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By:Lulu Pratt & Simone Sowood

The whole time he watches me somewhat enviously and I can feel his cock jerking involuntarily against my swollen slit as I put on a show.

Without warning, he leans over me and licks my mouth hungrily. His tongue is lapping at my lips in an attempt to get a taste of what I just experienced.

In the next instant, he thrusts inside of me to the hilt and bites down on my lips fiercely when he's hit his mark.

The pressure is intoxicating as he fills every inch of me with his long, thick dick.

Dull pricks of pain remind that he just bit me but I don't care.

I just want more.

"Olivia," he cries out, still unmoving as he gets acquainted with the snug confines of my pussy.

His head drops down and his lips encircle one of my nipples and it's my turn to cry out.

It's too much.

With my hands around his waist, I rock my hips upward and invite him to start moving inside of me.

His teeth graze my nipple deliciously before he finally starts moving and holds my gaze.

Sebastian's thrusts are hard and slow at first, lulling me into a false sense of security. It feels so good to be this full.

I've never been this content to have someone inside of me, but Sebastian is showing me what I've been missing.

His pace quickens suddenly and he abandons the slow strokes I'd grown used to. He wrenches apart my thighs so that he has full access to push as hard and far as he wants.

"Do you have any idea how crazy you make me?" he asks with a grunt, his pelvis thrashing into mine as he pounds away at my leaking core.

A torrent of pleasure washes over me at the enchanting, smacking sound.

"This pussy feels so damn good around my cock, baby. So fucking good."

To drive his point home, he encircles my waist in his ironclad grip and starts drilling me even harder.

I'm having a hard time drawing a breath but it feels so damn good.

Sebastian's eyes leave mine as he focuses on the sight of his hard cock sliding in and out of me at a maddening pace.

Each stroke is like a potent dose of euphoria coursing through my bloodstream and elevating me higher and higher still.

Oh, my God. I never want this to end.

As if he can read my mind, Sebastian echoes my sentiments.

"I never want to leave your tight pussy. I never want to leave you." His breaths are ragged as he continues to enjoy the show.

I nod my agreement but I can't form words as they are lodged in my throat. A desperate moan is all I manage.

A new wave of desire washes over me and I feel myself reaching that inevitable peak. It's only a matter of time before I fall off the cliff.

The blinding warmth begins swelling in the pit of my belly and radiates out to blanket my entire body.

My legs are quaking as I come violently around his cock, unable to control my violent release.

Screaming his name repeatedly, I arch my back and shove against his abdomen as my orgasm blinds me. Trying to push him away only motivates him to pound harder, drawing out my climax as a new yearning floods me.

Sebastian doesn't relent, his thrusts are powerful and strong as he claims me possessively.

Then he stills, blue eyes boring into mine as he shudders and I feel his cock swell before hot spurts of semen fill me until I'm running over. He continues to slip in and out of me, spreading his seed up and down my entrance.

The stimulation against my clit makes me want to come all over again, but my body is thoroughly spent.

Sebastian collapses beside me, and wastes no time pulling me into his strong embrace.

With a simple kiss to my forehead, he stares at me in awe.

"Sleep, baby," he commands, reading the exhaustion on my face.

As soon as my head hits his solid chest, I fall into a peaceful slumber.



Extending my stay on the island hadn't been a hard decision. One night with Olivia and I was an addict.

After our first night together, I'd promptly canceled my room at the hotel across the island and stayed here.

I enjoyed fucking her thoroughly in every corner of the house. In the solarium while she was supposed to be practicing yoga. In the kitchen when she went to get a drink. In the theater room while we were watching a movie. In the bathroom when she was taking a shower.

We spend our days exploring the beautiful island and our nights fucking like rabbits. It's heaven on earth, but I know reality will soon burst our bubble.

She makes me insatiable and tomorrow she's getting on a plane to head back to Tennessee.

"Why don't you come back to California with me?" I ask that evening.

We're in the theatre room again, binge watching her favorite show. Olivia is enthralled in the political drama but quickly pivots her head in my direction when the question registers.

"My life isn't in California," she states plainly, making eye contact.

Her words annoy me for some strange reason so I follow up with another question.

"What's holding you back?"

"It's my home," Olivia explains. "My life is there. My best friend is there. My job is there. I have to get back to work."

"Liv, you just won a million dollars. Why the hell are you returning to a shitty CNA job?"

Her face falters, instantly making me regret my inflammatory words. I know she takes pride in her work and that was low.

"I'm sorry we can't all be billionaire tech geniuses like you, Sebastian. But I make an honest living and I enjoy it."

Still, I don't let it go. Even though I know I should.

"It just doesn't make sense to me."

"That's okay," she says with more patience than I deserve. "But Arnold needs me and I've always been a firm believer in finishing what I started."

I know my eyes are incredulous as I look at her.

"So you're basically waiting for him to die before you get on with your life? Why doesn't that surprise me?"

She gives me a sweet smile.

"It's about much more than that. My patient has dementia and at this point, consistency is vital. I can't abandon him in the middle of the road. I'd feel awful about it. He needs me and I intend to be there."

My expression softens as her words sink in. Until she starts talking again.

"Listen, I didn't come to the island looking for anything serious. And I'm sure you didn't either. I think the best part of this is that neither of us went in with any expectations."

I don't say anything. I just watch her, waiting for her to continue and try to talk herself out of what we have.

"But this just happened. And it's been amazing. But we both know the real world is calling. You run a huge corporation on the other side of the country. And me? Well I'm happy in Tennessee."

"Right," I say releasing a frustrated breath.

"Can you honestly say you'll even have time for me once we're back in the States?"

"I'll make time," I tell her.

She looks at me quietly and reveals a patient smile. "You think so now. But trust me, you'll get so busy you'll forget about me in no time."

My suspicions grow when she says this and I wonder if she has a distraction lined up to help her forget about me.

"Are you fucking anyone back home?" I ask candidly, not masking the anger in my tone.

Her eyes triple in size but she shakes her head furiously. "Why would you even ask me that? I told you I'm not seeing anyone. I could never share myself with someone here knowing that I have someone waiting for me at home."

Possessive feelings that I've never had to deal with before assail me and I know in that moment that I'll strangle any man who even dares to come near her.

I need to make myself crystal clear.   


"I don't want you fucking anyone else."

An emotion I can't pinpoint flits across her face but she doesn't voice whatever it is.

What is she thinking?

"I won't have time to entertain anyone else for a while. I'm going to nursing school, remember?"

"That's not what I meant," I retaliate, frowning.

I don't want her with anyone else. Period. The thought twists my gut in nauseating knots.

Sighing, Olivia regards me with a tired look.

"Why don't we focus on enjoying the time we have left?"

Her hand grazes my rigid jaw and my body reacts immediately even though I maintain a cool demeanor.

"Things are good now because we've been left alone. Outside forces haven't been a huge factor yet," she speaks rationally.

My mood darkens despite her logic.

She doesn't want me for more than sex because of my status. In high school I didn't stand a chance in hell with her because of my social circle and now she's telling me the same thing ten years later. Only with a different twist.

Whatever I do, it seems like I can't win.

Gritting my teeth, I decide this is bullshit.

From that point on, every time Olivia tries to engage me in conversation, I keep my answers short and simple.

When I see confusion flicker on her face, I avert my eyes to ease the guilt.

Even in my dark mood, I'm hard as a rock being this close to her.

While the credits roll on the episode we're watching, Olivia rises and I think she's going to leave the room to let me brood in solitude.

Instead, she steps in front of me, filling the space between my sprawled legs.

Without a word, she bites her plump bottom lip.

And right before my eyes, she sinks to her knees with lust clouding her jade eyes.

I watch her from underneath heavily lidded eyes as she expertly unbuttons my shorts and tugs at the waist telling me without words that she needs me to move so that she can remove them completely.

She pulls down my boxers and shorts together, her eyes lighting up when she sees my hard dick spring free.