Reading Online Novel


But she still greeted me sweetly after putting on her smock.   


"Hi, Sebastian."

Butterflies swarmed in my stomach.

"Hi, Olivia. How's it going?"

She tilted her and appeared to think about her answer before settling on, "I'm really happy it's Friday. I don't think I could take another day here."

"I hear you. Any plans this weekend?"

Shaking her head, she frowned.

"What about you?" she asked, selecting a pencil to start her new sketch.

"Not much. Probably just helping my dad out at the shop and then I may go see a movie."

Olivia made a noncommittal sound and just nodded before diving into her art work.

We worked in silence for a few minutes before I gathered up the nerve to speak again.

At that moment, I was thrilled that our workstation was near the back of the gallery, not exactly in earshot of the other students or the art teacher for that matter.

"Olivia, there's something I've been meaning to ask you."

Distracted, she looked up.

"What's up?"

"Would you like to go to prom with me?"

After what seemed like hours, Olivia found her voice.

Though her next words made me wish she'd just remained mute.

"Sebastian, I'm sorry."

I cleared my throat and tried to pretend that the words didn't sting as much as they did.

"It's not you, trust me."

If I wasn't so crushed, I'd probably roll my eyes at her weak attempt to console me.

"This is just not a good time for me. I don't even know what's happening anymore. I wouldn't be good company anyway. But it was really sweet of you to ask."

Unable to speak, I just gazed at her and only nodded, letting her know that I understood.

Even if it was the furthest thing from the truth.

This is why I never put myself out there.

No matter how good my chances seemed, I just wasn't cut out for this shit.

A sad smile claimed her face before she went back to work as if she hadn't just crushed my teenage dreams.

Jolted back to the present by a hand on my shoulder, I allow myself to be escorted to the awaiting limo.

Olivia slides in before me and I follow close behind her.

This should be fun.



This is insane!

I'm sitting in the back of a limo with Sebastian Downs.

And he's a billionaire now?

Oh, my God.

Seated across from me, he is the picture of calm and collected while I freak out internally.

Does he recognize me?

Had he set up this whole thing when he saw my pathetic submission?

What the hell is going on?

The car accelerates, smoothly covering ground and I continue to stare at him in shock.

I don't remember him being this gorgeous in high school.

But he is panty-dropping fine these days.

Currently, he's looking down at his phone tapping away at the screen, so I take the opportunity to admire him in all his glory.

A strong square jaw accentuates the other beautiful features on his tanned face and the glasses he once wore are gone, giving me a clear view of his dazzling blue eyes.

His well-muscled body is a glorious testament to the hours he must spend in the gym every week. I can't help but appreciate the resulting powerful physique.

He's donned in a simple button up, slacks and loafers but I can just tell from looking at him that the getup probably cost more than two months of my pitiful salary.

And don't get me started on his cologne.

The scent is musky and masculine. Purely intoxicating and making it nearly impossible to focus on anything but him.

I'd expected to be a sweaty mess in front of the cameras, but what I hadn't expected was for the source of my frazzled nerves to be my old classmate.

"Are you just going to keep staring or are you going to speak, Olivia?" he asks darkly, catching me off guard.

A startled gasp escapes me before I can help myself. I still can't pull my eyes away from him though.

The muscle at the base of his jaw is ticking as he takes the opportunity to ogle me in return.

"H-Hi," I stammer shyly.

His eyes darken at the sound of my voice and his intense gaze takes its time roaming over my attire, pausing briefly on my legs and finally my pedicured feet.

"I can't believe it's you," he says pensively, meeting my eyes.

"I can't believe it's you, either," I return.

His large hand reaches up to massage his chin as he stares at me silently.

"Still perfect little Olivia, I see."

My hearts rattles against my chest at his assessment of me. I don't understand why I'm so thrown off by his words.

Sebastian continues peering at me from across the car. Suddenly, he tears his gaze away from me and turns to the mini bar.

"Would you like a drink?" he asks, gruffly.

"No, thanks," my voice is small but it's all I can manage at the moment.

He grunts and pours himself a whiskey straight. After the first sip, his huge shoulders visibly relax and he returns his gaze to me.

I make him tense?

For some strange reason, that thought is gratifying. My nerves have been on high alert since I came down those stairs so it's nice to know that I'm not the only one affected.

"What have you been doing with yourself these days, Olivia?"

Clearly the wrong things. There's one billionaire in this backseat and it sure as hell isn't me.

"Just working," I admit because it's the truth.

My life is as drab as it comes.

"What has it been? Ten years?" he asks with a frown before downing the rest of his drink.

"Yeah, something like that," I say nodding and wishing I had accepted his offer for a drink.

My mouth is suddenly dry now that his attention is focused solely on me.

"Are you still in Tennessee?" he wants to know.

"Yep, I never left."

"Wow." He seems stunned. "Well, I bet you're the best nurse in the state."

Again, my heart rattles at his words.

I can't believe he remembers my ramblings from art class. I'd practically talked his ear off three times a week while we worked on our assignments.

He's smiling at me and I know the same memories are whirling through his mind.

"Not quite," I say, a little ashamed. "I'm a home health aid worker for the elderly at the moment."

Sebastian is visibly taken aback by this revelation.

"Oh," is all he says.

"Things didn't exactly work out the way I planned," I offer as explanation. "But my job is very rewarding. I love what I do."

I don't know why I feel the need to explain myself. My career choice is none of his business. But the last time he saw me, I thought I had it all figured out.

My father's betrayal had destroyed everything.

Before Sebastian can say anything else, the car comes to a stop in front of the most breathtaking house I've ever seen.

The word house doesn't do the place just.

It's a palace. And I haven't even gone inside yet.

Sebastian studies my reaction with an unreadable expression before announcing, "We're here."

Inside, I can't stop gushing over the place.

Pride aside, I roam the halls of the mansion with a huge grin on my face. Sebastian can barely keep up with my eager pace.

"Oh, my God!" I exclaim as I reach what appears to be a solarium.

I know right away that I'll be spending my mornings here doing yoga for the next week.

The entire compound is simply gorgeous.

I really wish Winnie were here to see this. Pictures simply won't do it justice.

An open floor plan allows the rooms to flow easily from one to another and an abundance of windows let natural sunlight to flood the place.

The master suite floors me. Not only is the room huge, but there's a private living room attached, as well a study, walk-in closet and a full-out spa that Sebastian calls a bathroom.

I'm in heaven.

"I can't believe I get to live here for the next week," I say, trailing my finger along the fine marble of the sink.

Sebastian says nothing. He just leans against the door frame and watches my awestruck movements.

From the window near the tub I can see the backyard and my breath catches at the sight.

The beach is the backyard.

"Everything is so beautiful," I swoon, touching my touch as I observe the waves lapping against the white sand.

"Yeah …  it is," Sebastian agrees with a funny tone.

When I turn to look at him, I'm thrown off balance at the look of pure male appreciation in his light blue orbs.

Opening my mouth to fill the thick silence, I lose my chance when his phone rings.

Holding up one finger, he excuses himself and leaves the room.

"Sebastian Downs," his deep voice says as way of greeting. Left alone, I return to the sink and study my reflection in the mirror mounted above it.

My cheeks are flushed, my green eyes wide and chest heaving.

What the hell is happening to me?

"I have to go handle something," Sebastian says, his presence filling the doorway once again.

"Oh, okay."

Turning away from the mirror, I watch him slip his phone into his pocket.

"But I'll be back for our one-on-one dinner. Does seven work for you?"

"Of course," I agree easily.

I'm ready now!

"Great." His smile is charming as he turns on his heel. "I'll see you then. Get settled and let the staff know if you need anything."

His strides are measured and confident as I watch him retreat.

I suppress the urge to squeal and race over to my suitcase to find something to wear.



Alone, in my Jeep, I handle the curves of the road skillfully and head back to my hotel for an emergency video conference with our overseas partners in Japan.