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By:Lulu Pratt & Simone Sowood

"I better look as good as you when I get knocked up." Lily clinks my glass with hers. "Paxton keeps telling me he wants to staff his own law firm with offspring, but my genes aren't as pretty as yours. I'll look like the old lady in the shoe. Hell, I don't even look as good as you during sex."

"How do you know what she looks like during sex?" Eric asks, waggling his brows. He's trying to be funny, but Lily turns bright red. "Wait. Wait. Reverse this party train. You've seen what Kate looks like during sex?"

"Maybe." Lily looks away, a smile on her face.

"Maybe?" Eric looks at me.

"Hmm?" I play dumb. Eric places kisses along my neck and slides his hands down my back, hot and heavy. He does this every time he wants something. "Okay! Okay. You can't get mad. This was a long time ago."

"I'm all ears."

"I may have recorded the first time we slept together."


"And Lily may have seen it."

"It was really goddamn hot. Well done, Eric. I mean, she was way hotter than you. But, yeah. Well done."

"We have a sex tape and you never told me?" Eric gapes. "You little-"   


"Mother of your child?" Lily interrupts. "Why yes, yes she is."

"I was going to use it to fuck with David's head." I explain. "But it was just too good. I couldn't show him."

"You still have it?" Eric advances on me again. "I need to watch this."

"She used to watch it while she masturbated." Lily says loudly. "Oh, look, someone is calling me. Bye!"

"Lily!" I yell at her, but she's already disappeared into the chaos of moving bodies. Eric walks around and presses himself against my back. His very erect cock presses into my back. "Eric, there are people everywhere."

"Do you have any idea how sexy this is?" He breathes in my ear. Already, I can feel myself melting against him. "Knowing that you taped us? Watched us? Touched yourself while watching us? Knowing you made yourself come while watching me fuck you?"

"Eric, there are a million people here." I beg, even though all I want is for him to take me over the nearest table. The way his hands slide across my body, and the rumble of his voice in my ear, is enough to drive me crazy even without the surging pregnancy hormones.

"We are going to reenact that video later. Only this time, it'll be one hundred times better."

"I don't know." I can't help myself. "It was already really sexy. Can you beat a first time?"

"Baby girl." He purrs in my ear. "I have learned your body. I know how to make you sing with two finger strokes. It will be the best you've ever seen."

"I guess we'll have to wait and see."

"Fuck waiting." Eric's hand lingers just under the hem of my dress and he presses his lips to the back of my ear. "There's a private room upstairs. Let's go now. You in this dress is going to make me crazy."

"The party-"

"Can wait." He turns my head so he can kiss me, and a fire blooms through my veins and between my legs. "Come with me."

Come with me, he says. His naughty double meaning is all I need to push me out the door with him. He grasps my hand and we slide through the crowded halls, giggling like children. Every day with him has felt this light, this happy, this incredible. I have no doubt the orgasm he's about to give me will be that much better, though, surrounded by the Hollywood elite.

Eric stops me in front of a door and puts a finger to his lips. "I need you to close your eyes."

"Close my eyes?"

"Trust me." He whispers against my lips. I try for a kiss but he pulls away and holds his finger back up.

"Fine." I stick my tongue out at him and let him lead me into the room. Excitement bubbles through my veins. Turns out, I'm a bit of an exhibitionist. The mystery just heightens it.

We talk a few steps and then I lose his hand. I'm about to open my eyes, but he asked me to trust him, so I keep them shut and try to feel for him in the dark. All around me, something moves.

"Eric?" I say softly.

"Open your eyes."

What I see takes my breath away. The room is covered in candles and stargazers. Hannah, Lily and Paxton are in the background with their phones out. Okay, maybe a bit of an exhibitionist, but this is a bit much.

I turn around, confused, looking for Eric. He waits behind me, on one knee, holding out a solitaire ring.

I can't move. I can't breathe.

"Kate." Eric says softly and takes my hand. "Kate, my love. You make every day worth living. You are my sun, my moon and my stars. Marriage is something we shunned, but I've come to realize it's only terrible with the wrong person. Marriage with the right person, the person who stirs your soul and completes your being, is perfect. Marriage is not just Kate and Eric, it is also our son. Our family. I do not want one more day to pass without you in it."

A deep warmth spreads through me, a different fire from the one I felt downstairs. I don't cry and my breath slowly returns, but I still feel like I'm floating over my body, watching all this unfold. Like it's not real.

"Kate Monroe, the beautiful mother of my child, the fire in my soul, the sunrise and sunset of my day, the love of my life. Will you marry me?"

Never before have I seen him so impassioned, so in love with me. I can feel it pouring out of him like a waterfall. In his eyes, I can see our future together and nothing has ever felt so beautiful.

"Oh, Eric." I say softly. "There is nothing on this earth I want more than to be your wife."

His smile melts what little of me is left. He slides the ring on my finger and kisses me.

It's the kiss of forever.




The last notes of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star play out of a teddy bear before looping through for the fiftieth time. Never before in my life did I think I'd be so happy to hear those tinny notes. I rest my head against the recliner and close my eyes for just a moment.

Rest is rare, but in sweet moments like this, where little Beau is wrapped up in his favorite blanket and the house is silent save for the soft music, I don't mind. Instead, my heart feels like it will explode and grow at the same time, an emotion I still struggle to comprehend.

Becoming a mother is nothing like I expected and everything I ever wanted. Sweet kisses and adorable baby laughs, bright blue eyes and tufts of dark hair, his father's dimples and my nose. I could sit all day and just smell the top of his darling little head.

Watching Eric with our son is the most amazing part of all. The man who once terrified me became the biggest softie on the planet the day our son was born. As soon as they put him on my chest, I knew I'd fallen so deeply in love that I could never escape and I'd never want to.

Eric was more anxious, terrified he wouldn't know what to do with a baby. When the nurse carried Beau over, he was pale as a ghost and afraid to move for fear of dropping him. Two minutes later, everything about him melted into little Eric-sized puddles and he couldn't stop staring at the gorgeous little boy who had just been pushed from my body.

The gorgeous little boy who was made the night Eric told me I was a fever in his veins. The night I lost my heart to the man who I thought would end my whole world. In the midst of that fear and confusion, this perfect little boy came to life and changed our world in insurmountable ways.

I have never before been so grateful for sex. Now I thank the universe for it every day.

Beau yawns in my arms, his tiny mouth taking up his scrunchy little face, and snuggles into me. Tears prick at my eyes as I stroke his chubby cheeks and hum along with the only song that lulls him to sleep.

We rock like this for another four rounds of the song because I can't bear to put him down. I need a shower and clean clothes, a glass of wine, and at least seven naps. The dishes need to be done and bottles need to be sterilized, but I want to savor this moment for as long as possible.

Lily pops her head in the room and smiles. She uses a series of comically complicated hand motions to ask if he's asleep. I nod and smile back.

"Come on out." She whispers. "You need a break."

I steal one more gaze of my son before utilizing my newly developed ninja skills to get up and leave him still sleeping in his bassinet. It doesn't always work, but he doesn't move after I move him. I drink in one last glimpse and gently shut the door behind him.

"I did the dishes." Lily tells me and hands me a glass of water. "All the bottles are in the sterilizer and the living room is tidied."

"I love you so much I could cry." I say, genuinely touched. "You didn't have to do any of that."

"That's why Aunt Lily is here, crazy lady. I'm here to help however I can with my perfect nephew. Just, you know, not the diapers. Even Aunt Lily has limits."

"I can't say I blame you." I grin. "Baby poop is terrifying. No one tells you this, but it's truly terrifying."

"Well, now you can go take a bath and a nap and forget little Beau's disgusting butt action. Go relax! If he gets up, I'll handle him. You've been going for days with Eric out of town, and you need to put your feet up."

"I guess you're right." I do feel completely worn down. Eric tried to postpone his trip to New York, but some sort of emergency popped up and no one else was there to pick up the pieces. "I can't thank you enough for coming over with him gone."