unavailable.

Plopping down in the chair at the front of the table, I survey my team of executives and hope they have some good news for me.

If not, I may just combust.

In spite of our data being secured by the most thorough encryption measures, some idiot had still been able to hack into the servers and wipe out several features of the app. The desktop version had crashed completely, causing upset customers to flood our phone lines with frustrated complaints and outright angry demands.

Eighteen long hours had passed since the problem was discovered and I've been right here the whole time, only stepping away from the mayhem to use the restroom.

Even then, someone usually follows me inside, briefing me on the latest developments.

It's as if the universe had wanted to humble me after my lavish vacation away from my usual responsibilities.

But, God, I miss Olivia.

After having her within my reach twenty-four seven, having her thousands of miles away is a tough pill to swallow.

With over a decade of experience in the tech field, I'm no stranger to the turmoil that can erupt at a moment's notice. Behind the scenes, things go wrong a lot more than people realize.

However, I can handle it because in this field you have no choice. You either roll with the punches or get knocked out.

My skin is a lot tougher for it.

What I'm not so adept at handling is this deep-rooted yearning for a woman who effortlessly knocked me off my feet.

Call me a sap, but I miss everything about her.

Everything I liked about her in high school has only been amplified in adulthood.

She's still sweet and fun-loving. Patient and loyal to a fault. Add all those things to the fact that she's an incredible lover and you can see why I'm a little flustered here.

"What do you think, Bash?" Malakai asks from my right side.   


When I look at him, he's staring at me intently. I have no fucking idea what he just said.

Olivia is dominating my thoughts to the point of distraction.

Not a good sign.

Snap out of it, you have a company to run and people counting on you.

"Run that by me again," I say focusing my tired gaze on him.

Hours later, I'm alone in the same room rewriting the code for the site.

I'd felt bad and released my team for a brief recess so that they could sleep and see their families before returning in a few hours.

It's nearing five which means Olivia has already started her day in Tennessee.

Needing to hear her voice, no matter how brief, I come to a stopping point and grab my phone.

Because I'd set it to "Do Not Disturb," I see a ton of missed calls and text messages. Swiping past them, I find Olivia's name and press "call."

"Hello?" she answers distractedly on the third ring. I can tell she didn't look at the screen before answering.

Running a hand over my two-day stubble, I exhale as I let her voice soothe me.

"Good morning, sweetheart."

There's a short pause as she pieces things together, then her voice sounds excited.

"Sebastian, it's not even seven and I know you're two hours behind. So, what on earth are you doing awake at this ungodly hour?"

Leaning back in my chair, a slow grin forms on my face when I hear her mild southern twang. It only shines through when she's excited and right now she's apparently excited to speak to me.

I smile harder.

It's my first real smile in days and of course she's the one to provide it.

Seriously, it makes no sense for me to be this happy about talking to another human.

"Just wanted to hear your voice," I answer truthfully, my words languid thanks to a severe lack of sleep.

On the other end, Olivia releases a contented sigh.

"Someone certainly has a way with words," she giggles coyly. "You should never make a lady blush before ten in the morning."

"Trust me, Liv. If it were up to me, I'd have you blushing from sunup to sundown each and every day. If you'd let me," I add pointedly.

Enthralled in our banter, I slouch down further in my seat.

Olivia clears her throat at this comment and I smile victoriously.

I'd rattled her cage.

"So, what are you up to?" she asks, promptly changing the subject.

Her evasiveness is not lost on me, but I don't dwell on it since I'm already pressed for time.

"Nothing interesting," I tell her looking at my laptop. "I'd much rather hear what's new with you. We got rushed off the phone last night and you didn't tell me about your day."

"My day was pretty dull," her tone echoes her sentiment. Then there's a slight pause. "Oh! I finished my application to nursing school," she finishes with much more enthusiasm.

I can't help but be excited for her. Even if I do selfishly want her to attend a school on the west coast.

"Really? That's great news, Liv. How long before you hear back from them?"

"Four to six weeks," she supplies anxiously. "Wish me luck."

"I will, not that you need it," I say confidently. "Any school would be lucky to have you."

She's waited so long to pursue this dream and I'm happy that she's finally able to go for it.

"Okay, you can stop making me blush anytime now."

We chat for a while longer until I see Malakai staring at me through the glass door. Olivia and I disconnect just as he comes barging in.

"I hope that goofy ass grin means you have good news for me."

My business partner looks refreshed and ready to go after his brief trip home. Enviously, I stare at his clean-shaven jaw and fresh attire.

I should probably take a break soon. Not because I'm tired but because I can't imagine what I smell like after working almost two days straight.

"The site is back up and running in thirteen states on the east coast, but I still haven't had much luck with the rest," I say filling him in.

"Hey, progress is progress," he says, settling in to get to work beside me.



"Damn, girl. You look hot!" Winnie shouts when I walk into the restaurant.

I don't even bother being embarrassed by her outburst because this is totally the norm for her and part of the reason why I love her dearly.

We hug before claiming our seats at the table for two.

"Thanks," I say acknowledging her compliment. "You don't look too shabby yourself. I see you finally decided to go with the bangs. Fabulous choice."

"Why, thank you," she says, batting her lashes. "Thank you very much."

"God, I missed your crazy ass. Sorry it took so long to meet up. Work has been a little demanding since I got back."

Opening her menu, Winnie stares at me over the top of it. "How's that going by the way? Has Gavin gone back to normal?"

"Not really," I share with a sigh. "He's been a bit overbearing all week and I can't figure out why. He was totally cool with me going on the trip. But since I've returned, he's been on my ass about every little thing."

Winnie narrows her pretty gray eyes at this tidbit of information.

"I'll kick his ass," she volunteers seriously.

And I know she means it.

Winnie doesn't let anything come from her lips unless she can back it up. Another reason I love her to pieces.

Shaking my head, I hold up a hand in objection. "That won't be necessary."

She doesn't look convinced. "Have you told Sebastian about it?"

Just hearing his name sends my heart fluttering.

"No, something happened at his job. I didn't want to bother him. Besides, it's nothing. Trust me."

"You wouldn't be bothering him, Olivia. I'm sure he wants nothing more than for you to be open with him."

Her words put me on edge and I'm not sure why.

"How's that going?" Winnie asks candidly.

"Fine," I say casually.

"Fine?" my friend echoes with an incredulous expression. "You know I'm going to need more than that. I don't know why I was ever worried about you. I sent you to find an island fling and you ended up screwing the CEO all week!"

A few startled guests from nearby tables look in our direction and I hide my face behind the giant menu. Shoulders shaking with laughter, I'm not embarrassed one bit, just thoroughly tickled.

"He sure did a number on you. In just one week, you're looking ten years younger and sporting a healthy glow from all that vitamin D, if you catch my drift."

Oh, I caught it all right.

Winnie sips from her water glass and eyes me studiously.

"When do you see him again?"

The smile leaves my face. "I have no idea. Like I said, things are hectic for him right now. He had to cancel his trip to visit me."

"So why don't you just go see him?" she asks not seeing the problem. "You can certainly afford it these days."

"I have Arnold to consider," I tell her. "I already left him for one week and he didn't do too well with the change. Besides, Gavin's already riding my ass enough as it is."

She harrumphs, shaking her head in exasperation.

Like Sebastian, she doesn't understand my need to stick around and see this thing through with Arnold. But she isn't pushing me on it and for that I'm thankful.

"How does it feel being with the sexiest tech nerd in the country?" she asks playfully.

When I blush a deep shade of red, her excitement only heightens.